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Your Dream Team?

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9 years ago
Jul 8, 2015, 4:28:09 AM
While we normally start with a measly two heroes, we can dream of something more. A simple question then, what are your dream four heroes for the late, late levels of Escape or Drill Pod?

I've managed to cobble together this dream on my current Drill (Easy) run:

Max (Aftershave): Explorer, dragonslayer

Josh: Operator, economist

Nanor (Scope): Mass AoE, point defender, operator

Elise: Point defender, operator

Elise replaced Hikensha who was beginning to feel a little lacking (no area effects, a little squishy). The team now feels really solid, with really high potential income (even Elise has 23 Wit now), and quite a bit of fight in it smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Aug 6, 2015, 2:06:18 PM


Ken Mass / Skroig

Gork (with taunt item)

Setup Gork in a large room with Ken Massaqoi essentially being a huge damage turret and if you had skroig you can really thin out monsters for a large burst damage by turning on themselves. No Crystal rushing mobs can get through because of Gorks taunt item. Setup double neurostun, tear gas, and maybe seablaster or claymore. Before anything gets to gork they are dead or only hit the massively defense driven/hp build of gork for little hp. Meanwhile you have 2 high wit operators that both have armchair general to boost that damage setup. /drool. As always have aftershave in my inventory in case those pesky Keepers spawn.
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9 years ago
Dec 13, 2015, 1:30:48 AM
Skroig (red plume can defuse ANY PROBLEM you have)

Golgy (can do anything depending of the devices you get and compensate for the dust joleri eats, also his web stops any mob from reaching the crystal)

Joleri (can tank a chokepoing alone with some good modules and kill everything, amazing)

Hikensha (as golgy, can do anything, compensate for Joleri also, and has a good DPS).
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9 years ago
Dec 13, 2015, 6:20:02 PM
My dream team for the late, late levels of a Drill pod run:

Chef Nanor - he would be pretty mediocre if it wasn't for Cooking with Gas, but that skill alone makes him exceptionally useful. I prefer not to upgrade him past level 12 though, since it doubles the science cost for resetting his Cooking with Gas skill.

Pat Bates - slow starter, but hands down the most powerful chokepoint defender in the late game. Give him a Hipster Scarf and possibly a bit of science, and he can deal with double-digit waves of monster spawns.

Rakya - half decent operator in the late game (wit 13) and an amazing skill set, both active and passive. If it wasn't for Silic Zoners and EMP events, this charming lady would be every bit as good at holding a chokepoint as Pat Bates.

Sara Numas - door kicker extraordinaire and comes with a built-in Neurostun Lite. 60 movement speed plus an additional 40 from Running Away makes her extremely valuable in any strategy that relies a lot on resetting cooldowns.

The strategy is simple. Use Sara Numas' speed to open new doors every few seconds, thus reducing cooldowns on all active skills (don't stop to pick up items or resources - you can do that after you've explored the dungeon). Of course, you'll spawn countless waves of monsters that way, but it's manageable when you're running Health Warning, Cooking with Gas, Running Away, Spoonfuls of Love and Overclocked almost permanently.

Honorable mentions:

Max O'Kane (instead of Sara Numas) - probably more useful than Sara Numas at the lower levels due to Pilfer and Operate, and Endless Expert is just a great passive ability. However, there are no dust rooms past floor 50, and his wit doesn't scale with experience, which means he's a pretty horrible endgame operator. That makes him a slightly slower version of Sara.

Zugma Walker (instead of Rakya) - Secret Compartment and Recycling Beast is amazing if you employ a low-dust strategy, and Steamroller completely trivializes the crystal run (Orange Jumpsuit, Dove and Battlefield Injector = 40ish movement speed while carrying the crystal). Her biggest drawback is that she can't defend a chokepoint single-handedly.

I didn't mention Wes Davoun because he's broken at the moment.
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9 years ago
Dec 18, 2015, 7:02:56 PM
I have just beaten easy easily with random team which felt like Dreamteam

Scroig - main hero

Prof Josh


Rakya (Died by accident) and was substituted to Rosetta Q on floor 8

BUT!! its definitely NOT for Drill POD ... just for Escape Pod
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9 years ago
Dec 22, 2015, 5:07:58 PM
Kharnath wrote:
Zugma Walker (instead of Rakya) - Secret Compartment and Recycling Beast is amazing if you employ a low-dust strategy, and Steamroller completely trivializes the crystal run (Orange Jumpsuit, Dove and Battlefield Injector = 40ish movement speed while carrying the crystal). Her biggest drawback is that she can't defend a chokepoint single-handedly.

See I'd have to object to that. In my last run I was able to put her onto a chokepoint and watch her tank and obliterate enemies. I don't do drill runs, but she's got massive attack.
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9 years ago
Dec 22, 2015, 9:50:14 PM
Ken for DPS and speed

Wes D for lv1 operate AND amazing 2nd ability to guarantee a good event in next room

Esseb because good overall

Skroig for 2nd high DPS hero
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9 years ago
Dec 23, 2015, 12:00:19 PM
Even with the new Wes? His power has been tuned down, because it was a wayyy powerful and made later levels a breeze. smiley: wink
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