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Stream questions thread

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9 years ago
Nov 17, 2015, 5:42:29 PM
Hey guys,

In prevision of the stream on Thursday of this week, we're opening this thread to let you ask any questions you might have about Dungeon of the Endless and its content updates!

Ask away!

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9 years ago
Nov 18, 2015, 7:20:14 AM
1- There will be special content for those who have the Crystal edition for Endless Space 2? I have all the premium editions of your games smiley: smile

2- Will you produce a special binding for the steam controller? I would love to use it to play the game.

3- Have you planned any expansion to the game?

4- Last but not least, Have you plans to add the spanish translation made by the community to the steam version or translate the game to spanish?

Thank you
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9 years ago
Nov 19, 2015, 2:21:18 AM
1. Are there any current plans for future game updates?

New game modes (like a massive single floor mode), new monster types, new heroes (or just re-skinned variants of the same heroes), etc?

2. What is the most interesting difference between working on DotE and working on the 4x titles you guys have?

3 How good is each team member at DotE?

4. Since we know that for every action there is and equal and opposite reaction, in each of your opinions, Is it truly possible for someone to have an overreaction?
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9 years ago
Nov 20, 2015, 8:54:08 AM
Can anyone explain the game rules with organic pod? The dev build from yesterday stream was in french smiley: confused
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9 years ago
Nov 20, 2015, 8:58:10 AM
Pretty easy :

You cannot unpower rooms after powering them up

You cannot repair modules

Modules get damaged over time, eventually getting destroyed

Monsters are weaker in powered rooms (very little defense)

Powered rooms give extra food

I think that's pretty much it. smiley: smile
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