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New Hero Idea: Sniper

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11 years ago
Mar 15, 2014, 5:41:46 AM
Okay, I can dig this idea, though I have to say, when, I saw this post I expected a lot more, maybe some artwork, an actual back story, some skills and passive skills that match with this character's lore and more details like that.

Personally, I could see a slender, tall man with a riffle on it's back, the man wears glasses with a ridiculous hair style. This Sniper is cut above the others, but as any other sniper, he has one weakness, being spotted, now that isn't too hard to do is it? Well it is for this fellow, for he is allergic to Dust, just the smallest amount of it will cause a strong allergic reaction forcing the Sniper to sneeze uncontrollably, allowing for his enemies and targets to spot him.

Active Skills

Critical Eye..Problems- "A good sniper must have great vision, but for (Sniper's name) having no glasses means a random shooting"

This skill allows for the Sniper to take of his glasses and shoot at anything that moves in the room, each shot will cause extra damage, the one problem? He may shoot allies.

Right Between The Eyes- "You can't call yourself a good sniper if you can't get a good head shot"

This is a one-one-one skill (Meaning that this will only work if the Sniper is alone in the room with just one enemy with him) causing a critical damage shot that will lead tho a 1 hit kill, the downside is that this skill takes 5 doors to be opened so it can be reused.

This are just mere examples for a Sniper character
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11 years ago
Mar 14, 2014, 10:38:29 PM
The4gotNdeath wrote:
in dungeon of the endless enemies know exactly where you are at all times anyway, so even if the sniper had ways to get in cover or stealth it would be pointless. And if you are looking for accurate realism i think games like arma 3 would be more your style.

Even there, not really. The actual life and actions of a sniper are very boring 98% of the time, with only 2% of the time having any action at all. We're talking hours or days getting in position, learning routes into and out of an area, and waiting for the right moment to take a shot. We're talking about missions like, "We know that there will be enemy movement in this area in the near future. You need to prevent them from passing through for the next 5 days." Then the first 3 days there is no one to fight. I'm just over snipers in video games at all. Sniping is really a very meticulous and boring job. It's not fun.

Also snipers aren't squad troops. They really have no place in them. This is something that disgusted me about XCom: Enemy Unknown. A squad advertises the presence of soldiers in the area, which is a detriment to the sniper. No, snipers are loners, or at best, work in pairs with one spotting for the other. When they go into a mission, they have the knowledge that if they are caught, they probably aren't coming home.

Not trying to belittle you either, but I just don't like the fact that games glorify snipers like they do. Most of the time these snipers actually only exist because they severely nerf the range of other weapons to compensate for the closer boundries. In the end, it just feels artificial to me. Plus, like I said, in this game, where you can only attack what's in the same room as you, sniping really doesn't make sense. I don't want them nerfing other character types any further just to make snipers have a role. It already doesn't feel like range weapons have any range at all as it is, since most combats are in melee range regardless.

Edit: That being said, I'm all for a glass cannon hero, but only once some of the other game play mechanics have all the wrinkles ironed out. They would need some sort of ability which reduces the likelihood of enemies to target them.

Edit 2: Just thought about how the ability could work. Once they have this passive, they cannot be the target of more enemies than any other hero. They aren't invulnerable when other heroes are present, but he will always have fewer monsters attacking him than anyone else. However it'd be nice if a certain new enemy type could ignore this mechanic as well as the "Me First" mechanic just to change things up from time to time smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Mar 14, 2014, 6:47:15 PM
in dungeon of the endless enemies know exactly where you are at all times anyway, so even if the sniper had ways to get in cover or stealth it would be pointless. And if you are looking for accurate realism i think games like arma 3 would be more your style.
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11 years ago
Mar 14, 2014, 5:59:41 PM
I'm somewhat against the ideas of snipers in video games. Games lack the range necessary to make snipers worth while, and belittle the skill or stealth involved in taking out your target without being seen.

In Dungeon of the Endless in particular, they are a poor fit. You only at most fire across a single room. There is no cover to conceal them so every enemy knows exactly where the shot came from and can go for him.

A typical special forces sniper has to move into position to take a single shot with out being seen, or anyone around their target knowing where the shot came from. This prevents retaliation from the enemy. It is also a process that could take days, and usually is a position close to or over a mile away from the target. Considering that modern G.I. rifle effective ranges are about half a kilometer or about 1/3 a mile, there really isn't a reason for a sniper in most games. The distances involved are still within rifle range.
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