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Further Faction Customization

Minor Factions

7 years ago
Nov 21, 2017, 8:09:09 AM

I love the diversity in this game, and I think it would benefit from having the ability to choose Minor factions as a leader even if the only actual change is just how the leader looks, it would help greatly for larger games or just that added variety of playing as an amoeba.

Updated 3 months ago.
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7 years ago
Dec 3, 2017, 9:40:59 PM

For sidequests it shouldn't be too hard to just let them be accessible but for a main quest, maybe something like a general catch all quest that can be applied for custom* races.

( Custom faction/races being chosen from the minor races already in game or to be added in game. )

While it would add more labor, maybe a 'simple' three stage general quest for the custom factions.

1. How do we the ,[insert race name here] , not get overwhelmed/colonized by the major factions?

A. Generate more Influence //B. Increase population / Colonize more planets //C. Militarize Generate X-Amount of Manpower/ build X-amount of combat ships

2.  Now that we are more [ Influential / Numerous / Militarized ] we should make a grand statement, to solidify our political presence.

A. Put a colony in the Academy Star System / Orbit the Academy Star System for X-Amount of turns // B. Maintain Positive influence over the other Major Factions for X-amount of turns. // C. End a war with a rival faction with a positive war score.

3. As a powerful space nation with solid political respect in the galaxy, we as a people should truly show how great we are and be a shining example for future civilizations.

A. They will truly fear us. Conquer x-amount of minor factions / major factions to show how indominable your military is. // B. Show them how a real power flexes its influence. Assimilate x-amount of minor factions + maintain peace for x-amount of turns // C. Show everyone  just how large a true empire is! Control 40% of the galaxy through sphere of influence or direct colonization.

Another alternative would be the ability to pick one of the Main Quests from the already existing Major Factions.

Updated 7 years ago.
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