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EA- At it again. RE: SimCity DRM

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12 years ago
Mar 2, 2013, 8:50:31 AM
Igncom1 wrote:
I don't get the stigma against origin, it's exactly the same thing as steam and does all of the same crap that valve does to you.
I don't really have problems with origin per se; the point is I have to constantly switch between different release platforms depending on the game I wish to play.µ

example: I wish to play Mass effect 2, I'll need to start steam.

When I'm finished and wish to import my savefile to continue playing in Mass Effect 3 I need to start Origin.
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12 years ago
Mar 2, 2013, 9:56:52 AM
Igncom1 wrote:
I don't get the stigma against origin, it's exactly the same thing as steam and does all of the same crap that valve does to you.

Personally I'm just annoyed that I have to have two launchers sitting in the background to run all of my games. And Origin is a lot less polished interface wise compared to Steam. It isn't bad enough that I won't use it - but I'd use Steam over it any day given the choice. smiley: redface
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12 years ago
Mar 2, 2013, 11:59:12 AM
adder wrote:
I don't really have problems with origin per se; the point is I have to constantly switch between different release platforms depending on the game I wish to play.µ

example: I wish to play Mass effect 2, I'll need to start steam.

When I'm finished and wish to import my savefile to continue playing in Mass Effect 3 I need to start Origin.

My point why I didn't buy the ME Collection lol
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12 years ago
Mar 4, 2013, 7:46:54 PM
Mansen wrote:
[Origin] isn't bad enough that I won't use it - but I'd use Steam over it any day given the choice. smiley: redface

I feel Origin is privy to this. They know most people would buy it on Steam if it were available there.

This is like the equivalent of Apple releasing a Mac-exclusive game. Makes perfect sense to them, but is a horribly bad choice that somewhat alienates the majority of potential customers.
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12 years ago
Mar 4, 2013, 8:02:35 PM
murph wrote:
I feel Origin is privy to this. They know most people would buy it on Steam if it were available there.

This is like the equivalent of Apple releasing a Mac-exclusive game. Makes perfect sense to them, but is a horribly bad choice that somewhat alienates the majority of potential customers.

Well said, well said.
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12 years ago
Mar 4, 2013, 8:23:34 PM
Wouldn't hurt EA to take some serious pointers from Valve though - It's hard to be a competitor when your product is inferior (or rather much less polished) smiley: biggrin
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