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What is your playstyle?

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10 years ago
Jan 6, 2015, 10:06:41 AM
Hello guys,

So I didn't do too much runs and almost only on lower difficulty, and succeeded escaping. But still I haven't a real tactic.

Do you focus more on heroes or modules? Or both?

Do you keep your heroes together or do you left some behind for the modules?

Do you use speed stat very much? I always sacrifice some speed for other stats, if I can.

Do you open every door for getting some ressources, or do you rush the exit?

What modules do you use most of the time? How do you use red module to make it effective (considering how much it costs and how much it gives you per turn)?

Do you always build major modules if you can, or do you think there is a time it's worst saving industry ressource than using it for getting other ressources?

As I said I don't really have a playstyle but still, I do this:

- I use one or two heroes for modules, and two heroes for exploring

- I don't care about speed stat, I prefer strength or defense over it

- I don't use heroes that need to be alone or in dark rooms, if I can (my fav are Elise, Troe, Deena, Skroig, Max, Rakya)

- I always start with a red module, then two or three when I'm getting higher on levels

- I build red modules first, put heroes on them, and mechanical pals (considering the effectiveness of number of pals depending on their level), cause I think they are worth being built first since they cost industry and give industry per turn

- I only build defensive minor modules when I have no choice, I'm very greedy and want to keep my ressources, and if I build them, I always build the ones that boost heroes' stats and put a hero in the room

- I never use major modules other than the ones that give ressources (merchant included)

- I almost always open every door... and I often lost because of that greed

Are there different viable playstyles or is there a really optimized playstyle?

Than you.
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10 years ago
Jan 7, 2015, 8:49:48 PM

My Dungeon Of The Endless play style:

I generally start with Ken as the leader/rouge of the group. He's started with Nanor. The two will run together the first few levels.

I'll drop a Food Replicator the first room possible. Then an Industry Generator. I won't drop a Science Generator until things are going really good or if needed. I don't drop Prisoner Pods the first level unless i am in a bind.

As levels progress, I'll keep the group in a room that is centered on the map. Ken will rouge out opening doors and pull any Monsters toward the group that is supported with minor mods.

Minor mods of choice:



Smoking Gun

Prisoner Prod

Tesla Module


Suppresive Firebot (This increases attack power of the group which helps!)

Any other minor mods are not worth the trouble.

As for other Major Mods, LAN Mod and Tactical HUD are the only ones I use if the resources are there to build them. These are great for defense and added power for the group. (Side note, the Emergency Generator cost 60 Industry to build. Cool idea with a steep price tag.)

When Ken is running around opening doors, I would like to have them all opened. Sometimes that is not practical and a choice that leads to a gamble.

I've had the Crystal and Escape Pod all lined up. Group and mods are in place. Everything looks good. I decide for Ken to open the rest of the doors and the next one brings out a massive horde of monsters that wipe out everything. Game Over smiley: angry

So there have been times I went to the next level with unopened doors. One day I'll shoot for the "open all doors" achievement. For now, I'll pass.

The only thing I can say is an absolute is that Ken is my goto character always. (I wish there was a Ken avatar)

Everything else is changeable if the moment calls for different choices on the fly. One of the reasons why I enjoy Dungeon Of The Endless above the other Endless games smiley: cool

Thanks for reading.
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10 years ago
Jan 7, 2015, 10:45:18 PM
Thank you ! Yesterday I lost a hero in a game that was perfect and easy, with 500+ of each resource, at floor 11. I misslicked the exit room so my heroes went to another room and I only realized that after one of the heroes died... And I have the achievement you're talking about smiley: stickouttongue
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10 years ago
Jan 8, 2015, 3:31:55 AM
How did you crank out so much of the resources? smiley: eek And congrats on the achievement! I'll getthat one someday lol
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10 years ago
Jan 8, 2015, 7:47:39 AM
Razpado wrote:
How did you crank out so much of the resources? smiley: eek And congrats on the achievement! I'll getthat one someday lol

Early on researching the resource modules up to III or IV helps a lot, also building x2-x3 of each resource module (especially food!) in earlier levels (1-5) helps stockpile for later challenges, as does hanging onto more valuable pieces of gear to sell to a vendor for extra food can make a huge difference.

My play style is as follows:


The first module I build on every floor is food, this guarantees extra food income, which often gives me enough to level up my heroes at least once per floor. I try to shoot for all heroes being +1-2 levels higher than the floor # they are on, and now I have all heroes unlocked only will dismiss a hero if I get someone vastly better suited to the team I am playing with than a current member. (but only if I'm below floor 6, after floor 6 the cost of leveling up the newly encountered hero offsets any benefit they would provide.)

I back up my save in between each level. NO, this is not to save scum! In the rural back woods of Vermont the power grid is crap, and often goes out without warning during the winter, or blinks out for a few seconds from branches hitting trees miles off in the mountains during windy periods, thus I back up my save between floor so I don't have a enjoyable run nuked from a power outage. (Also now I'm trying for all 999 levels of the drill pod, losing 50+ levels and dozens of hours of work due to a random power outage would frustrate me to no end.) Yes, yes, I know, getting a UPS would be a good idea, but when a good UPS costs around $200-$300, compared to backing up my save being free, I'll continue to back up my saves for the foreseeable future.

Upon exiting the dungeon I screenshot each successful ending screen, just for posterity, and I'm gathering all the different silhouettes of the heroes on the surface.

Floors 1-5:

-Build mostly resource modules to stockpile resources

-Research the resource production modules whenever possible as well as the Neuro Stun defensive module and Mechanical Pal.

-Leave an operator behind to increase production of either science or food

-Often leave a third hero behind in a darkened room to decrease enemy spawn when appropriate

-only build offensive/defensive modules when circumstances require it. (and then often the Kip Cannon and Nero Stun combo with a Tesla or Smoking Gun)

-Open all doors to maximize resource production.

Floors 6-10:

-Build shops when possible for discovered merchants, placing a mechanical pal at them for free dust & a hero if possible.

-Plan a choke point with a series of dark rooms beyond it to give more power to light up other dungeon areas. The choke point often has 1 nero stun, 1-2 kip cannons and a smoking gun or Claymore. I also designate my fastest hero as a runner to fall back and support the choke room should the enemy waves prove too numerous.

-Hang on to 3-4 items in my inventory to vendor to a dust merchant if the floor is proving especially arduous, or vendor to a food merchant if I need the food to level up a replacement heroine.

-Place Neuro Stun and Smoking Gun or Pepper Spray modules in rooms leading up to my choke point room/s to soften up the incoming enemies.

-Place Neuro Stun and Tesla or Claymore modules in the rooms past my choke point to slow up and finish off any enemies that make it past the choke point and buy more time for heroes to finish them off.

-Continue opening all doors to maximize resource income.

-Keep all 4 heroes grouped when possible to handle the tougher waves of enemies, with 1 or 2 of the fastest designated as support for choke points.

Floors 11-12:

-Choke point rooms now often include x1 Neuro Stun, x1 tear gas, x1 auto doc or bio transfer x1 kip cannon & smoking guns or telsa's to fill out any remaining module points. My highest armored hero is often designated to remain in the choke point to hold the line while the other three explore.

-Rooms past the choke point often only have x1 neuro stun module to slow up any that get past until heroes can finish them off.

-The dungeon is only explored until the exit is found and then we leg it in a dead run, if resource allow I also seed the planned route with neuro stun and pepper spray modules as well as auto doc and dust fields to maximize survival.

For the Infinite Driller challenge I do things a little differently:

-I tend to open every room on every floor unless the layout is such that defend the crystal is very difficult, the extra resources are invaluable for stockpiling early on and maintaining the stockpile in later levels.

-Have at least one hero that is skilled to fight in darkened rooms, once you get to 30+ fighting in multiple unlit rooms will be the norm.

-I spend science readily to attempt to research everything as soon as possible before levels get too difficult to built multiple resource modules.

-I tend to run the redline on food early on, spending early and often to attempt to level my preferred team mates to 15 as quickly as possible then stockpile for later levels and hiring/leveling the heroes I feel will make my dream team. (Which in my current drill run is Sara, Eilise, Hikensha, and Deena.)

-For levels 1-10 I skimp on modules a lot more, only building the bare minimum to help a hero hold off a wave, stockpiling as much resources as possible for later levels.

-For levels 13+ I've found the following procedure works well:

-Expect enemy waves to over run your choke points and have a hero planned as a runner to mop up the ones that sneak by, don't hesitate to seed nero stun modules on routes to your crystal, the extra seconds they buy can be the difference between success and defeat.

-Emergency generators are worth the industry in levels with multiple hard to defend routes leading to the crystal, a wave prevented is a wave defeated.

-Err on the side of generosity when it comes to spending food and science on your heroes, a dead hero on later levels is a permanent empty spot in the roster, as heroes cease to spawn after level 17ish. (When losing a heroine in later levels I'd say to just consider a restart, getting to floor 999 may not even be doable with 4 heroes, but just hitting 50 will be very grueling with 3, and all but impossible with 2.)

-Whenever possible build choke points around discovered heroes (until they stop being encountered) and/or merchants. Even throwing an emergency generator in a room with a hero or merchant and some support modules can prove a worthwhile diversion before making a crystal run on higher levels. (an E generator in a room with a couple holo heroes, a pepper spray, tear gas, and Seblaster can also divert enemy forces nicely.)
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10 years ago
Jan 8, 2015, 9:49:41 AM
To gather so much resources:

- I'm very greedy so I never place minor modules if not really useful, and in only one room

- I have two mechanical heroes in my team who stay in module rooms

- I build mechanical pals in the rooms, using this page http://dungeon-of-the-endless.wikia.com/wiki/Mechanical_Pal to know if building one more will increase incoming resource, depending on the level of mech pals

- I open every door I earn more resources

- I always build an industry module first, even two or three sometimes, so in the last levels I don't have to put industry modules anymore

+ I didn't say i always have like 500+, it was a really good game.

For the merchant, if possible I place it in a room with 5 slots because 5 mechanical pals give 2 dust incoming (+2 with a hero).

Another question: why is speed so important? How do you benefit speed? I always sacrify this stat for another one, I never need running everywhere, sicne when I open a door it's that everyone i ready to fight.
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10 years ago
Jan 8, 2015, 7:42:35 PM
Thanks very much for the game tips to both of ya Wolflyn and Destal! This will help smiley: approval
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10 years ago
Jan 8, 2015, 8:40:50 PM
Offensive modules are way too inconsistent to rely on. They're a bit too powerful if there aren't any anti-module monsters. If there are, they're too weak and expensive to keep putting up, because they'll keep getting destroyed. Yes, that's even with Rakya manning them in a long room with multiple souped up LAN modules. Heroes are much more consistent. Modules that help them out are quite effective.

Generally I have 1-2 Operators. I used to keep them quite far from the fighting, but often it's good to have them at chokepoints as well, if possible. Especially if you get any of the taunting skills/items. I have 1 runner, and 1 tank to hold a chokepoint. Generally my runner is actually powerful enough to take 1-3 waves. But I often choose random, so my strategies will change. The ship also determines a lot of the strategy.

Still, heroes generally trump modules. For the modules that you do work with, it's best to focus on a few and try and get them to L4 ASAP. The three weakest modules at L4 are still going to be better than the best modules at lower levels.
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10 years ago
Jan 8, 2015, 9:36:24 PM
Imo, Characters only matter for the 1st few rooms you opened then its the modules that do 80% of the work depending on the character. When I play, I always want to make a really long maze so when I try to open every room that makes 1 long path, and ignore every other door. For setting up defenses, I put 2 prisoner prods in each room, if they die to anti module mobs, its just 6 industry so I don't really lose out. Depending on the room size I like to put certain turrets down, I don't know if it makes a big difference but for long rooms I put smoking guns down, for the small rooms I use the teslas/serblasters with a tear gas module depending if i have prisoner prods ahead in 2-3 rooms, maybe using in a holohero+pepperspray with the serblastors or the last room is fine as well
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