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Mac OS troubleshooting

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8 years ago
Apr 11, 2017, 2:59:59 PM

Bien joué !!! Sauf que ça plante au bout de 45 mn / 1h ... Pourtant j'ai de la place et de la mémoire !!! J'ai même constaté que le jeu s'est planté tout seul , je l'avais lancé puis j'ai eu d'autres occupations et quand je suis revenu au jeu il avait quitté !!! C'est souvent quand je suis en train d'optimiser , soit des armées où un héros , soit une ville ... Heureusement qu'il y a les sauvegardes auto !!!

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8 years ago
Mar 7, 2017, 9:45:51 AM

Idéalement, il nous faudrait le dernier fichier diagnostics créé (lancez le jeu pour cela, je vois que votre dernier diagnostics date du 7 décembre). Vous pouvez l'uploader directement en cliquant sur l'icône d'upload de fichier (à côté de la caméra).

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8 years ago
Mar 9, 2017, 1:03:53 PM

Ouais mais pour ce faire il faudrait que je jeu daigne se lancer or il plante dans les 2 secondes . Le listing envoyé à Apple est du jour de mon message , pour celui du jeu en lui-même il date de ma dernière connexion au jeu !!! Depuis je n'ai jamais pu le relancer ...

Il y a dans les "propriétés" générales une case "définir les options de lancement" mais mon pseudo ne permet pas de l'ouvrir ... Ne serait-il pas possible de définir d'autres options qui permettrait au jeu de repartir ???

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8 years ago
Mar 10, 2017, 1:28:31 PM

Est-ce que vous pourriez uploader le fichier Player Log qui se trouve à cette adresse ? ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log

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8 years ago
Mar 14, 2017, 9:04:45 AM

Le log que vous nous avez copié est celui d'un jeu de Mahjong.

Lancez Endless Legend et récupérez le log immédiatement après un plantage, sans lancer un autre jeu Unity entretemps ! On va y arriver !

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8 years ago
Mar 20, 2017, 10:27:13 AM

Apparemment votre problème se situe avec votre installation de Mono (un package redistribuable assez basique), qui n'arrive pas à se lancer. Voici des instructions (en anglais mais assez simples) pour réinstaller Mono, ce qui devrait résoudre votre problème :

  • In the Steam client, in the game libraries tab, right-click (or MAC equivalent) on “Endless Legend” to open the game Properties,
  • Click on the “Local Files” tab,
  • Select “Browse local files”,
  • In the Finder window you should see some files related to the “Endless Legend” game, somewhere under “Libraries/Application Support/Endless Legend” or something.
  • The folder should contain a package file “MonoFramework-MRE-3.4.0.macos10.xamarin.x86.pkg” (this package – or more recent version – is required to execute Windows .Net executables on OSX)
  • Install the package 

Tenez-nous au courant !

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8 years ago
Mar 20, 2017, 2:20:29 PM

J'avais déjà fait cette manip que j'avais trouvée sur les forums mais sans succès... Comme je ne suis pas têtu j'ai recommencé aujourd'hui mais sans résultat !!!

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8 years ago
Mar 20, 2017, 4:10:14 PM

Est-ce que vous auriez un deuxième écran de branché ?  Si c'est le cas, pourriez-vous le débrancher ? De nombreux utilisateurs rapportent que cela leur cause des problèmes. À ce stade et avec cette erreur Mono qui ne se résoud pas, tous les trucs sont bons à prendre... 

Sinon, une désactivation de l'overlay Steam, comme indiquée ici : https://www.games2gether.com/endless-legend/forum/23-mac-os/thread/21439-latest-update-problem-crash-on-start

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Mar 20, 2017, 5:06:36 PM

Le lien pour l'overlay était caduque ...J'avais effectivement un autre écran qu'on m'a laissé en garde branché mais éteint,le fait de débrancher m'a permis d'activer le jeu !!! Bravo !!! je vais pouvoir essayer mes dernières acquisitions pour ce jeu ... Merci et bonne continuation ...

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8 years ago
Mar 20, 2017, 5:12:41 PM

Vous n'avez pas idée comme je suis heureux d'apprendre que c'était ça... 

Bon jeu à vous !

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8 years ago
Mar 24, 2017, 6:22:05 PM

Par contre j'avais oublié un truc récurent dans ce jeu,plantage tous les 3/4 d'heure...Bon ça n'empèche pas de jouer mais c'est très agaçant...Peut-être une consigne des toubibs pour économiser le temps passé devant l'écran ???   ;o)))

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8 years ago
Mar 29, 2017, 10:05:18 AM

Est-ce que vous utilisez la version 32 ou 64 bits du jeu ? La 32 bits limite assez sévèrement la mémoire pouvant être utilisée par le jeu, ce qui peut produire des plantages plus rapidement.

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8 years ago
Mar 30, 2017, 4:59:41 PM

Version 64bits j'avais essayé un temps en 32 mais ça n'améliorait pas la vitesse du jeu car les nouvelles extensions ralentissaient énormement et j'ai du intervenir sur graphismes et vidéos ...

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8 years ago
Apr 10, 2017, 10:19:15 AM

Pour éviter ce problème, je recommanderais de relancer le jeu environ toutes les deux heures, afin de libérer la mémoire utilisée par celui-ci et qui, j'imagine, finit par le faire planter.

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9 years ago
Sep 18, 2015, 11:27:32 PM
Your "Updating Drivers" text is out of date. In the latest revisions of Mac OSX, the way to do this is

1) Click on the apple logo in the upper left corner

2) Select "App Store..."

3) Choose "Updates" from the icon bar
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7 years ago
Jun 24, 2017, 2:58:47 AM

Just bought the Endless Legend Collection, and was having a heck of a time getting this running on my Macbook Pro.  It ran fine the first time, which is weird.  After closing, it wouldn't start a second time, instead just constantly crashing to desktop before rendering anything.  I tried everything, updating mono, disabling steam overlay, etc.  What finally worked was downloading https://gfx.io/ and forcing discreet GPU!  When mac is dynamically switching between integrated and discreet GPU on startup, I guess Endless Legend just craps out?

That said, I can't CMD-TAB or switch windows!  It's pretty annoying considering both Endless Space 1 and Dungeon of the Endless both ran fine on my mac, without crashing problems, and no problems with window switching.  

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7 years ago
Jun 26, 2017, 10:23:29 AM

Hi !

You seem to speak french but for the sake of other people looking for help I'll write in english :)

I have 2 monitors attached to my mac. Disconnecting one is a real pain so it's not a solution for me. The only way to play the game is to force the 32 bits, which seems to me to be a band aid on an amputated leg :).

Do you investigate a solution about this 2 screen problem ? never encountered something like this with other games so there's probably a solution.

Also, it fail to initialise sound so the game have no sound, any clue ?

Thanks & cheers

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7 years ago
Oct 20, 2017, 12:27:07 PM

Bonjour, j'ai posé ma question il y a 4 mois sans réponse de votre part ... toujours pas de son donc je ne joue pas, dommage pour un jeu que j'ai payé ...


Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Oct 20, 2017, 12:32:36 PM

Hello and apologies for the long delay in responding. We aren't very present around these parts nowadays.

If one of your screens is unplugged or turned off, do you encounter this no sound issue as well?

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7 years ago
Nov 16, 2017, 12:27:23 PM


The problem is still there, even if I restart with a screen shutted down.

Unplugging a screen needs me to unplug a lot a cables, then take the computer outside of it shelf, unplug, put everything back in order, and again after playing to plug it back, this is not possible and shouldn't be a sollution.

Also did you manage to find something about the 32 bit thing ?

Thanks for your reply, but I have to say this whole thing is a huge disapointment :(

I've looked in console but can't find something to seemed relevant, the only entry for "endless" was :

diagnostics_agentcom.apple.message.domain: com.apple.usage.app_activetime
com.apple.message.signature: EndlessLegend
com.apple.message.signature2: unity.AMPLITUDE Studios.Endless Legend ||| Unity Player version 5.3.6p1 (5.3.6p1)
com.apple.message.value: 74
com.apple.message.value2: 74
com.apple.message.value3: 2
com.apple.message.value4: 0
com.apple.message.value5: 2
com.apple.message.value6: 1
com.apple.message.value7: 74
com.apple.message.result: YES
com.apple.message.summarize: YES
SenderMachUUID: 3051C4D9-1765-33A4-A4EE-F3D2C44AA774


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7 years ago
Nov 23, 2017, 1:41:45 AM

Wanted to add to my friend above: Mac player here, game immediately crashes on launch in OSX 10.12.6 on a Mid 2011 iMac. I Unplugged my second monitor and it launches fine. So I assume this issue was never fixed, seeing it's been know for at least a year. 

If it helps, I can run Endless Space 2 with no issue during the free weekend Steam just hosted. 

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7 years ago
Dec 14, 2017, 7:59:03 AM


I know I have the game for months, but I was really thinking something would be done to solve our problems. Turns out nobody seems to really care.

So as this game is not playable for me (who would play a game without any sound at all ?), I'd like to know how could I have a refund ? I must say I'm really surprised, to say the least, that no other sollution than "unplug your monitor" was offered (and having to move a whole big wooden desk twice when I want to play a game is not a sollution).

Thanks, I really hope you will provide me with a sollution for the refund, that would just be the right thing to do.

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7 years ago
Dec 14, 2017, 2:17:39 PM

The issue is not that we don't care about the situation, but that we don't have the resources anymore to do anything about it, since development on Endless Legend wrapped up after the release of Endless Legend: Tempest.

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7 years ago
Dec 15, 2017, 12:10:00 PM

So, to be clear, you sell a game that isn't properly functiuning, and will do nothing to refund customers that were spoiled by this ? excuse me, I don't want to be rude, but I'm a bit frustrated to be treated like this.

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7 years ago
Dec 20, 2017, 1:42:48 AM

"The issue is not that we don't care about the situation, but that we don't have the resources anymore to do anything about it, since development on Endless Legend wrapped up after the release of Endless Legend: Tempest. "

I am not a Mac user. But such an answer is simply disgusting. Since the release of the add-on was only a year. And you are still selling it, but do not want to fix bugs? 

Can it really be worth buying your games at this ratio? 

If you do not have the resources to support the mac - do not make it support on the store page. 

Many games are updated after years! Blizzard made a patch for Warcraft 3!(recently) And such patches do not only monstro studios! 

By the way, you seem to have bought a sega - you can no longer be called an indie!

Recently, there were problems with multiplayer games - it does not start - the start timer hangs.
Do you think the developers fixed this? I know 5 people with this problem.

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7 years ago
Dec 30, 2017, 2:10:02 AM

I'm running into the same issue others have mentioned recently.  I'm running this on a MBPr 15" with a discrete GPU.  99.9% of the time I game, I use a secondary monitor and use the laptop screen for web-browsing, Spotify, etc, and 99.9% of the time, this works just fine.  However, with Endless Legend, the only way I can get the game to run is either in 32bit mode, but the sound doesnt work, or in 64-bit mode, by closing the laptop screen.  However, when closing the laptop screen, I get an "Out of range" error on my secondary monitor when running in 1920x1080p 60.  I've tried all sorts of fiddling with my monitor, but I'm quite certain its the game.  Running in windowed mode is a mess, and even at 1600x900, it's pretty crappy looking.  Really hoping for an update.  Considering Endless Space 2 runs just fine on my older Macbook, and this game has had considerable more time for "development", marketing this game on Steam to macOS users is pretty terrible.

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7 years ago
Jan 13, 2018, 3:08:13 AM
Frogsquadron wrote:

The issue is not that we don't care about the situation, but that we don't have the resources anymore to do anything about it, since development on Endless Legend wrapped up after the release of Endless Legend: Tempest.


From one developer to another, I understand your sentiment. However, I feel it would be more accurate to say that Amplitude studios' executive team is choosing to not apply resources to any outstanding issues in Endless Legend. Maybe this choice is what's best for the business. Even so, it doesn't feel great from where I'm sitting. Anything is better than nothing, even if it's an unsupported patch in the Steam beta patch channel.

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8 years ago
Mar 6, 2017, 11:51:25 AM

Je n'ai pas remarqué d'autres utilisateurs présentant les mêmes symptômes au lancement du jeu que vous, ce qui aurait pourtant sans doute aidé à isoler la source du problème.

Mes connaissances en Mac sont malheureusement limitées, et OSX est de par sa conception une plate-forme qui n'offre pas beaucoup de recours quand il s'agit de troubleshooting. Je vous suggèrerais bien une désinstallation complète, de passer un coup de CCleaner et de réinstaller, mettre à jour et relancer, des fois qu'un ou plusieurs fichiers soient corrompus.

Notez que nous pourrions peut-être en savoir plus si vous nous joignez les fichiers suivants :

  • Player.log (via the OSX Console)

- ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log 

  • Diagnostics.*.html

- ~Library/Application Support/EndlessLegend/Temporary Files/

Updated 8 years ago.
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9 years ago
Sep 16, 2015, 1:01:50 PM

Hey guys,

We noticed that the Mac troubleshooting steps we had were kind of lacking, mostly due to many of us being lifelong Windows users. As a result, we would like to request your help in making this troubleshooting thread as good as it can be. Please add general troubleshooting steps for Mac or solutions to specific issues as relevant. Thanks!

Updating drivers

  • Click on the apple logo in the upper left corner
  • Select "App Store..."
  • Choose "Updates" from the icon bar .

Disabling Steam Overlay

  • Click on Steam and click on the "Settings" button. 
  • Click on the "In-Game Settings" tab. 
  • Uncheck the box next to "Enable Steam Community In-Game" and click OK.

Unplugging secondary screens

Other screens are known to cause issue with Macs and Endless Legend. Unplug them entirely and see if your game starts.

Mono Framework update

Many of you reported solving issues after updating their Mono Framework:

  • In the Steam client, in the game libraries tab, right-click (or MAC equivalent) on “Endless Legend” to open the game Properties,
  • Click on the “Local Files” tab,
  • Select “Browse local files”,
  • In the Finder window you should see some files related to the “Endless Legend” game, somewhere under “Libraries/Application Support/Endless Legend” or something.
  • The folder should contain a package file “MonoFramework-MRE-3.4.0.macos10.xamarin.x86.pkg” (this package – or more recent version – is required to execute Windows .Net executables on OSX)
  • Install the package

Verifying the integrity of your game cache

  • Load Steam
  • From the Library section, control-click on the game and select Properties from the menu.
  • Select the Local files tab and click the Verify integrity of game cache... button.
  • Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.
  • Once the process is completed, the Check Window will automatically exit.

Important: One or more files may fail to verify. This is normal for most Steam games. The files that fail to verify are local configuration files that should not be replaced as part of this process. You can safely ignore this message.

Make sure you do not execute any intensive other task on your computer at the same time such as scanning for viruses, or other cache integrity verifications.

In some crashes upon startup, if you're using a MacBook Pro or other Mac laptop, it could be that your laptop is trying to start the game without using its discrete GPU. Use the following tool to force it to use the GPU (tried on El Capitan).


https://github.com/codykrieger/gfxCardStatus (source code)

General Steam issues

Please consult the Steam Mac support forum for help with more general Steam issues.

Crashing upon startup

Workaround: try deleting the Registry.xml file, however note you'll have to do it every time before you launch the game.

Error Message - NotImplementedException: The game creation process has failed.

Add the command line option “-useembedded” (Properties on “Endless Legend” in Steam client library, and “Launch Options”) and launch a new game (don’t load Tutorial).

Add the command line option “-useshellexecute” (Properties on “Endless Legend” in Steam client library, and “Launch Options”) and launch a new game (don’t load Tutorial).

Note that you cannot use both commands at once.

Remember that if you encountered issues you were able to fix or there are other troubleshooting steps we could add to this thread, we'd love to get your help! Feel free to post them in reply to this thread. For issues, follow the steps given in this thread.

Updated 8 years ago.
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9 years ago
Sep 24, 2015, 3:49:08 PM
Thanks, I've updated the thread in consequence! smiley: smile

(this means the Steam support pages are outdated, which is the opposite of surprising, really smiley: biggrin)
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9 years ago
Apr 4, 2016, 1:25:19 AM
I just get the spinning wheel and then nothing... the window just disappears.

OSX 10.11.3 up to date steam client and get no error messages. Running on a Macbook pro 13'' retina with 8Gb of RAM and over 70Gb of spare disk.

Just bought the game and can't even start it... and can't find any registry.xml file either.
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9 years ago
Apr 9, 2016, 2:35:47 AM
Right Click your game on the steam Library, click properties, click the "Local Files" tab, then Browse local Files. Then right click the app, show package contents. The registry.xml file should be in the folder labeled "Public". Just send the document to the trash and it should start up. Though for me even after it starts up I can't actually get a game starts, we've got the same issues.
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8 years ago
Oct 26, 2016, 9:27:22 PM

In my case, having an external monitor caused the problem. May be due to using Nvidia web-drivers and a third party HDMI audio driver. 

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8 years ago
Oct 28, 2016, 6:32:49 PM

MacOS Sierra, iMac 13.2, Cinema Display 27". Cant launch game while second monitor is plugged. Changing Video Driver doesn't change anything. 32-bit client stucks at startup screen either with 1 monitor or 2 plugged. Only 1 working scenario to launch game - unplug second monitor launch game in 64 bit mode, plugin second monitor and play until crash (which always happens after some time playing).

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8 years ago
Nov 13, 2016, 10:18:08 AM

Here is hoping that you guys will rewrite the game for Metal some time down the road. I think it'd solve a bunch of issues that been around for as long as two years.

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8 years ago
Nov 13, 2016, 10:29:40 AM

I have a two-monitor setup as well and I can confirm that it causes the startup crash. One workaround might be that change your main screen to the external monitor (drag the menu bar to the external monitor in System Preferences - Displays - Arrangement) but it doesn't work 100% of the time. Unplugging the external monitor solves the problem but it's a pain.

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8 years ago
Jan 9, 2017, 2:16:52 PM

Running OSX El Capitan (v10.11.6) and MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015).

Launching Endless Legend from Steam would sometimes start and sometimes crash (mostly crashing).

For some reason, I had to use the following tool to force dedicated GPU prior to launching the game.


https://github.com/codykrieger/gfxCardStatus (source code)

This consistently launches the game for me. I haven't tested on newer macOS/OSX versions.

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8 years ago
Jan 10, 2017, 8:46:05 AM

Thank you for sharing this, I'll add it to our troubleshooting steps!

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8 years ago
Jan 17, 2017, 5:59:24 PM

When I right click on "Endless Legend," it allows me to view package content.  I then am able to find a folder for "Frameworks" and then a folder for MonoEmbedRuntime.  The latter is the only folder inside of "Frameworks."   But all I can find are 2 "dylib" files. One of them is libmono.o.dylib.  Inside the Data folder I found a "Mono" folder.  But basically I am looking all over and not finding any .pkg files or file names starting with "monoframework"

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8 years ago
Jan 19, 2017, 10:17:06 PM

shockingly, disconnecting my second monitor was the only thing that stopped the game from crashing on launch.

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8 years ago
Jan 21, 2017, 7:32:46 PM

I was able to play through the tutorial and a bit of a regular game. But then the program crashed and now I'm unable to restart. I'm running on a MacBook 15 2016 OS 10.12.2 with Radeon Pro 460.

I've manually installed the Mono Framework. I've verified the game cache integrity. I've switched to 32bit.

I'm not sure what else to do.

How can I fix this?

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8 years ago
Jan 24, 2017, 9:11:22 AM

What happens when you try to restart the game?

@taometta: have you tried reinstalling the game altogether?

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8 years ago
Feb 1, 2017, 8:16:20 PM

Maybe the developer can take a page out of Feral's playbook. All of their games come with a setup box before launch that lets you choose in which display you want to play the game. 

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8 years ago
Feb 20, 2017, 4:05:48 PM

celà fait plusieurs mois que ce jeu ne se lance plus.J'ai réinstallé Steam réinstallé le jeu essayé plusieurs patches acheté d'autres DLC que je n'ai jamais pu utiliser publié de nombreuses notes sur les forums et sur le site du jeu sans réponses.Il n'y a pas que le jeu en lui-même mais toutes les extensions aussi dont certaines que je n'ai jamais pu voir à quoi ça ressemblait.Dommage car j'apprécie ce jeu mais là ça ne fonctionne plus !!! A noter que celà s'est produit soudainement,donc pas de problèmes de firewall où autre car ma configuration est toujours la même.De plus tous mes autres jeux fonctionnent,le problème n'est lié qu'a endless legend depuis une mise à jour.J'ai essayé la mise à jour de patches directement mais pas de changement.Je venais juste d'acheter 2 extensions que je n'ai jamais pu utiliser !!!

Je comptais sur votre diligence à résoudre ce problème mais force est de constater que vous n'êtes pas pressés ... Steam s'en fout également et ne veut pas me rembourser vu le nombre d'heures d'utilisation ce qui est aussi un peu compréhensible mais à présent cet achat est caduque !!! si aucune issue ne m'est proposée je regarderait à 2 fois avant d'investir dans d'autres jeux de votre gamme ...

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8 years ago
Feb 21, 2017, 1:11:47 PM
cehache46 wrote:

celà fait plusieurs mois que ce jeu ne se lance plus.J'ai réinstallé Steam réinstallé le jeu essayé plusieurs patches acheté d'autres DLC que je n'ai jamais pu utiliser publié de nombreuses notes sur les forums et sur le site du jeu sans réponses.Il n'y a pas que le jeu en lui-même mais toutes les extensions aussi dont certaines que je n'ai jamais pu voir à quoi ça ressemblait.Dommage car j'apprécie ce jeu mais là ça ne fonctionne plus !!! A noter que celà s'est produit soudainement,donc pas de problèmes de firewall où autre car ma configuration est toujours la même.De plus tous mes autres jeux fonctionnent,le problème n'est lié qu'a endless legend depuis une mise à jour.J'ai essayé la mise à jour de patches directement mais pas de changement.Je venais juste d'acheter 2 extensions que je n'ai jamais pu utiliser !!!

Je comptais sur votre diligence à résoudre ce problème mais force est de constater que vous n'êtes pas pressés ... Steam s'en fout également et ne veut pas me rembourser vu le nombre d'heures d'utilisation ce qui est aussi un peu compréhensible mais à présent cet achat est caduque !!! si aucune issue ne m'est proposée je regarderait à 2 fois avant d'investir dans d'autres jeux de votre gamme ...

Pourriez-vous préciser à quel étape du lancement celui-ci s'interrompt-il ? Est-ce pendant le chargement, avant celui-ci ?

Vous ne précisez pas si vos drivers sont à jour, je vais donc vous conseiller de les mettre à jour :

To check if any updates are available please do the following:

  • Click on the Apple in the upper left corner of the screen
  • Select "Software Update..."
  • Any updates available will be listed and able to be downloaded or you will be told your software is up to date
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8 years ago
Feb 23, 2017, 2:36:43 PM

Dés le lancement du jeu s'affiche une fenêtre "Endless Legend a quitté d'une manière imprévue" Avec différentes options comme "ignorer" signaler" "relancer" Tous mes drivers sont à jour de façon automatique ainsi que les updates de sécurité du système.A noter que la dernière fois que j'ai pu ouvrir ce jeu je n'avais pas de son,donc je l'ai re-démarré et il ne se lance plus depuis lors.J'ai vainement essayé plein de trucs divers mais rien n'y fait !!!

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8 years ago
Feb 24, 2017, 2:11:56 PM

Quel modèle de Mac utilisez-vous ?

Avez-vous essayé de lancer le jeu après un démarrage en mode sans échec ? Cela peut aider à identifier des problèmes éventuels :

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8 years ago
Feb 25, 2017, 1:26:16 PM

Je viens d'essayer et le résultat est le même ... De toutes façons c'est le seul jeu qui plante Endless Space et autres fonctionnent très bien ... C'est survenu après la mise à jour !!! est-ce possible de revenir en arrière ???

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8 years ago
Feb 28, 2017, 3:37:50 AM

I've been having problems with the game crashing on startup (occasionally) and while playing that have gotten much worse since I updated my OS to Sierra a month or so ago. When it crashes while I'm playing, usually it seems to be related to the game opening a window for an event, most frequently when I'm trying to interact with the hero skill tree. I've tried the troubleshooting steps here with no luck - updating the Mono Framework actually seems to have made it worse. Any ideas? I'm playing on an 8GB iMac with plenty of space on the HD.

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8 years ago
Feb 28, 2017, 9:33:55 AM

Does this happen at the same rate if you lower your graphic settings in the options?

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8 years ago
Mar 4, 2017, 3:31:36 PM

Je vois que vous êtes déjà passé à autre chose et j'attends toujours une réponse !!! La dernière mise à jour est en cause de nombreux problèmes de lancement (je ne suis pas le seul) il serait judicieux de chercher de ce côté et de remettre une version en ligne même plus ancienne qui ne posait pas de problèmes... Je venais juste d'acheter deux extensions de ce jeu et je n'ai jamais pu les utiliser !!! J'ai différé l'achat d'Endless Space 2 car je ne voudrais pas rencontrer les même problèmes ... C'est frustrant et désolé mais ça frôle l'arnaque ... Que vous soyez concerné par les PC , je peut comprendre mais dans ce cas ne faîtes pas de versions Mac si vous ne pouvez assumer ...

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8 years ago
Mar 6, 2017, 5:22:25 PM

J'ai vu sur le forum de Steam d'autres joueurs ayant les même soucis mais peut-être suis-je le seul à vous avoir contacté vu que Steam ne faisait rien et ne veut même pas me rembourser les deux extensions que je n'ai jamais utilisé !!!

Données envoyées à Apple

Process:               EndlessLegend [52054]
Path:                  /Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Steam/*/EndlessLegend.app/Contents/MacOS/EndlessLegend
Identifier:            unity.AMPLITUDE Studios.Endless Legend
Version:               Unity Player version 5.3.6p1 (5.3.6p1)
Code Type:             X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:        ??? [1]
Responsible:           EndlessLegend [52054]
User ID:               502

Date/Time:             2017-03-06 17:56:42.051 +0100
OS Version:            Mac OS X 10.12.3 (16D32)
Report Version:        12
Anonymous UUID:        01E54867-9BBA-4C97-B112-5741D9F1A7A7

Time Awake Since Boot: 32000 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread:        0  MainThrd  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread

Exception Type:        EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes:       EXC_I386_GPFLT
Exception Note:        EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY

Application Specific Information:
abort() called

Thread 0 Crashed:: MainThrd  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib            0x00000001075b1dd6 __pthread_kill + 10
1   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x0000000107708787 pthread_kill + 90
2   libsystem_c.dylib                 0x00000001074bf420 abort + 129
3   libmono.0.dylib                   0x0000000102b47a08 mono_handle_native_sigsegv + 726
4   libmono.0.dylib                   0x0000000102b9106d sigabrt_signal_handler + 97
5   libsystem_platform.dylib          0x00000001076f3bba _sigtramp + 26
6   ???                               0x00000001077112c8 0 + 4419818184
7   libsystem_c.dylib                 0x00000001074bf420 abort + 129
8   unity.AMPLITUDE Studios.Endless Legend    0x0000000100b10334 HandleSignal(int, __siginfo*, void*) + 36
9   libmono.0.dylib                   0x0000000102b90c9e mono_chain_signal + 75
10  libmono.0.dylib                   0x0000000102ad94be mono_sigsegv_signal_handler + 210
11  libsystem_platform.dylib          0x00000001076f3bba _sigtramp + 26
12  ???                               0x0000000000000748 0 + 1864
13  ???                               0x0000000104ca9d80 initialPoolContent + 1104
14  unity.AMPLITUDE Studios.Endless Legend    0x00000001010bdce7 CreateGLGfxDevice() + 135
15  unity.AMPLITUDE Studios.Endless Legend    0x00000001009f3020 CreateRealGfxDevice(GfxDeviceRenderer, bool) + 48
16  unity.AMPLITUDE Studios.Endless Legend    0x0000000101108169 GfxDeviceWorker::Startup(GfxDeviceRenderer, bool, bool) + 25
17  unity.AMPLITUDE Studios.Endless Legend    0x00000001010f869f CreateClientGfxDevice(GfxDeviceRenderer, unsigned int) + 159
18  unity.AMPLITUDE Studios.Endless Legend    0x00000001009f37b0 InitializeGfxDevice(unsigned int) + 320
19  unity.AMPLITUDE Studios.Endless Legend    0x0000000100acbb03 InitializeEngineGraphics(bool) + 67
20  unity.AMPLITUDE Studios.Endless Legend    0x0000000100aae9c2 PlayerInitEngineGraphics(bool) + 18
21  unity.AMPLITUDE Studios.Endless Legend    0x00000001010813a2 SetupUnityPlayer(bool, int, char**) + 722
22  unity.AMPLITUDE Studios.Endless Legend    0x0000000101084415 -[PlayerAppDelegate applicationDidFinishLaunching:] + 821
23  com.apple.CoreFoundation          0x0000000104d8c9fc __CFNOTIFICATIONCENTER_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER__ + 12
24  com.apple.CoreFoundation          0x0000000104d8c8fb _CFXRegistrationPost + 427
25  com.apple.CoreFoundation          0x0000000104d8c662 ___CFXNotificationPost_block_invoke + 50
26  com.apple.CoreFoundation          0x0000000104d4ad12 -[_CFXNotificationRegistrar find:object:observer:enumerator:] + 2018
27  com.apple.CoreFoundation          0x0000000104d49cfb _CFXNotificationPost + 667
28  com.apple.Foundation              0x000000010542ba37 -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 66
29  com.apple.AppKit                  0x000000010307d2b5 -[NSApplication _postDidFinishNotification] + 297
30  com.apple.AppKit                  0x000000010307d01a -[NSApplication _sendFinishLaunchingNotification] + 208
31  com.apple.AppKit                  0x0000000102f40383 -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleAEOpenEvent:] + 552
32  com.apple.AppKit                  0x0000000102f3ffd5 -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleCoreEvent:withReplyEvent:] + 661
33  com.apple.Foundation              0x0000000105476ebd -[NSAppleEventManager dispatchRawAppleEvent:withRawReply:handlerRefCon:] + 290
34  com.apple.Foundation              0x0000000105476d37 _NSAppleEventManagerGenericHandler + 102
35  com.apple.AE                      0x0000000104bd80da aeDispatchAppleEvent(AEDesc const*, AEDesc*, unsigned int, unsigned char*) + 544
36  com.apple.AE                      0x0000000104bd7e51 dispatchEventAndSendReply(AEDesc const*, AEDesc*) + 39
37  com.apple.AE                      0x0000000104bd7d5d aeProcessAppleEvent + 312
38  com.apple.HIToolbox               0x000000010b70274f AEProcessAppleEvent + 55
39  com.apple.AppKit                  0x0000000102f3b87d _DPSNextEvent + 1833
40  com.apple.AppKit                  0x00000001036b5d6b -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 2789
41  com.apple.AppKit                  0x0000000102f2ff35 -[NSApplication run] + 926
42  com.apple.AppKit                  0x0000000102efa850 NSApplicationMain + 1237
43  unity.AMPLITUDE Studios.Endless Legend    0x00000001010821fe PlayerMain(int, char const**) + 638
44  unity.AMPLITUDE Studios.Endless Legend    0x0000000100001534 start + 52

Thread 1:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib            0x00000001075b24e2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
1   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x0000000107705791 _pthread_wqthread + 1426
2   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x00000001077051ed start_wqthread + 13

Thread 2:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib            0x00000001075b24e2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
1   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x00000001077055fe _pthread_wqthread + 1023
2   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x00000001077051ed start_wqthread + 13

Thread 3:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib            0x00000001075b24e2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
1   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x0000000107705791 _pthread_wqthread + 1426
2   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x00000001077051ed start_wqthread + 13

Thread 4:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib            0x00000001075b24e2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
1   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x0000000107705791 _pthread_wqthread + 1426
2   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x00000001077051ed start_wqthread + 13

Thread 5:
0   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x00000001077051e0 start_wqthread + 0

Thread 6:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib            0x00000001075aa3c6 semaphore_wait_trap + 10
1   libmono.0.dylib                   0x0000000102c69bc8 mono_sem_wait + 35
2   libmono.0.dylib                   0x0000000102bbd48d finalizer_thread + 127
3   libmono.0.dylib                   0x0000000102c3090d start_wrapper + 457
4   libmono.0.dylib                   0x0000000102c6092a thread_start_routine + 218
5   libmono.0.dylib                   0x0000000102c86ca6 GC_start_routine + 96
6   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x0000000107705aab _pthread_body + 180
7   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x00000001077059f7 _pthread_start + 286
8   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x00000001077051fd thread_start + 13

Thread 7:: BatchDeleteObjects
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib            0x00000001075aa3c6 semaphore_wait_trap + 10
1   libdispatch.dylib                 0x00000001073a229e _dispatch_semaphore_wait_slow + 171
2   unity.AMPLITUDE Studios.Endless Legend    0x0000000100b9160b ThreadedStreamBuffer::HandleReadOverflow(unsigned int&, unsigned int&) + 299
3   unity.AMPLITUDE Studios.Endless Legend    0x0000000100aa8e80 BatchDeleteStep2Threaded(void*) + 80
4   unity.AMPLITUDE Studios.Endless Legend    0x0000000100b9020a Thread::RunThreadWrapper(void*) + 58
5   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x0000000107705aab _pthread_body + 180
6   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x00000001077059f7 _pthread_start + 286
7   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x00000001077051fd thread_start + 13

Thread 8:: AsyncReadManager
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib            0x00000001075aa3c6 semaphore_wait_trap + 10
1   libdispatch.dylib                 0x00000001073a229e _dispatch_semaphore_wait_slow + 171
2   unity.AMPLITUDE Studios.Endless Legend    0x0000000100bcb2a9 AsyncReadManagerThreaded::ThreadEntry() + 153
3   unity.AMPLITUDE Studios.Endless Legend    0x0000000100bcafe9 AsyncReadManagerThreaded::StaticThreadEntry(void*) + 9
4   unity.AMPLITUDE Studios.Endless Legend    0x0000000100b9020a Thread::RunThreadWrapper(void*) + 58
5   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x0000000107705aab _pthread_body + 180
6   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x00000001077059f7 _pthread_start + 286
7   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x00000001077051fd thread_start + 13

Thread 9:: UnityLookForNewInputDevices
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib            0x00000001075aa38a mach_msg_trap + 10
1   libsystem_kernel.dylib            0x00000001075a97d7 mach_msg + 55
2   com.apple.CoreFoundation          0x0000000104d77e84 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212
3   com.apple.CoreFoundation          0x0000000104d77301 __CFRunLoopRun + 1361
4   com.apple.CoreFoundation          0x0000000104d76b54 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 420
5   com.apple.CoreFoundation          0x0000000104db6631 CFRunLoopRun + 97
6   unity.AMPLITUDE Studios.Endless Legend    0x0000000101092af1 LookForNewDevices(void*) + 401
7   unity.AMPLITUDE Studios.Endless Legend    0x0000000100b9020a Thread::RunThreadWrapper(void*) + 58
8   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x0000000107705aab _pthread_body + 180
9   libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x00000001077059f7 _pthread_start + 286
10  libsystem_pthread.dylib           0x00000001077051fd thread_start + 13

Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit):
  rax: 0x0000000000000000  rbx: 0x0000000000000006  rcx: 0x00007fff5fbfc378  rdx: 0x0000000000000000
  rdi: 0x0000000000000307  rsi: 0x0000000000000006  rbp: 0x00007fff5fbfc3a0  rsp: 0x00007fff5fbfc378
   r8: 0x0000000000000040   r9: 0x00000001074f2040  r10: 0x0000000008000000  r11: 0x0000000000000206
  r12: 0x0000000102d147d1  r13: 0x00000001074f2a20  r14: 0x000000010770d3c0  r15: 0x000000000000cb5b
  rip: 0x00000001075b1dd6  rfl: 0x0000000000000206  cr2: 0x00000001074f6148

Logical CPU:     0
Error Code:      0x02000148
Trap Number:     133

Binary Images:
       0x100000000 -        0x101566a97 +unity.AMPLITUDE Studios.Endless Legend (Unity Player version 5.3.6p1 - 5.3.6p1) <C1EC7153-4CE5-3A29-910E-620984CF29C9> /Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Steam/*/EndlessLegend.app/Contents/MacOS/EndlessLegend
       0x101c0b000 -        0x101c2cff7 +gameoverlayrenderer.dylib (1) <BE9F8B7E-AB91-3129-8B1B-B1546DFCC095> /Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Steam/*/gameoverlayrenderer.dylib
       0x101c3e000 -        0x101c3efff +steamloader.dylib (0) <C85B1892-A204-3ACE-A1AA-10E5F2B49BDF> /Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Steam/*/steamloader.dylib
       0x101c41000 -        0x101c41fff  com.apple.CoreServices (775.9.7 - 775.9.7) <A5C444F3-408B-3062-AF4B-BF8CD919F221> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/CoreServices
       0x101c46000 -        0x101c46fff  com.apple.Cocoa (6.11 - 22) <CF1AD0E9-2257-35FE-B719-760B58E405C9> /System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Versions/A/Cocoa
       0x101c4a000 -        0x101cdaff7  com.apple.audio.CoreAudio (4.3.0 - 4.3.0) <A38A11A5-130B-39CE-

0Send private message
4 years ago
Dec 11, 2020, 7:58:51 AM

Step 1: Run First Aid. In most cases, after you've booted successfully from the OS X CD, the first logical troubleshooting step is to use the First Aid option in the Disk Utility application. Step 2: Safe Boot into Safe Mode. Step 3: Zapping the PRAM. Step 4: Reinstalling OS X. Step 5: Take your Mac in for repair. mcdvoice mybkexperience

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Apr 22, 2021, 6:31:37 PM

Do you all know when Catalina will be supported?
Interestingly, on an older Macbook that was also using Catalina, I WAS able to play Endless legend, though it would get more and more sluggish the longer I was on a map and the fans on the macbook were running as loud and hard as they could. Unfortunately I've since lost access to that device. I've got a bootcamp partition though so I'll just try running it on that until it's updated for the MacOS.



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