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[Suggestion] New Competative Game Mode

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9 years ago
Feb 16, 2016, 5:05:30 PM
I was playing a multiplayer game the other day and it occurred to me that it could be fun to be competitive rather than cooperative.

Broad Idea

Having 2 teams in the same space competing against eachother didn't seem to work well with the rest of DotE's mechanics. So, I thought it would be a good idea to borrow some concepts from competitive puzzle games.

Ever play Dr. Mario (or other match 3 games) in competitive mode? Each player is given the exact same blocks and situations, but, if one player pulls off a really good combo, then the other player is forced to deal with an unexpected (and cumbersome) additional obstacle.

Why not do somthing similar with DotE?

Basic Gameplay Ideas

  • The game is endless
  • Both players start with the same 2 heroes, chosen at random, and play with the exact same two maps.
  • Doors will not open unless both players are opening a door at the same time. Not necessarily the same door, it's just that both players must open a door together.
  • For the sake of gameplay and to make things a bit more competative, there will be a timer that counts down from the beginning of each wave. When it's done, both players may open a door without the other needing to. Giving them a possible advantage for the other being too slow.
  • The screen is split so that each player can see what the other can see
  • It's possible for players to do (X) to harass the other player with things like additional monsters or shutting off the turrets in a room
  • (X) could be anything from spending dust to killing a vultu to simply finishing a wave off 10 seconds before the other player does.
  • Players can sacrifice a hero for an additional dust cost, and 5 turns later have that hero join the monsters in the other player's dungeon
  • Game ends when the other player's team is wiped out

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8 years ago
Mar 27, 2016, 2:11:53 AM
I had this very same idea a while back. To make it almost like Puzzle Fighter, where actions by one player would cause consequences for another player and for themselves.
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