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Expert Tips if you are having trouble

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11 years ago
Mar 10, 2014, 1:58:57 AM
Chthon wrote:
I can do 1 better. If B doesn't have a LAN or HUD module inside, that major isn't needed during a defense either, so power it down and put defenses in H as well. You get the bonuses from Industry/Food/Science modules the moment the door is touched after all, after that they're just wasted space for the rest of the wave.

Yes, very true.

Dead ends are very malleable.... it's all to easy to fall into the trap of thinking everything important should be turned on all the time. The _only_ time unpowered rooms are dangerous is /!\. All other times, they just sit there.
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11 years ago
Mar 13, 2014, 5:45:16 PM
Chthon wrote:
If you are doing it close to the end of the level, then there really isn't a point and you're wasting industry to do so you know. When you get up to 25 industry to place a maker, even the level 4 ones take over 4 doors to earn their keep. Level 1 would take over 8 turns. (2 takes 6t 3 takes 5t)

I feel kinda offended by you placing that tip below a quote of mine! smiley: zipper
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11 years ago
Mar 12, 2014, 10:57:24 AM
Upgrade just certain modules that you plan to use later on. Don't invest in every different turret or module just to get them to lvl 1 and never use them later. But I guess that is an obvious thing to do smiley: roll
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11 years ago
Mar 11, 2014, 10:57:03 AM
Ail wrote:
I always bulldoze the Science-thingies when I'm out of science-points to put them to further use.

Same goes for too early Cryo-Cores or Dust-Factories.

If you are doing it close to the end of the level, then there really isn't a point and you're wasting industry to do so you know. When you get up to 25 industry to place a maker, even the level 4 ones take over 4 doors to earn their keep. Level 1 would take over 8 turns. (2 takes 6t 3 takes 5t)
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11 years ago
Mar 11, 2014, 8:24:22 AM
I always bulldoze the Science-thingies when I'm out of science-points to put them to further use.

Same goes for too early Cryo-Cores or Dust-Factories.
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11 years ago
Mar 11, 2014, 5:21:29 AM
havocwon wrote:
wow, thanks. These tips are great.

So how do you go about destroying an endless artifact besides letting monsters kill it after you've spent science on it?

My guess is the bulldozer icon. However with my luck and skipping 1-2 floors without an artifact, having 2 right next to each other is a blessing at times as I can research twice as fast smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Mar 11, 2014, 3:10:39 AM
Baarfind wrote:
You can also destroy a Endless artefact to put a major module. But at the time of this picture I used them.

wow, thanks. These tips are great.

So how do you go about destroying an endless artifact besides letting monsters kill it after you've spent science on it?
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11 years ago
Mar 10, 2014, 5:34:57 PM
An other thing you can use to maximize your skills is the merchant. When you find the exit and run for it, you don't really need every rooms to be powered. Leave a hero near a merchant and when your runner reaches last room, just buy everything (don't forget to hit Space). That way, you'll get "free" stuff. Don't forget to equip it either, else it will disappear when you start next level smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Mar 10, 2014, 4:39:21 AM
Smauler wrote:
Yes, very true.

Dead ends are very malleable.... it's all to easy to fall into the trap of thinking everything important should be turned on all the time. The _only_ time unpowered rooms are dangerous is /!\. All other times, they just sit there.

Heh, if I have Opbot, or some other high wit low damage operator, I have them pulling double duty. Operating one machine when the door opens, then running to the next room to man the HUD or LAN depending on which is more appropriate smiley: wink
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11 years ago
Mar 6, 2014, 6:09:22 PM
With the latest and greatest updates, the game gets more and more tedious. And this is a great thing, but I know it is really challenging for many gamers so I wanted to compile a list of ideas to help out our fellow troubled gamers. If you have any other suggestions and tips they would be greatly appreciated.

Three tips that I have found to be really useful are:

1) Make use of the Shaving Cream and Hipster scarf item's "enemy aggro" trait by swapping the item between heroes in a room such that you avoid the death of your heros while killing all the enemies. You can even use this in a room with modules that are badly damaged or with an Endless Ruin to prevent it from being destroyed. Highly recommended that you equip this on your highest defense hero. It works great and is a lifesaver in these situations!

2) Try to operate with all your high wit players every turn/ 'door open' in order to maximize resource gains. I usually open the door and pause right after I get the resource benefits and then run my operating heroes to a dark room or choke point in order to prevent enemy spawns or to handle enemies more quickly. You could also consider unpowering rooms that heroes operated in so that you can power other rooms while keeping the operating heroes in those rooms until the wave spawns have completed (but this may not always be possible). This does require much more patience, time, and pausing but it will save your life in the long run so it is well worth it.

3) Maximize the wit bonus of characters with items if you can. But also it is important to consider that putting characters on modules of the same type may not give as much of a bonus as putting them on modules of different types. This is because the resource gain bonus stacks so that you get +1 resource for ever +4 wit; therefore, 1 wit may be the difference between an extra resource. It may be better to mix up the resource types that heroes are assigned to operate on. Every resource counts and I strive to maximize my gains.

I use pause very often, probably 3-5 times for each turn/ door open and that play style has been very useful and effective for me. I have completed the game 3 times now on the newer version and higher difficulty level and hope to get more successful runs.

Good luck and looking forward to more expert strategies and ideas!!
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11 years ago
Mar 10, 2014, 1:42:22 AM
Smauler wrote:
One thing I do is depower my front line defence rooms, when short on power. As soon as you see the /!\ wave icons, pause. Unpower your rear, vulnerable rooms, and power up the front line.

Also, you can power up useless rooms temporarily this way, to prevent spawning where you don't want it. I'll try to give an example :

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H -------

Imagine your rooms are in a line. Room C is where the crystal is. Room B has a major module point (with a major module in). Room A has a couple of minor modules, and is a dead end, which you have explored.

Put your defences in DEFGH, wherever you want, exactly as you like, and depower the outmost room of those. Power up A, and open a door. Wait for the /!\ icons to show, and pause. Depower A, and power the room you wanted powered.

You don't have to sacrifice defence of D,E,F,G, etc to keep the module at B safe. You need no defences at all at B, and you can effectively extend another room.

This is a simple example... my last game I had 3 rooms in one level I regularly powered/depowered on /!\.

You obviously can use heroes to do the same job (prevent vulnerable spawning), but I like my heroes to be operating. You will get waves actually spawning in your outmost defences when you do this, but the outmost defences are there to hit the waves, so that's kind of the point.

I can do 1 better. If B doesn't have a LAN or HUD module inside, that major isn't needed during a defense either, so power it down and put defenses in H as well. You get the bonuses from Industry/Food/Science modules the moment the door is touched after all, after that they're just wasted space for the rest of the wave.
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11 years ago
Mar 10, 2014, 1:26:18 AM
One thing I do is depower my front line defence rooms, when short on power. As soon as you see the /!\ wave icons, pause. Unpower your rear, vulnerable rooms, and power up the front line.

Also, you can power up useless rooms temporarily this way, to prevent spawning where you don't want it. I'll try to give an example :

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H -------

Imagine your rooms are in a line. Room C is where the crystal is. Room B has a major module point (with a major module in). Room A has a couple of minor modules, and is a dead end, which you have explored.

Put your defences in DEFGH, wherever you want, exactly as you like, and depower the outmost room of those. Power up A, and open a door. Wait for the /!\ icons to show, and pause. Depower A, and power the room you wanted powered.

You don't have to sacrifice defence of D,E,F,G, etc to keep the module at B safe. You need no defences at all at B, and you can effectively extend another room.

This is a simple example... my last game I had 3 rooms in one level I regularly powered/depowered on /!\.

You obviously can use heroes to do the same job (prevent vulnerable spawning), but I like my heroes to be operating. You will get waves actually spawning in your outmost defences when you do this, but the outmost defences are there to hit the waves, so that's kind of the point.
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11 years ago
Mar 8, 2014, 7:28:57 PM
ADN, oh so regen crystals stack? I thought buff modules did not stack. That is very good to know smiley: smile

Edit: Some tips I figured out on my own. Things that aren't very well explained in the game.

1: LAN modules greatly reduce damage for all your Major and Minor modules in ALL rooms on the level. This is very much worth it over another industry module as it can save you replacement cost hundreds of times over.

2: HUD modules increase damage of ALL Heroes EVERYWHERE. They take a major slot, but are far superior to suppressive fire minor modules.

3: The former modules can be greatly boosted by someone with the operator skill. This can be done during the waves, so you can have them on a food replicator when the door opens, then move them to a LAN module to give your turrets greater defense, or HUD module to greatly improve the damage of all your other Heroes. This can turn a low damage character with a high wit into a high damage asset during waves. Even just 11 Wit can improve the HUD mk I damage boost from 18% to 40%, even more if you have a higher version of the HUD.
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11 years ago
Mar 8, 2014, 6:15:21 PM
1- The one turn research: when you have discovered 2 connected rooms but if there is still one closed room between them, do not open this door right now and wait for the last turn. You can indeed learn a research in a single turn if at the end, you launch a new science research, then open this last door (=you save 2 turns).

2- The Escape lightway: when you prepare your escape line to the exit, since you won't care of doing any damage, build on this line some minor modules that will increase your defense and reduce the monsters' speed.

3- Relay & Regen: if you have discovered a good choke point (with 2 or 3 closed doors) and if you can build a good defense room (claymore, tesla, defense buffer), you can build in the room before full slots of regeneration crystals. Indeed, when jumping in action, you can move your low-healed character to this room for a few moments, between 2 waves, then send it back to the front -- in relay with an other character.

& don't forget your space bar !
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11 years ago
Mar 7, 2014, 4:25:30 PM
Because my previous visuals were ugly! Because I like to make photo collage! smiley: stickouttongue

And because I want to show we can mix 2 strategies.

The rooms in green have the power up.

The rooms in red have the power down, because I don't have enough smiley: dust. So to prevent the enemy spawns, there is 1 hero in each room.

The room in blue has the power down. There are defense modules. My hero Gork stay to prevent E spawn. The other one is here from the previous attack, he is the open-door-hero: Hikensha.

So.. Hikensha open a door. I don't waste my time & give him the order to come back in the previous room.

If Enemy spawns (wait for it). I use my space bar = pause. I give the order for all my heros to go in the blue room. I turn off the power in the white room & I turn on the power in the blue room. I use my space & wait the bad guys.

You can place defense in the room on the top of the blue one. You just have to turn off the power in another room like the white one (after the enemy spawns of course!). But with the zombies arround, it's maybe not a good idea.

Why I did this? To save smiley: industry! I don't have to put defense everywhere. Enemies come from only 1 side.

When I won enough smiley: dust to power a room. I used it for 1 of the red room. Like this I can use 1 of my hero for the module smiley: industry or smiley: food.

You can also destroy a Endless artefact to put a major module. But at the time of this picture I used them.

The defense that we can see in the Endless artefact room, next the white room, is from the begenning. This is my first branch discovered.

It was on the level 4, easy mode.

Hope this will help. Good luck, have fun, & don't forget your space bar! smiley: biggrin
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11 years ago
Mar 6, 2014, 10:04:57 PM
Thanks Baarfind, that is a great visual and some very useful tips. And Ail, you are right that it is for every 4 wit. I fixed my previous tip, thanks for the suggestion.
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11 years ago
Mar 6, 2014, 9:22:05 PM
Valiot wrote:

This is because the resource gain bonus stacks so that you get +1 resource for ever +2 wit;

That's not true.

You get +1 Ressource from being able to operate and then +1 Ressource every 4 WIT.

So for example:

0-3 WIT: 1 smiley: fids

4-7 WIT: 2 smiley: fids

8-11 WIT: 3 smiley: fids

and so on.

So if you have a +5 WIT item and you have each a hero with 2, 3 and 4 WIT, you should give it to the one with 3 WIT because he benefits from it the most since he breaks 2 barriers for the next higher income.
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11 years ago
Mar 6, 2014, 7:10:20 PM
Great idea! Great tips!

1) Because it's not yet in the tutorial (edit):

[A] (azerty keyboard) / [Q] (qwerty keyboard) = select all your heroes. Very convenient to move them in one click.

2) The tip that I use the more often (just like tip's Valiot n°2, "You could also consider unpowering rooms that heroes operated in so that you can power other rooms while keeping the operating heroes in those rooms until the wave spawns have completed"): I switch between 2 rooms (one useless ; one with defense), if I can't/don't want use a hero.

Before opening a door:

Edit: there is no room on the left of the ... left room. I do this to prevent the enemy spawn in this particular room.

After opening the door & the enemy spawns:

3) Sometimes but rarely if a hero use a item to maximize the wit module smiley: fids, I switch with another one which miximize his/her attack/defense. Of course you have to carry a lot of different item, sometimes that happens.

Edit: Think before the exit to choose the item you want to keep, items in inventory are deleted.

I'm not concedering myself as a expert, this 2 tips just help me to finish 15 mins ago the game 0.3.5. in easy. First try, first win with this version! My neighbors can confirm my pride! lol Thx amplitude! & don't forget your space bar!
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