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Feedback from recent version. Game breaking issue.

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10 years ago
Jul 1, 2014, 12:27:31 PM
Spent about 10 hours playing the new version, after a longer break.

There is tons of stuff I love and one issue I really hate.

What I like

- The items feel rewarding and relevant now.

- Operating a module now requires character dedication, instead of tiresome run back and forth micro.

- Various defensive modules feel different and make sense now.

- All the new stuff, research, modules, events, self powered rooms. Awesome, game needs as much variability as possible.

I feel that merchants are too safe now though, monsters rarely seem to go after them.

And what I am still unhappy with is the final crystal run.

The final showdown, the music changes, boohoo, the tension...

Might as well be a button 'end level' at the current state to be honest.

I just need to power up the back rooms, power up the way to the exit and that is it.

It is irrelevant and could be improved. Not saying it should be very difficult, but could at least require some planning, hero use during it. Bring at least some tension and sense of level closure. I recommended earlier, that a threat needs to come from the exit/front, perhaps unpower the exit room during the run. But that is a minor gripe, let me tell you about what I really hate.

It is a game that is suppose to reward proper thinking, optimization, good planning, yes?

Well if usually get to a point, when during battles I need to tap pause/spacebar repeatedly in order to keep may characters alive.

I mean, press spacebar twice immediately, because my character can die in like 1/10th of a second.

Tap tap. Check if alive.

Tap tap. Shit almost died. Heal.

Tap tap. ok

Tap tap. Crap died anyway...

It is to a point where I start planning to prepare room configuration and defenses meant to guide moster distribution and reduce damage spike to characters, but that is largely impossible still.

My point is, that as long as I have food, a character should not be allowed to die.

The game should pause. Or food should be automatically reduced. With some kind of penalty, 2x food consumed upon death? Game pauses only if over 100 food threshold?

Reducing damage spike would be still important to economy, but there would be far less frustration.

I welcome a planning challenge and good amount of micro, but this tap-tap space bar business sort of ridiculous, while it still allows a hero to fall due to damage spike.

And if a character dies momentarily, the game is over for me, I do not want to play anymore. Blame myself for bad defense planning? Not sure if there is a way to avoid it that much.

Love the game regardless, but hope this could be addressed.
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10 years ago
Jul 1, 2014, 6:02:22 PM
I think the idea from the Devs is to kind of force you to split up your heroes at harder levels. How far have you gotten? An "auto-heal" as you so put would do two things. Make the game too easy in some cases, because managing your heroes is on of the most nerve-wracking parts of the entire game. And make the game more difficult/annoying in other cases. It would force you to use food, when you could simply move your hero. Have you tried making a healing room that your heroes can run to, heal up, then jump back into the action? Have you tried re-positioning a ranged hero, so he's not taking hits and survives the end of the fight. IMO, this would actually make the game less fun and give you fewer strategic options of play.

On a side note, I lose heroes and still win the game. You should not give up smiley: smile
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