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Version 0.2.0 Review

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11 years ago
Feb 19, 2014, 7:41:18 PM
So I have been playing the newest version of DoTE and I have to say that I adore it, it is much more balanced than it used to be, and that is just impressive when you put into account the addition of Science and the Endless Artifacts.

So far the game seems to have the difficulty at an appropriate measure, it is not too hard, but not too easy to call a walk in the park. So, what is the downside to this new additions? Well I came across a few bugs, and small issues that could be implemented to make the game more enjoyable.


*One of the small problems that I found during all of my breakthroughs was that the production of Generators glitched a lot. I had OpBot operating a Food Generator giving me 12 Food per Door, after a wave however, OpBot would go back to operating the Generator, and only supply me with 8 Food. To fix this, I have OpBot walk out of the room, and then walk back in, allowing for him to produce 12 Food once more. Now this isn't a bug that can break the game, but it can be bothersome.

*In a few occasions, I had 4 turrets attacking one enemy, the enemy's health was then depleted, but it kept walking towards the next room, once it passed the door way, the enemy exploded. Now again, this wasn't a big problem, but this never happened to me in the older builds of the game.


*I noticed the this build has a new notification system for items, module/generator upgrades, and finding the last Dungeon Door. This is great, but I feel like this could be used for many more game factors, such as waves (Example: "4 Hostile Waves are coming" or "Waves have been cleared") or they could be used for notifying the room events (Example: "You have found a Merchant").

*One thing I noticed with this new version is that I am multi-tasking a lot, which isn't bad, the Pause feature allows me to do this easily. But it can get a bit overwhelming at times, so with that said, I have lots countless of good Heroes to the Hostiles, because I never noticed their health being low. Maybe a new notification system could be integrated to let the player know that a Hero is at 25% health, this would allow the player to manage 4 Heroes with more ease.

*One thing I noticed is that I never found any Blueprints, I am assuming this is because the Endless Artifacts allows you to get new Modules, but, well I liked the Blueprints, it was kinda of a good feeling finding a new Blueprint after opening dozens of doors. Now, I am not sure if Blueprints are gone from the game, but if they are, please bring them back.
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11 years ago
Feb 19, 2014, 11:48:22 PM
I have to agree, the game does feel more balanced.

However, they always said that science will replace finding random blueprints.
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11 years ago
Feb 20, 2014, 1:07:10 AM
That's a shame, I mean, personally, I kinda liked it.

It gave rooms more events, I mean, now all we have are Hostile rooms, Merchant rooms, Hero rooms, Food/Industry rooms, and Endless Artifact rooms.

Well, when you put em on paper yeah, there seems like a lot, but when you play the game, eh..they are lacking.
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11 years ago
Feb 20, 2014, 9:00:13 AM
Oh man. I like this patch.

My first thought was: How hard can it be to manage one additional resource. Well, way more difficult. This patch adds a lot of things that make the game harder. First: The research. You need to gather research point to research new modules or upgrade existing ones. So you need to build the new major module to generate more research points. To build that you need Industry. But all modules produce less at level one then before. Means you need more rooms with major module slots then before. That means you need more dust to power more rooms. You also need to defend more places because the base gets bigger. And by the way, you also need to defend the research crystal for a few rounds.

And this is only one point of the current patch.

Second: Mobs are stronger. And they are moving in groups now :/.

Third: You need more food to level up you heros O_o

Fourth: You get less food(and industry) till you research better modules(see first point). x_O

But as i said: I LIKE IT smiley: biggrin

I did two playtroughs yesterday and both where hard but manageable (see here Link to lets brag/showoff thread). If you want the whole playtrough look here. I never struggled that much before. But it was fun and addicting.

I found a few bugs, but no gamebreakers so far. Only visuals.

Keep up the good work. And please, make the Herodog happen! smiley: biggrin
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11 years ago
Feb 20, 2014, 9:13:57 AM
@Davey: Artefact events actually replace the Blueprint event so you don't technically have less events smiley: wink

But yes, we will work on adding more in the future.

I agree, we should add a feedback on dying hero. Thanks for the feedback smiley: smile
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