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Prevent endless retreats

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11 years ago
Dec 29, 2013, 9:19:42 PM
In the current state of the game, retreating from a battle is a bit too efficient in some cases and too inefficient in others.

I've had situations where enemy fleets (about 7 command points each) face my 12-command fleets, take 400 damage (nothing at all) and retreat. I know there's a race which prevents retreats, but I think this is a bit too hard on the other races.

I've seen the following pattern repeat turn after turn when playing against the AI:

  • There's one entry-point to my opponent's system, the other end also happens to be the enemy home planet.
  • I have 4 fleets stationed on my side, further enemy movement is blocked.
  • The enemy moves into my system, I attack him, he retreats taking almost no damage at all.
  • A repeat happens next turn.

I would like to suggest that retreats should have a fail rate based on the number of movement-points the fleet has left. Perhaps with an exception by having some sort of special rule with 50% chance of making it through a jump requiring the Applied Casimir Effect.
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11 years ago
Dec 30, 2013, 10:41:06 AM
While it may not alleviate the problem that much, this is what I've come up with against annoying ever-retreating AI:

However, it doesn't work against standard retreats. :/
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