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[EL V1.0.0 S3] The Cuts Both Ways trait not working as intended?

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10 years ago
Sep 23, 2014, 2:59:20 PM

The percentage, which the Roving Clans receive from every transaction fee paid by other empires, has been nerfed to 8%, hasn't it?

[CODE] SimulationDescriptors[FactionTrait].xml

EL 0.6.1:

EL 1.0.0:


Anyway, this screenshot illustrates that in fact the Roving Clans faction receives less than 2% from every transaction fee.

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10 years ago
Sep 23, 2014, 4:18:16 PM
I have seen the same in my game as the roving clans. Not sure what the % should be but the trait on actual don't match..I wonder if we are getting 8% of the trasnaction fee (difference between buy and sell price or something like this instead of a percentage of the total.
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10 years ago
Sep 23, 2014, 4:54:18 PM
Thanks for the report. It is indeed a bug and the displayed value will be fixed in the next patch.

To clarify, the text is currently misleading as the actual value is indeed 8% of the market fees (taxes), paid by other empires for every transaction they make.

By the way, you can see these 2 tax values by hovering over the Sell or the Buy buttons in the market place.

They are currently: -40% of the market price when selling, and +25% of the market price when buying
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