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Any recommendations for I Could Quit If I Wanted To?

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9 years ago
Sep 26, 2015, 11:20:06 AM
Hey folks,

I love DotE, and I've played an absolute crapton of it. I'm sitting at over 100 hours of play time, I've escaped with every character, completed the album and gotten every achievement...

...except I Could Quit If I Wanted to. Not even close. Right now I'm sitting at 6,845/10,000 - I'm not even 70% done.

I'm kind of out of ideas. I've beaten the game every way I can think of, with every set of characters I care to, and this achieve is kind of burning me out. I hit the same scenario with Endless Legend, but at least for Endless Gamer you could just spend 3-4 hours hitting End Turn over and over - wasn't fun, but it did the job. I've tried just sprinting through floors opening doors blindly without pausing to fight, but it's still pretty slow and not very sustainable - eventually you get mobbed down (as you rightly should!).

I can see one of the devs posted here that it's meant to be doable in 100 hours, but clearly that's way off. If that's the goal, wouldn't it be better/easier just to link the achievement to time played?

I don't expect it to change at this point, and I'll probably wind up picking away at it and getting it eventually, but both here and in Endless Legend these achievements took the game way into "not fun any more" territory. Could you maybe think about not doing the same again in Endless Space 2?

(I know, it's an achievement, and it's not like it's important or necessary or anything, but why have achievements at all if one of them is going to be have such disproportionate requirements?)
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9 years ago
Sep 27, 2015, 2:15:15 PM
I am currently at 2,600 doors for I could quit If I wanted to, 31 hours on record. I have only escaped the dungeon once, though. I think 100 hours of playtime for 10,000 doors seems about right. I got Endless Gamer just by playing the game and enjoying myself, without bothering about achievements. I think that's the way to go. If you don't enjoy playing the game any more, I think you shouldn't force it and just drop the achievement.
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9 years ago
Sep 27, 2015, 3:15:46 PM
I am hoping for DLC to extend the gameplay, but I've just won my second game ever...
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9 years ago
Oct 8, 2015, 8:37:07 AM
The only thing I can suggest is to chin up and play more. I also believe you can get it in that amount of hours played, but you'd have to make all of your decisions rather fast. There isn't much reason to condition yourself to do this after you get the achievement for never pausing, yet it is still very possible. On your next run, why not try to open 2 doors at the same time if you can? Ramp it up to 3-4 after awhile? Eventually, you can sail through the game making good choices in a speedy manner. Even if you aren't consistently opening doors 4 at a time.
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9 years ago
Oct 8, 2015, 8:39:43 AM
As of that post, my achievement looks like this:

I Could Quit If I Wanted To

Open 10 000 doors.

5,133 / 10,000

That is taking time out to type the 5 posts I have on here, going to the bathroom with the game on, or running to the store forgetting about the timer. It seems the 100 hour estimate is decently spot on!
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9 years ago
Nov 11, 2015, 2:16:21 PM
How does somebody check their achievement progress for this one? (playing on Steam, here)
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9 years ago
Nov 17, 2015, 5:20:21 PM
From the main menu, simply click "Journal", and you'll see your scores along with all-time stats. smiley: smile
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