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Multiplayer Desync

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8 years ago
May 15, 2017, 2:55:24 PM
Dump Files.rarFrogsquadron wrote:

In My Documents>Endless Space 2>Dump Files, you'll have a DesyncReport folder for each desync you have. Inside is a .dump file that we'll ask you to upload, using the little "Upload file" icon (next to the camera).

We need these to be able to fix the desync issues as they crop up. Thanks!

Here are a whole bunch of dump files. The game is quite literally desyncing every time we click end turn.
I love the game and played many hours of MP in ES 1 before this so am unsure why the new game hasn't cracked the MP issues.
Hopefully you will sort it out as a matter of some priority. It would be very bad tto release the game as it is

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8 years ago
May 17, 2017, 12:30:30 PM

Hi ,

DesyncReports alone are not helping them they need savegames and diagnosefiles. Have already send close to 200 Reports without savegames but they are usless.

Check the multiplayer desync Topic.


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8 years ago
May 17, 2017, 11:28:28 PM

I disagree especially as he was told to send them in by a developer in the first place, read the post listed in the post.

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