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Death of fighter and bomber visuals

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11 years ago
Sep 8, 2013, 2:48:09 AM
Is there any graphics for the destruction of fighters and or bombers. I have played several games and witnessed them flying in formation and fighters intercepting bombers but only seen one bomber shot down.

1. Is the "squadron" of fighters consider one unit with combat values that stay the same or do they diminish if models are lost?

2. As my modding has changed the number of bombers from 1 to 2 would the one remaining bomber still be firing as many times or is it each unit that fires?

3. If the flight were mine could I expect the missing fighter or bomber (barring repair) to be missing next turn.

4. Has anyone seen the death of a fighter or bomber to a Capital ship?
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11 years ago
Sep 8, 2013, 5:06:30 PM
1) The Squadron is considered one module, with X number of "Tiny Ships" (Actual In-game terminology :P). To answer your question, if 3/5 fighters are shot down during the fight, that module will be 60% damaged at the end of the fight.

2) "Tiny Units" work individually and independently of one another if they are of different modules. However, bombers would most likely act like fighters if more than one were in a single module. But they would still fire X shots each.

3) Yes it will be missing, as I said its measured in percent, so if the module is 60% damages (Barring repair) It will be 60% damaged next turn so only two fighters are deployed.

4) Many times. StrikeCraft can be taken down by capital ships through Point Defenses.
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11 years ago
Sep 8, 2013, 8:21:42 PM
Each squadron of fighter/bomber use a single targetting/motion sequence queue (this relates to the fighter/bomber state xml) but each ship within the squadron is its own independent unit with HP, attack, accuracy, evade, etc. This means you cannot calculate fighter/bomber performance by simply summing over squad. The process of shooting down fighter/bomber either by other fighters or by PD is highly discretized.

I don't know if this is a bug or is in fact intentional, but fighter/bomber currently do not remember their damage state from the previous turn (at least while I was testing). Even if your entire flight is wiped out in the previous turn they will come back completely repaired the next turn. I only tested this with a small amount of module repair (something like 10% per turn) in play so its possible that if I had used no module repair at all the result would have been different.
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11 years ago
Sep 8, 2013, 10:40:54 PM
Antera wrote:

I don't know if this is a bug or is in fact intentional, but fighter/bomber currently do not remember their damage state from the previous turn (at least while I was testing). Even if your entire flight is wiped out in the previous turn they will come back completely repaired the next turn. I only tested this with a small amount of module repair (something like 10% per turn) in play so its possible that if I had used no module repair at all the result would have been different.

Interested to know whether or not you were in friendly or enemy influence space. I have noted the same behavior (next turn they are all back) but only in friendly territory. If i'm in enemy territory, the ships "remember" how many they had left
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11 years ago
Sep 9, 2013, 3:19:08 AM
Just took a look at the save, the system was owned by Amoeba, who I am at peace with and the fleet that killed my crafts was Craver (who was attacking the Amoeba) who I am at cold war with. The system is inside my empire's influence.

So maybe its set by influence, regardless of system ownership?
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11 years ago
Sep 9, 2013, 1:14:53 PM
Antera wrote:

So maybe its set by influence, regardless of system ownership?

That must be it. (as mentioned, my scenario is exactly like yours: In my influence, not my system)

btw, which folder is the Fighter/Bomber xml you mentioned found in? I can't find one like it... (its one of the few i'm not familiar with)
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11 years ago
Sep 9, 2013, 10:30:34 PM
I am guessing you're refering to the targetting/motion sequence file. It is "BattleSequenceSubShips.xml" You can use this to control sequence of actions that fighter/bomber goes through, how long the actions take, and the timing of the animation in the battle view. There are some quirks with it though so its not all powerful. But I guess that's how a lot of the files are.

This is how I got the fighter/bomber to engage in the first phase in my Carrier mod.
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