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Character Unlocks

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10 years ago
Jun 3, 2014, 10:02:16 PM
I'm new to this game and the forums and wanted to say that I love this game, Endless Space & Endless Legend so far. Anyway, I unlocked 2 character Hikensha & Ken Massoqui . For some reason when I start a new game I cannot use they new unlocked characters. It says unlocked but there is a grey or white lock in the upper left corner of the character window. Not sure why ?

Edit: soo I figured why. Not sure how I missed this but when I hover over the character it say's that i tis "discovered" and that I have to survive 3 floors witht hat character or to the exit of the game/to the end. Sry for being noobish. Not sure how I missed that. If you want to delete this thred I understand .
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10 years ago
Jun 4, 2014, 9:57:59 AM
Jestervelvet wrote:
I'm new to this game and the forums and wanted to say that I love this game, Endless Space & Endless Legend so far. Anyway, I unlocked 2 character Hikensha & Ken Massoqui . For some reason when I start a new game I cannot use they new unlocked characters. It says unlocked but there is a grey or white lock in the upper left corner of the character window. Not sure why ?

Edit: soo I figured why. Not sure how I missed this but when I hover over the character it say's that i tis "discovered" and that I have to survive 3 floors witht hat character or to the exit of the game/to the end. Sry for being noobish. Not sure how I missed that. If you want to delete this thred I understand .

It's alright, don't apologise! smiley: smile At least now you know.
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