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Guide for playing as SOWERS

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12 years ago
Oct 11, 2012, 4:20:07 PM
Hi People

I`ve been looking around, but cannot find a strategy guide for playing as the SOWERS, everytime I play as them, I get beat up..LOL.

I loose dust, I get un-happyness, and generally get into trouble

Can anybody advise me on how to play as this race?smiley: confused
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12 years ago
Oct 12, 2012, 2:29:28 AM
They suck... think of playing them as playing against AI 2 levels harder. I play mostly multiplayer so they're unusable.
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12 years ago
Oct 14, 2012, 5:34:35 AM
I am no expert, but when playing the sowers I exploit industry instead of food. I build industry mods first and it seems to make a difference with their racial affinity. Truthfully their slow travel seems to me a bigger set back than their -50% food.

Just my two cents worth.
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12 years ago
Oct 18, 2012, 3:13:24 PM
While I agree that the "core" Sowers seems to be at an extreme disadvantage to most/all of the other factions - the affinity itself as the basis for a custom faction can make a VERY strong, fast early growth (though not quite fastest), hi-tech race with insane production potential in the mid through late game. Getting rid of the slow travel is one key requirement yes...also dropping their ability to colonize every planet pre-tech in favour of some form of global tech increase method (trade, scientists, whatever suits your desired playstyle) and additional happiness, while focusing heavily on getting developed tundra planets as soon as possible (and appropriate specializations in industrial techs) can make them an easily competitive and in some cases vastly superior racial affinity to the others for the VERY early, and the mid to late stages. They tend to lose out a bit in the early to mid stage (over 4 system colonized, pre-tundra terraforming ability) but can usually at least hold their own reasonably well and move back into the lead during that mid to late period - usually enough of a lead to make the other late game minor disadvantages not as much of an issue in comparison to their overall position.
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12 years ago
Oct 20, 2012, 5:23:26 PM
(1) Research N-Way Fusion Plants as very first tech, then grab tundra colonization, then go for Interplanetary Transportation Networks.

(2) Use Production Exploitation on each and every planet.

(3) Ignore food during the early game and go for production instead.

(4) Focus your colonization on production heavy planets (Methan, Asteroids, Desert, Lava), Tundra or tier I planets.

(5) Get a hero to boost your production ASAP.

(6) Colonize as many systems as possible ASAP.
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12 years ago
Nov 26, 2012, 5:18:43 PM
Thanks Folks

~sorry for the late response, been busy ruling the galaxy smiley: smile thanks for the advice, played a Game as Sowers and (although the game said I lost) I thought I actually Won, so I`m happy
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12 years ago
Dec 10, 2012, 9:49:10 PM
As sowers, go nothing short of production. The key thing with sowers is that you are able to maintain semi-decent population growth while having good production. Hence, I typically play sowers as an aggressive faction, using all that production to build large fleets to conquer enemies.

EDIT: OOPS-Didn't realize this thread was so old-my bad.
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