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Be careful about that change:

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10 years ago
Jun 4, 2014, 2:59:48 AM
fepriest wrote:
Can't get off floor 2 on "Easy" difficulty. Mobs are eating through the heroes too quickly, and I can't get enough science to start buying minor modules yet. Learning curve still being mounted.

After the last time, I tried on Easy too... didn't passed level 2 too. Around the 11th door I was massacred. 2 heroes (Gork and Sara) on level 4. Room filled with 6 laser rods. It's a shame.

EDIT.: Tried again. Easy. 12th door at floor 2. Now with Gork, Sara and Skroig (level 4, 4 and 1, just got Skroig). 12th door was a massacre. At least 5 hunters, 6 spiders, 3 of those new ogres/trolls/orcs, 6 fliers.

Things got a bit ridiculous after this update, i must say...
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10 years ago
Jun 4, 2014, 4:20:06 AM
Ail wrote:
Increased waves difficulty when the exit is found

Why on earth this hasn't been mentioned in the Mysterart's public post, or in changelog?
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10 years ago
Jun 4, 2014, 4:48:03 AM

Too Easy. Sara (Lvl3), Gork (Lvl3), Deens (Lvl4). Floor 3, 11th door. Bio-organic transference plus prisoner rods. Science Creator III, Industry I, Food II. So, everything is great.

SIX Crystal Golems, plus floating squares and spiders. The golems simply walked through all the defenses and gone to the power crystal - I went from 80+ Dust to... 7!!

As somebody else said, I want to lose a game because I made a mistake - I want to be able to learn from that - and not because I'm STEAMROLLED beyond ANY possibility of defense.
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10 years ago
Jun 4, 2014, 8:00:32 AM

I do not think it is a mistake on your part,

except that the game has become a little harder in easy mode: s expérant decreasing resistance, the points and the number of monster for early level.

For now to reach the level 7 or 8 for my part, it is impossible.

On 0.6.10 I had completed several do with the doors open to all floors. 0.7.7 but not open all the doors too many monsters, few resources or it must be lucky to have good rooms.
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10 years ago
Jun 4, 2014, 8:59:24 AM
Same here! I have finish the game many time before this update, in "easy".

But now I don't manage to pass the level 3... because I try to open one more door after finding the exit.

I you do that, you will see an huge stack of mobs passing all you defense room full of turel level 4, and then rap you team of 4 heros (level 5,5,3 and 2) in a second.

I not again some difficulty, but here it's not difficulty, it's just like you click a red button "Ok, now kill me" and watch all your team die in a sec...

I think we need a better balance smiley: stickouttongue
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10 years ago
Jun 4, 2014, 11:41:26 AM
Lynx_gnt wrote:
Why on earth this hasn't been mentioned in the Mysterart's public post, or in changelog?

It is not? I kinda assumed it was. But just looked it up and yes, you are right, it's not in the notes.

My quote was from the changelog for 0.7.5 posted in the VIP-Forums.

I even managed to beat the game on "Easy" on 0.7.5.

The only thing that allowed me to do this was to stick to "Never open doors after the exit has been found".

Now I thought okey, just 2 more doors anyways, can't be that bad... but of course it was.

I personally think that the way how difficulty increases after having found the exit is totally ridiculous.

It's like 200% harder!

And if you are not used to it or don't even know it, as it appears to since it isn't even mentioned in the official patch-notes, the experiences people have with this is no surprise.
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10 years ago
Jun 3, 2014, 5:39:32 PM
Mysterarts wrote:

  • Increased waves difficulty when the exit is found

I was like:

Ok, there's the exit, but come on, two more doors so I can get another research done...

And then the game was like:

smiley: biggrin

Wow, I actually managed to survive it... EASY!!!! smiley: biggrin

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10 years ago
Jun 4, 2014, 12:20:55 PM
Has a developper say on an other forum (in French) the difficulty pb is just a pb of mistake in the config file. The difficulty rise amount is miss taped.

So it's explain why the difficulty rise over 200% harder after exit found.

An hotfixe will come really soon.

I thinking it's better stop playing before the release of the hotfix.
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10 years ago
Jun 4, 2014, 1:23:57 PM

Etheon(devblog) wrote:

smiley: warning There was a typo in the game configuration which caused this unintended difficulty!

We will make a hot fix as soon as possible. We apologise for the inconvenience.

smiley: embarassement

Lynx_gnt wrote:
Why on earth this hasn't been mentioned in the Mysterart's public post, or in changelog?

As AgentDerf said, it was mentioned in the dev blog (you're right, we should add it in the changelog - it was a bit of a mess last evening).

But it's not linked to the current difficulty problem: the increase when you found the exit is only 25%.
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10 years ago
Jun 4, 2014, 2:25:33 PM
Ok, my bad that i didn't pay attention to this part of 'dev blog' post. Thanks for hightlightning it.

But, in defence of my opinion, i can say that those words wasn't clear enought, to understand what actually will happend after the exit room was found. smiley: alder
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10 years ago
Jun 4, 2014, 9:12:29 PM
I am playing the hotfixed version 0.7.8. The waves are getting harder once I find the exit. Harder but fair.

But on one occasion I had mob killing 3 heroes in about half a second. Too fast to even hit pause. No saved game either smiley: frown

On a too easy third floor.
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10 years ago
Jun 5, 2014, 1:33:37 AM

What can I count there?

5 spiders.

6 fliers.

4 hunters.

Still ridiculous. BUT its my first game after the last patch so, let's see how it goes.
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10 years ago
Jun 5, 2014, 2:39:38 AM
Etheon wrote:
Hello everyone,

smiley: warning There was a typo in the game configuration which caused this unintended difficulty!

We will make a hot fix as soon as possible. We apologise for the inconvenience.

To be fair, I really, really enjoyed the difficulty increase. Made me experiment some more to progress to lower floors. And I liked the challange smiley: biggrin

I still need to try the game out in the super hot fix version but I expect it to be easier after the patch, so I'm just gonna say something now:

Can you please keep this typo in as "normal" difficulty? smiley: wink
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