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Monsters spawning in rooms before I discover them ?

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10 years ago
Apr 25, 2014, 2:19:38 PM
Hey guys first post in the forum. I am sure this has been mentioned in the forums before and I am sorry if this is a duplicate. I just wanted to post a possible bug or not that is what I am curious about. I noticed sometimes when I enter a level I see an indicator that monsters have spawned. I also noticed that when I grab the crystal at the end of a level sometimes mobs spawn in rooms I never opened the door too.

Is this supposed to happen ?

Also I noticed sometimes when I kill mobs in a room I get a quick flash of a mob, almost a ghost but it quickly disappears.

I love the game, great mix of genre and well done. Most games that try to mix genre fall short of being fun or interesting. DOE is a good balance, and should become it's own style of genre.

Thanks a bunch to the developers and can't wait to see what they have in store for us in the future.
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10 years ago
Apr 25, 2014, 2:54:15 PM
The first sounds like the monster waves. Waves of monsters may spawn each time you oen a door. Those monsters will then appear from various unlit, empty rooms you have discovered. When you move the crystal, waves will start spawning as well.

For rooms to not spawn monsters during a wave they have to either be lit or have a hero present - monster waves only spawn where you can't see them.
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10 years ago
Apr 25, 2014, 3:54:38 PM
I think he speaks about the warning of waves when you begin a new floor. After the loading, the game shows the room with the crystal, and immediately give you a warning message of waves spawning. I suppose they are waves from the previous floor. It's indeed a (little) bug, I think.

The second one, I don't know, I never look where the waves spawns when I flee the floor. I'm focus on the crystal bearer. : )

Also I noticed sometimes when I kill mobs in a room I get a quick flash of a mob, almost a ghost but it quickly disappears.

No idea what you're talking about. ^^'
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10 years ago
Apr 26, 2014, 4:20:26 AM
VinylRabbit wrote:
I noticed sometimes when I enter a level I see an indicator that monsters have spawned.
Is this when you first enter a new floor, or when you open a door?

I also noticed that when I grab the crystal at the end of a level sometimes mobs spawn in rooms I never opened the door too. Is this supposed to happen ?
This is curious. If you never opened the door, you shouldn't even be able to see a room there. It's entirely possible that the game simply does random spawns, but doesn't check pathing for the mobs to see if there are blocked by closed doors.
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