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Poll : Was it hard to finish the Alpha ?

Too easy, in less than 3 attempts
Easy, but took a little time (3-7 attempts)
Hey, that was some tough times (>7 attempts)
Finishing ? This Alpha has an end ???
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11 years ago
Jan 14, 2014, 7:44:29 PM
I've attempted to play through I'd say about 7 times already, I've been playing very casually when I have the spare time since I picked it up, have yet to beat it though.
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11 years ago
Jan 14, 2014, 4:30:00 AM
It took me a few tries, bad module placement and frequent rage quitting stopped me a couple of times, but the learning curve isn't too steep smiley: biggrin
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11 years ago
Jan 13, 2014, 10:55:31 PM
If memory serves, my first few games went something like this:

1. Opened first door, slapped down an industry generator, then lost rather horribly when the next door had a bunch of those guys that go straight for your power crystal. My starting heroes didn't have the firepower to kill them quickly enough, and I didn't notice them until they were already in the ship wailing away on the crystal because of the other guys who had been behind the door.

2. Lost my melee hero in the first encounter because I thought that she'd be sturdier. She really, really wasn't. The other guy wasn't nearly beefy enough to hold back the monsters behind the next door or strong enough to kill the guys going for my power core.

3. Made it to the second level, then lost for reasons that aren't interesting enough to relay here. The game, however, was getting fun now, so I had no problem with that.

4. My heroes were well-armed, level-five badasses, and I had been lucky enough with blueprints that monsters couldn't even get within two rooms of my power crystal. This is the first game that I actually managed to win.

Then I was kinda disappointed because the game ended after level three, but I've played plenty more since then. Eagerly looking forward to more from this game.
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11 years ago
Jan 13, 2014, 7:16:26 PM
Well it was 3-7 tries or something like that. At first the game was pretty harsh and I had a hard time with it but I think it's all about getting to know it a bit better, see how things work. Then it was ok. Even now from time to time I have problems on levels 2 and 3. Sometimes a bugger just sneaks past the defenses and goes straight for the crystal.

But I think that's random-based rogue likes for you. You either get a start with which you can manage just fine or you just get screwed over by a room full of monsters next to your crystal on level 3. And that's how it's supposed to be actually.
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11 years ago
Jan 13, 2014, 12:50:01 PM
I voted 3-7, but I quit the game in anger whenever someone died smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Jan 13, 2014, 11:46:48 AM
It was pretty hard for the first run, it still is hard depending on merchant configuration, ennemies (if you do not have many that gives dust), and most of all crystal room doors (if the first one you open does not reach the exit, and there are 3 others (with not enough dust to power everything) then the crystal can get really damaged).

It can also be pretty easy if you get the right plans, weapon on merchants and close exit to levels.
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