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Actual Leaders for a Nation/Faction

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11 years ago
May 30, 2013, 3:09:15 PM
Maclardal wrote:
What if the leader wasn't static? What if instead he grew like the heroes and had a tree he could go down. The tree would be different for each leader that you picked and stats would apply to the entire empire rather than just the system that heroes apply to.

ehhhhh as long as the Xp gains progressed evenly for all factions. In fact, it would be cool if the XP gains progressed inverse quadratically or triatically to the number of systems that the player owns. That way the leaders with small empires could get extra XP to help with the lack of FIDS there empire is gaining. Kind of like extra XP because the leader would have to be resourceful.
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 3:52:08 PM
I like the idea -but- as far as I'm aware racial "Traits" which are unique to each race essentially cover what you're thinking of. However, for a create-a-race, it might be a nifty bonus to throw in. Design your own racial trait based on the leader?
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 3:55:55 PM
What if the leader wasn't static? What if instead he grew like the heroes and had a tree he could go down. The tree would be different for each leader that you picked and stats would apply to the entire empire rather than just the system that heroes apply to.
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 4:02:26 PM
Could also make them less predictable I suppose. Rather than seeing a race and thinking, "I know what they're going to do..." you'll be forced to think more about their intentions. Not that it would change them completely, but for example: The Hissho are quite aggressive, 2 different leaders might 1) make them as aggressive as usual, destruction for the sake of honour, etc or 2) very xenophobic to the extent that they turtle. So they don't suddenly become peaceful. but their play style changes somewhat.
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 4:04:47 PM
Also, a information bar that tells you what they think about you and your faction. Something like, what they think about your military, your economy and your expansions. Perhaps their face changes as you progress and either befriends them or become enemies.
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 4:13:50 PM
I am not sure on your suggestion as your Hero can be the leader of your empire/ system
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 4:16:51 PM
All good ideas. Keep them coming smiley: biggrin.

I like the idea of the tree, that could even take the place of the multiple-leader choice idea, since you could have them focus down a tree for exploration, or research, etc. Though I'm still partial to multiple leaders to choose from as it just adds variety. But still, it's a good idea. And yeah I think that would break up the monotony of "This faction does X and this faction does Z. Every time.", like you said, it wouldn't have to be a radical change but more like your example of the Hissho I suppose.
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 4:19:57 PM
jetkar wrote:
I am not sure on your suggestion as your Hero can be the leader of your empire/ system

The heroes currently only govern 1 system of many. They only provide bonuses to that system and that system alone.

A leader would impart some small bonuses to every system. It is the difference between a Governor and a President/Prime Minister. In this case we are talking about that, and the idea would be to choose a leader that would give you bonuses on the focus of your gameplay. (Exploration and Expansion over Military, for example. Or vice versa)

It would of course be balanced for gameplay somehow. Nothing game breaking.

Make more sense now?
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 4:49:43 PM
idea sounds very crusader kings II... which is an excellent trait based game
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 3:46:26 PM
Right now as I see it, we have heroes to govern individual systems or fleets - But what about some sort of leader for the faction? Think Civilizations - During game setup you would pick your Civ, and then you would choose which leader from that Civ you wanted to play as. They'd impart bonuses and sometimes negatives on top of the bonuses or negatives already associated with that Civ.

I love the idea of heroes, and so far it's shaping up well. But I, personally, would like to be able to choose a leader for my faction. It could even be used to help define your play style a bit. For example a choice of leaders that would give you more of a science or expansion play style boost, as well as a leader who gave you bonuses in your fleets combat rating over all. The bonuses could be something small, or something larger, that would all depend on how it would affect game balance.


Same idea, but how about a political cabinet: Either using heroes or some sort of separate variation of them. A leader of R&D, one for Finance maybe, a PM Of Defense would be another example, etc. Again how much of a bonus this would impart would depend on game balance. And I'm not sure if they should level up or not.

- Basically if you've played Hearts of Iron I/II/III, I'm talking about something similar to that.


Anyone have thoughts on this? It's just an idea. I think it would add some extra depth, diversity, and overall strategy to play through.

Agree/Disagree? Questions? Or if you like the idea but would change certain aspects, etc, then by all means share. Evolve the idea. smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 5:46:37 PM
Great idea...I'd particularly enjoy a leader whose "personality" reflected the game choices I was making. He/she might start with some innate traits, and would then pick up more depending upon the choices I was making during game play, e.g. if I was not belligerent for many turns, the leader might pick up a "peacemaker" quality that discourages aggression with some leader/race types - but encourages aggression from others.
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 6:07:58 PM
gunnergoz wrote:
Great idea...I'd particularly enjoy a leader whose "personality" reflected the game choices I was making. He/she might start with some innate traits, and would then pick up more depending upon the choices I was making during game play, e.g. if I was not belligerent for many turns, the leader might pick up a "peacemaker" quality that discourages aggression with some leader/race types - but encourages aggression from others.

That sounds interesting. So rather than having a tree or skill based leader where you decide what s/he is like, you instead have a blank slate of a leader that gains attributes based on your choices.
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 6:30:54 PM
Oh good one, a developing personality might be nice indeed.

P.S. @Jetkar Noticed you but this in interface on that list. Totally up to you of course, but this sounds like a Game Feature rather than an interface one. I could be wrong, that's just how I view. Regardless, thanks for adding it to the list, and thanks for maintaining such a list. It's very useful.
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 6:35:57 PM
Kalikor wrote:
Oh good one, a developing personality might be nice indeed.

P.S. @Jetkar Noticed you but this in interface on that list. Totally up to you of course, but this sounds like a Game Feature rather than an interface one. I could be wrong, that's just how I view. Regardless, thanks for adding it to the list, and thanks for maintaining such a list. It's very useful.

Its both game feature and user interface however its totally up to Dev team as they will read your thread for more info and if it something they will introduce in game.
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 7:06:07 PM
It would be good tied with some political gameplay (not diplomacy, but politics inside your empire).
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 7:30:39 PM
Could you elaborate VC? I'm not quite sure I understand when you say politics inside your empire. Like different ministers/senators trying to reach Presidency/PMinister status? And then a specific type of bonus based on who gets in?
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 9:09:33 PM
jetkar wrote:
Its both game feature and user interface however its totally up to Dev team as they will read your thread for more info and if it something they will introduce in game.

Ah, I see. That makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up. smiley: smile
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