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[G2G] Items - Creation Competition

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11 years ago
Feb 6, 2014, 12:05:58 AM
melkathi wrote:
Wow! People are having some great ideas. I don't envy Ampitude having to make a choice at the end.

yup, some really nice ideas here !
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11 years ago
Feb 6, 2014, 12:44:56 AM

Red Pill

They say it will strengthen your grasp on reality - painfully so. Unless it is a placebo.

Wit +3

Max Health -30

Image: a red pill

Blue Pill

Ignorance is bliss, and this pill will cause your synapses to fry.

Wit -3

Health Regen +2

Image: a green pill (the person using it has lost their grasp with reality and wont know the difference)

Weapon: Spear:

Which Broom?

Prisoners who used this to sweep the deck, would do so so fast, it was almost as if they were flying.

Attack Range +0.5

Speed +3

Attack Power +4

Image: a broom at a flying angle


Kiss the Cook

For some reason the cook stopped wearing this apron when he was transfered to a prison ship

Defense +2

Image: an apron
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11 years ago
Feb 6, 2014, 12:59:22 AM
Weapon: The Drunk

Type: Sword

Description: This Bottle Has gotten you through many a bar fights, though why you carry a broken bottle is unknown...

Visual: A broken bottle.

Stats: -1 speed -3 wit +3 defense
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11 years ago
Feb 6, 2014, 2:17:20 AM

Endless Storage™ is a portable energy storage device, often used by nerds to power their portable JoyAI™.


Visual: Button cell maybe? (this flat battery type)

Stats: DPS +2


Often considered vermin by prisons' regulations, Educational Lizards offer tactical advice to anyone who saves them from the janitors.


Visual: A cute gecko sitting in a backpack

Stats: DPS +2


Defender of the Elders is a toy version of a powerful sword from a popular video game.


Visual: An obviously fake sword

Stats: DPS +2

Dead adventurer

Well, it's better then fighting with your fists...


Visual: A dead adventurer

Stats: DPS +1, Wit -1, Movement Speed -1


Some jellyfish can live forever. These certainly can't.


Visual: A bunch of jellies hugging each other

Stats: DPS -1, Move Speed -1, Health Regeneration +3


A rapid-fire banana peel launcher. Highly effective against monsters that are attracted to banana peels.

Machine Gun

Visual: Kinda like a tennis ball launcher filled with banana peels

Stats: Defense +2

Learn Reading in a Weekend

A large book, usually mistaken for toilet paper by prisoners.


Visual: A boring-looking book

Stats: Wit +3, Max Health +1

Illusionary queue

Often used for torture


Visual: An illusion of a very long queue

Stats: Movement Speed +3, Wit -3
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11 years ago
Feb 6, 2014, 2:28:57 AM
  • Name: Giant's Boot
  • Type: device
  • Description: Formerly used by the famous leprechaun thief 'Giant'. It probably won't fit you, but it is fabulous.
  • Visual: a tiny ~rainbow~ boot
  • Stats:

    • Move speed: +2


  • Name: Titanium Mind Helmet
  • Type: device
  • Description: Created to expand the mind of the user. Unfortunately the only ones who could bear use it didn't had much mind to expand.
  • Visual: a big, daft punk-like, metalic helmet.
  • Stats:

    • Move speed: -3
    • Defence: +1
    • Wit: +3


  • Name: Anime-like Sword
  • Type: weapon - Sword
  • Description: A full scale replica of an enormous sword used by characters with spiked hair. Who would own a sword that big and that ridiculous?
  • Visual: a big and broad sword
  • Stats:

    • Move speed: -2
    • DPS: +2


  • Name: Tickle Nanobots
  • Type: device
  • Description: They will tickle and disturb you a lot, but as a side-effect they also maintain a clean and soft skin for you.
  • Visual: a swarm-like black thing
  • Stats:

    • Health Regen: +2
    • Wit: -2


  • Name: NV Contact Lens
  • Type: device
  • Description: Perfect for those with fear of the dark and those who like to see the green color. A lot.
  • Visual: two little green-filled rounds
  • Stats:

    • Wit +1


  • Name: Flatulencer 2000
  • Type: device
  • Description: Got the gas? Get rid of it and store for further use!
  • Visual: an "underwear-belt" and cylinder
  • Stats:

    • Health Regen: +1
    • Max Health: +1


  • Name: Mad Clown Pistol
  • Type: weapon - Pistol
  • Description: Despite the silly looks, a real "BANG!" comes out of this.
  • Visual: a silly white pistol
  • Stats:

    • DPS: +2

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11 years ago
Feb 6, 2014, 3:01:49 AM

Giant Sweet Roll




The roll is there, somewhere under the magic space crystals that make you hyper.


Giant alien roll with icing everywhere. Magic space crystals on top that glitter.


DPS: +3

Move speed: +3

Wit: -3

Defense: +3


Paint-Master x1000


Weapon-Machine Gun


A heavy duty industrial painting device for continuous paint application.


Looks like a big paintball gun crossed with a gating gun.


DPS: +3


Excellent Wood Barrel




A wood barrel. Looks to be in excellent shape.


Exquisite wood barrel with steel and gold trim.


Defense: +3

Move Speed: -3
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11 years ago
Feb 6, 2014, 8:14:00 AM
  • Name: A hime cut cig
  • Type: Device
  • Description: Wearing this in a dark dungeon can have you easily mistaken for an anime cosplayer.
  • Visual:
  • Stats: Speed +1


  • Name: A regal piercing
  • Type: Device
  • Description: A ring-style piercing that extends along the underside of certain glans.
  • Visual:
  • Stats: Defense -3


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11 years ago
Feb 6, 2014, 8:50:21 AM
There are too many good ideas. I think we should make the community vote on them!
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11 years ago
Feb 6, 2014, 10:16:21 AM
  • Name: Tin foil hat
  • Type: Device
  • Description: Think free of whatever you want. They will never know.
  • Visual: Silver Tin foil hat smiley: biggrin
  • Stats:

    • Wit +3
    • Defence +1

  • Name: Prisoners Spoon
  • Type: Device
  • Description: Prisoners used this to dig out of their prison. A bad habbit if you are in a prison ship in the middle of empty space. Can be used to get maggots out of the walls.
  • Visual: A bent spoon with a bit green stuff on it
  • Stats:

    • Speed +1 (you need to be quick for those maggots)
    • HP Regen +3 (tasty tasty maggots )

  • Name: Ancient talking parrot
  • Type: Device
  • Description: Knows everything. But doesnt talk about it much. Trades informations for crackers.
  • Visual: A parrot
  • Stats:

    • Wit +3
    • (consumes 1 food per round)

I dont know if the food consume of the parrot is possible so i put it into braces.

  • Name: Ancient cracker
  • Type: Device
  • Description: Dont event think about to feed the parrot or someone else with this. It smells horrobly but that keeps the creeps away.
  • Visual: A grey cracker
  • Stats:

    • Defence +1

  • Name: Long range teleportation Belt
  • Type: Amor
  • Description: Designed to teleport you through the galaxy. Because someone broke of the powerswitch (no names here) the range of the belt is slightly reduced.
  • Visual: Silver high tech translucent Belt
  • Stats:

    • Defence +3 (Dodge because of shortrange teleportationsmiley: smile )
    • Speed +3

  • Name: Frozen lizard
  • Type: Weapon


  • Description: A frozen lizard that is hopefull dead. It has deadly, razorsharp, poisonous teeth, perfect to kill things. To bad it froze with its mouth closed.
  • Visual: A blue(frozen) drawn-out lizard
  • Stats:

    • DPS +2
    • Range +2

  • Name: Heavy Staple gun
  • Type: Weapon


  • Description: Shoots little metal cramps to distract enemys so you can hit them with the handle
  • Visual: Stapler gun
  • Stats:

    • DPS +2
    • Range -3

  • Name: Endless Spear
  • Type: Weapon


  • Description: Its a metallpipe with wormholes on both ends which are connected to each other. So technically its an endless metal pipe.
  • Visual: Metallpipe with glowing ends.
  • Stats:

    • DPS +1
    • Range +2

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11 years ago
Feb 6, 2014, 12:20:06 PM
Slowhands wrote:
There are too many good ideas. I think we should make the community vote on them!

That's what you get for not limiting the number of items per account! :P

Thanks for that btw <3
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11 years ago
Feb 6, 2014, 6:48:06 PM
Name: T.I.S. Mark I

Type: armour

Description: Total Immersion Suit first edition. The trinket chest helps rapid immersion in cybernetics neural systems. But decreases the initiative in combat.

Visual: a trinket hacker cosplay suit


Defence: -2

Move speed: -1

Offense -1

Wit +7
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