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Finally beat level 9(only too easy) my thoughts

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10 years ago
May 17, 2014, 9:26:09 AM
1. aftershave is way too powerful. I can stack attack dmg and no health on one of my characters and they will wipe out at least 20 enemies with no threat.

2. The leveling is about right. I managed to level all 4 to 8 by floor 8 I'm sure this will be harder at upper levels. Had about 60 extra food.

3. What are those giant things on floor 6-8? I went and fought one got 1 dust. Do they advance a room per turn because they spawn quite far away. With all 4 members they were easy to take down.

4.Not sure yet if characters are balanced. Finally got to see four of them fully leveled but there are many more ahead. I think blue speed lady is op right now, but who knows.

Some support items seem to have no place. Perhaps make them more niche.
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10 years ago
May 17, 2014, 9:36:47 AM
3. Those are Keepers. A new enemy that does not move but becomes more powerful the longer you wait to fight it. On "too easy" it is too easy though and needs tweaking. As it is, it is far better to ignore it, wipe out all other enemies and then go in and kill it off, even if it has advanced to level 4.

4. Sara Numas is very powerfull on "too easy" without the danger of her dying. The sentiment of a lot of players seems to be that on "easy" difficulty, she is very squishy and takes a considerable effort to keep alive.
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