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Typos & Localization

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6 years ago
Feb 15, 2019, 3:19:11 PM

When destroy sanctuaries, UC population 'will be sent to' is not translate. In all language! Because it's not in XML ressources but hard coded.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Feb 16, 2019, 1:37:42 PM

1. I think it supposed to be "Упырь или Гурман", considering quest description:

2. Words repeat:

3. Concrete Endless should be "Вечные-Реалы" or smth of the sort not:

4. French:

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Feb 19, 2019, 4:31:12 PM

There's this whole confusion over Arks/Motherships (both Vanilla and Custom Races) and Custom Races Shipbound and Celestial Vines-based ships (designs of Leecher and Entwiner type).

1. Vodyani proper

Arks have this message: 



This fulfills the role of a home planet for the Vodyani. They use it to travel between systems, anchoring on the ones they deem worthy of purification.

while all else ships have:


Role: eg Defense

Named after or something of that ilk. (example)

This is further exacerberated when THERE IS a dead-end entry for 


Role: Ark 

A holy name, and the first Vodyani whose Cloth permitted cohabitation with a Virtual.

Which should be correct! (how it looks in practice

2. Furthermore 

All races except DLC/Expansion-trait Custom Races have default names for their Leech, Entwiner and a bugged name (that doesnt show) for their Motherships/Arks. DLc races have such uniques like Taka (leecher for Vaulters) or Sweipe (literally norse for entwine I suppose) so it's aan oversight that would be fixed in 5 min time.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Feb 21, 2019, 3:18:34 PM

Ver 1.4.9 GERMAN

Sanctuary connection in system view (bottom left corner) is too long and unreadable!

In german the word is: "Refugiumsverbindung von". Overflows the ship and pop icons with system name connected.


1. use "Refugiumsverb." instead and cancel the word "von"

or create an icon e.g.

2. <--->

(you make good icons!) ;)

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Feb 21, 2019, 6:59:09 PM

I can't somehow access the closed beta forum but I think you devs guys will have an access on it.


I reported lots of Korean localization issues at Penumbra beta forum. And now, it seems most of them left untouched. Of course I know some of those reports are just different interpretation, not wrong translation. But there are several issues need to be addressed. It's already a month ago and simple typos or term standardization issues still exist even now.

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6 years ago
Feb 22, 2019, 11:54:51 AM

There are some confusing achievement descriptions.

Endleus Vult only counts for Arks destroyed in battle not destroyed by siege. It should have been mentioned.

Also there is a translation error in the german version of the achievement Are you entertained? It only says destroy 20 CP. But it didn't mention that you have to play as Hissho.

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6 years ago
Apr 27, 2019, 9:27:08 PM

I think I saw a typo in Unfallen's quest in v1.4.13 S5 GOLD-Public that read "weapeons" (or smilar bad ending, use /weap[^o].*?s/ regex to look up) where "weapons" was intended.

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5 years ago
Jun 24, 2019, 10:50:30 PM

In the German "ES2_Localization_Quest_Locales.xml" there are 3 highlight klemps, you can find them with [^> \n]#FFFF00#[^ \n].

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Jun 25, 2019, 3:58:15 AM
FirePrince wrote:

In the German "ES2_Localization_Quest_Locales.xml" there are 3 highlight klemps, you can find them with [^> \n]#FFFF00#[^ \n].

Do you have any screenshots showing what's finally wrong? I don't get it. As long as it should be 3 typos (if I understand right), could you post the whole command lines in ES2_Localization_Quest_Locales.xml you refer to?

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5 years ago
Jun 26, 2019, 3:20:59 PM

In the German <LocalizationPair Name="%PlanetStatusDestroyedDescription">Dieser Planet wurde zerstöt.</LocalizationPair> must be "zerstört".

Groo wrote:
FirePrince wrote:

In the German "ES2_Localization_Quest_Locales.xml" there are 3 highlight klemps, you can find them with [^> \n]#FFFF00#[^ \n].

Do you have any screenshots showing what's finally wrong? I don't get it. As long as it should be 3 typos (if I understand right), could you post the whole command lines in ES2_Localization_Quest_Locales.xml you refer to?

Line 484: Auf diesem Bildschirm kannst du#FFFF00#Helden inspizieren und zuweisen/freistellen#REVERT#.

and line 37: Du kannst leicht über eines abstimmen lassen!#FFFF00#Klicke auf 

There should be a whitespace before #FFFF00#. It looks like this: duHelden inspizieren... 

Just on looking for the screenshoot I found another typo: line 455 in ES2_Localization_Quest_Locales.xml should be called "Assimilierungsmerkmal"

PS: I checked the whole file, lines:
829: Sternernsysteme → Sternensysteme
1964: entgegenbracht → entgegengebracht
2495: unmögich → unmöglich
2958: angzeigt → angezeigt
3196: Glückspiel → Glücksspiel
3264: funtionieren → funktionieren
3643: notwenige → notwendige

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Jun 26, 2019, 4:41:08 PM


At least it's fixed in my mod Sprachmod Deutsch v1.4.13 (activation doesn't affect achievement-hunting) thanks to your report, now. Good catches (apart from "zerstöt", what was fixed in the mod even before)!

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5 years ago
Jun 26, 2019, 8:35:49 PM
FirePrince wrote:

Oh cool, kannte ich nicht ;-)

Das grenzt ja beinahe an Blasphemie ;-)

Danke nochmals für Deine Hinweise. Bitte mehr davon! Ich bin mir nicht so sicher, dass die Entwickler noch Zeit und Geld dafür investieren, um die hier hinterlassenen Hinweise in zukünftigen Updates zu verarbeiten. Ich freue mich jedenfalls jedes Mal, wenn jemand wie Du etwas (für mich und andere) Neues entdeckt, was ich in meine Mod einfließen lassen kann.

Möge die Macht mit Dir sein!

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5 years ago
Jul 3, 2019, 6:37:34 AM

The German translation for ships health is very misleading and confusing as "Energie", it has the same meaning as the English energy (ofcource anything is energy). So there should nothing more to complain, the whole game gets misleading in German, compare also Energiewaffen (which is correct). It should be better "Rumpfstärke" or "Rumpf".

@Game gets misleading e.q. also the gameplay relevant term flotilla gets translated as fleet (Flotte) etc...

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Sep 8, 2019, 9:38:41 AM

I'm sorry it may be a bit of topic, but this is something that is strange to me. How it is that devs come with second DLC to the game and also few updates, but i cannot see any fixes to the game in this matter? I'm dissapointed.

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5 years ago
Sep 8, 2019, 11:29:09 AM

Fourth major DLC, 10th (?) overall. Because fixes do not generate revenue, new content does.

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