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Some pod ideas

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9 years ago
Jun 28, 2015, 3:45:23 PM
My brother and I have recently been discussing some ideas for hypothetical new pods. These are two pods we came up with that could be interesting to see.

Clone Pod:

With this pod, you start with a single hero, and no other heroes will appear in the dungeon. Instead, you'll occasionally find rooms with single-use cloning modules. Interacting with it would cost science, and would duplicate your hero. The module would then break. While heroes now cost science, they still use food to level up. Food modules do not start out unlocked, and you must research them.

Also, this could function as a lore excuse for adding a Skroig minor faction to EL. The world needs more Skroig.

The second pod idea is inspired by Basilisk war droids from Star Wars (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Basilisk_war_droid#Description).

Once again, you start with a single hero, but you can recruit more as normal. You have less starting dust on every floor. This is because your pod is actually a robotic mount that you rode in on, and it's still functional. Your pod/crystal is mobile, although slow. It comes with a single built in prisoner prod. Instead of a hero picking up the crystal and bringing it to the elevator, the crystal must travel there itself. Perhaps you should be limited to a total of three heroes, gotta have room for the mech on the elevator.
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9 years ago
Jun 30, 2015, 9:55:39 AM
Hello Crixler,

We're working on this kind of features, thanks for these interesting ideas. smiley: wink
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