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Alpha 0.1.20 Notes and Ideas

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11 years ago
Feb 5, 2014, 6:57:56 PM
Hello there, I just finished a few playthroughs with the new Alpha release and I took a few notes about it.

So far the game feels a lot more fluid, Enemies and Heroes move in the dungeon with much ease than before. Though I did have a few problems in which sometimes when Hero tried to go from room into the other, but they would stop at the doorway with their running animation still playing. The Hero was still able to take damage, but it wasn't able to deal damage. Other than that, the game was still easier to handle than before.

A few notes that I'd like to be added would be more sounds. So far, the game can be really quiet. I would like to hear more sounds, such as foot steps, water rushing through some of the pipes, small creatures running around (Like rodents or bugs), some creatures screeching on other rooms, and many more, just to add more of an ambient feeling to the Dungeon.

Another thing I noticed was that when a Hero is discovered in a room, that Hero is visible even if the room is not powered. But that same ideal doesn't work with Shop Keepers. Also, a Shop Keeper should be technically able to defend himself, they sell weapons and gear, they have every mean of defense. Also, this would mean a Hero can attack a Shop Keeper for their supplies, but since a Shop Keeper can defend himself, that means that there is a toll to pay.

One more idea is that the events in rooms aren't really, well, interesting. I do hope that a new Update can come with more events. Right now the one Event that I have encountered the most was a Shop Keeper, I even got a chance to see 3 Shop Keepers in the same Dungeon, not sure if I was lucky, or just annoyed of the repetition.

I will try and comment some more later in case I find some more bugs and glitches among other ideas.
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11 years ago
Feb 6, 2014, 7:29:37 AM
I can confirm the first issue; every so often my heroes get "stuck" between rooms, but thankfully never in the heat of battle (I usually designate one hero primary, typically the fastest/dumbest, and leave the others behind at a choke point to defend). Combat does seem more fluid, though I've noticed the flying beetle mobs sometimes get glitchy animations that make it look like there's more than one. Maybe they are designed that way, but thought I should note it.

I'd like to second the ambient noises in some rooms. Water running, rodents possibly, and maybe footsteps (please, though, not all the time).

I would also like to see merchants able to at least attack mobs, if only being minimally effective without added protection. I do not support killing merchants, however; too much reward for too little risk, without overpowering the merchant.

So far for me the events have been fairly balance, however with the new update (0.1.20) I did spawn two merchants on the same level, as well as two levels in a row with no additional hero (!).

As suggested in my other thread, I'd like to see implementation of stats/skills layout on non-player mobs when they are left-clicked.
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11 years ago
Feb 7, 2014, 7:13:22 PM
leracos wrote:
As suggested in my other thread, I'd like to see implementation of stats/skills layout on non-player mobs when they are left-clicked.

Oh, I actually like this idea, being able to see the how strong a character is. This would be extremely useful in the case of finding a new Hero, right-clicking on it, and then being able to see his/her stats before recruiting said Hero. This could also work with Merchants, and other new NPCs (Which I hope that the community will get to have a vote on).

Another thing I was thinking about was the ability to allow for the community to create Mods for the game, would that be possible?
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11 years ago
Feb 9, 2014, 9:42:01 AM
Thanks for the support on my idea! I know that the in-game encyclopedia is going to later have all the mob info in it, but in the heat of the moment would be nice to be able to see which mobs are capable of what.

DaveyAlcala@live.com wrote:
Another thing I was thinking about was the ability to allow for the community to create Mods for the game, would that be possible?

Workshop support, specifically, you mean? I believe they said they were going to shoot for that, though probably after the game goes gold. smiley: biggrin
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11 years ago
Feb 9, 2014, 4:30:26 PM
Hmm, if that will be the case, the game will have so much more potential, I hope it comes to be a reality. One thing I personally do want to do for the game is have to ability to create my own personalized character, since I am a pixel artist I can provide the same art style, I would just need the right tools for it. Hopefully once the game goes gold we can all get our chance to play with a bigger game.
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