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How do you pump industry to absurd levels?

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13 years ago
Jun 5, 2012, 2:30:46 PM
Try Jungle, you will get better on smiley: food and smiley: industry compared to lava.

Data good for 0.30.5

This is with all upgrades even the type- and size- specific upgrades.

Planet Type Planet Size Approval Total Pop Total F I D S F I D S
Jungle Huge 0 13 773.6 255.3 203.5 116.4 198.4 8 13 7 6
Tundra Huge -5 11 664.5 193.2 139.7 99.6 232 7 10 7 9
Lava Huge -15 7 336.9 69 119.9 40.8 107.2 3 13 4 3

Source: excel 2010 chart I made that can calulate and compare different planet types. It is attached for reference. Data good for v0.30.5
Planets FIDS.zip
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10 years ago
May 12, 2015, 4:56:56 AM
I was actually expecting some higher numbers when I saw this thread. If you want some big industry numbers, custom-Harmony is the race. Heck, I've had one system here with over 32,000 industry.

Food surplus converted to industry combined with the Harmony's tax system (slid to the left to maximize food) on a 5-6 planet max-pop, terraformed system, and topped off with the strategically resourceful perk will easily get you over 20,000 industry.

And if you are worried that you won't have any science with the slider maxed on food, don't be. That system I mentioned before cranks out over 10,000 science with ind-sci conversion. Needless to say the game was beaten very soon after.
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12 years ago
Jun 20, 2012, 3:08:05 AM
I haven't noticed the plate giving the bonus. I checked in a recent game and didn't get the insane bonus you think you would. Quick note, this was after I had done the conversion so maybe because my surplus was 0 it did 2*0. I don't know if it could effect the rate because it only affects surplus not computation of food production.
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12 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 1:45:27 PM
Leonoux wrote:
Being able to convert 100% of your extra food to industry is an amazing bonus even if it prevents pop growth.

I believe you forgot to build the plate, which doubles your food production.

You might also consider building all the happiness improvements and pump up taxes for even more dust.
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12 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 12:49:59 PM
Evil4Zerggin wrote:
I wonder if you could ride the Ind->Food conversion harder with Horatio--you get extra pop, and luxury resources effects, unlike strategic resources, can be quadrupled (!) through tech, so if you put Hydromiel on every planet, that's +12 Food per pop from Hydromiel alone! Perhaps you could exceed 10k production that way?


So crazy it might just work!
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12 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 6:30:23 AM
I think Garden of Eden probably has the advantage provided the planet has a nice resource.

Further possible optimizations:

  • Make sure you have Hydromiel, Proto-Orchid, and Virtual Artifacts monopolies for the boost to FIDS.
  • Six moons for the increased moon effects. I'm not sure what all the temples are but if there's a +Industry one you could probably stack that too. Even if there isn't, Sower Inorganic Cultivation provides extra Industry for Moons.
  • Adamantian, Hexaferrum, or Quadrinix on every planet.

I wonder if you could ride the Ind->Food conversion harder with Horatio--you get extra pop, and luxury resources effects, unlike strategic resources, can be quadrupled (!) through tech, so if you put Hydromiel on every planet, that's +12 Food per pop from Hydromiel alone! Perhaps you could exceed 10k production that way?
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12 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 4:00:57 AM
Obviously they are doctored a little bit, but with 6 planets I made two systems have 5..9k and 6k industry. I could of made more by doing the +2 smiley: stickouttongueopulation: improvement from the bottom of the colonization tree. I prefer the food and population bonus of garden of eden over a straight industry bonus, not sure which is better end game though. Being able to convert 100% of your extra food to industry is an amazing bonus even if it prevents pop growth.

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13 years ago
Jun 9, 2012, 11:34:35 PM
Evil4Zerggin wrote:
It looks like they made the top terraforms 60% (!) cheaper: Class II now costs 800 instead of 2000, and Class I 1280 instead of 3200.

Very nice.
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13 years ago
Jun 9, 2012, 4:30:26 PM
It looks like they made the top terraforms 60% (!) cheaper: Class II now costs 800 instead of 2000, and Class I 1280 instead of 3200.
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13 years ago
Jun 5, 2012, 11:45:59 PM
Two turns of your entire Dust-focused empire's income for one terraform doesn't strike me as a good deal. Especially when a late-game system easily can complete the terraform in the same time with just its own Industry, and even that is really expensive when you could have been producing a full fleet a turn. I did do the terraform in my own game, but I'm not going to claim it was good strategy; I did it just because I could run up the numbers, and I already had more fleets than I wanted to manage.
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13 years ago
Jun 5, 2012, 11:28:47 PM
Draco18s wrote:
22,000 iirc. For jungle

In my last game, since I was making 12 - 15k Dust a turn (and from what i've read of other UE players income thats pretty low), that would come out to 2 turns for a terraform. Consider also that every turn something builds the cost goes down, so you can feasibly come up with a strategy of focusing in on a select few systems you want to create into production capitals and by producing some structures/terraforms and buying the rest you should be able to get it done in no time. Additionally there is atleast one building that reduces the buyout cost of buildings, which would allow you to rush buy all the industry buildings you need, while putting turns into terraforming.

With the buyout method as the UE you can get enough dust to be able to turn a relatively new system into whatever you want within a few turns.

Sorry that's all, I don't mean to derail the topic any further.
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13 years ago
Jun 5, 2012, 5:31:19 PM
evil4zerggin wrote:
buyout cost increases superlinearly with industry cost, so a terraform buyout is crazy expensive.

22,000 iirc. For jungle
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13 years ago
Jun 5, 2012, 5:30:32 PM
Buyout cost increases superlinearly with Industry cost, so a terraform buyout is crazy expensive.
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13 years ago
Jun 5, 2012, 2:51:32 PM
mabalogna wrote:
Solution to your problem is to play the United Empire and just rush buy everything

I was, but I didn't have the money to rush-buy a terraform.
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13 years ago
Jun 3, 2012, 4:13:41 PM
What technologies do I want to focus on to get some of the immense +industry numbers I read some people are able to get? When playing Sophon my systems maxed out around 300 industry per turn (364 without an administrator for my single highest system on turn 166 about to win an expansion victory), with even my best systems taking two or three turns to crank out a battleship. While I'd normally say this was fast enough, some people can put up some crazy numbers.

Heck, while we're at it, are there any Science improvements I'm missing out on? The right tech tree has some nice stuff, of course, but I'm not peaking at much better Science than I am Industry (461 in my highest system, though they're losing 61 because they're Unhappy so it could be 522 if they were Content or even higher if they were getting bonuses) despite building Public-Private Partnerships and Magnetic Field Generators everywhere and exploiting with lots of Global Tech Parks.
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13 years ago
Jun 5, 2012, 12:22:21 PM
What i use depends on my race. For everything except sowers i use Systems with nearly complete Lava, a Hero and alot of Upgrades, i end up with ~3000. As a sower i use Tundra planets (they have a good racial skill that gives good industry bonuses to Tundra), a hero and alot of Upgrades. The good thing about Tundra with sowers is the less -smiley: approval, i dont know were it would end, havent played a whole game to that point yet.
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13 years ago
Jun 5, 2012, 4:32:45 AM
Solution to your problem is to play the United Empire and just rush buy everything
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13 years ago
Jun 4, 2012, 7:28:05 PM
So in a game I played over the weekend, I managed to get ONE system all jungle with full pop and all improvements by the time the game ended. I actually held of a science victory to pick up the last two or three techs to pump that production as high as it was even possible to do.

I got just over 2500 production (4 jungle planets, 1 moon).

The biggest hurdle is actually terraforming the planets. Why? Because of three things:

1) The production cost to terraform is huge. The net gain in production is fractional compared to the cost, unless the system is shitty production wise, in which case you're looking at the Long Game. It'd take dozens of turns to "make a profit" at a point in the game where it's already over (or in the case of a terrible system, take dozens of turns to complete).

2) Terraforming jungle planets is a late-game tech. If you're researching it in order to pump out ships, stop it, and focus on a wonder victory (seriously, that tech is right there, only a jump away)

3) The number of techs required to pump industry over 2,000 requires three techs from three different trees. If you've got the science necessary to churn these techs out, then go for a damn science victory already.

Basically, there's little reason to do the work to pump your industry this high because, frankly, the game is over. And either you already won (and you're holding back to make your victory that much bigger) or you've already lost (in which case, why are you dedicating resources to terraforming rather than fighting back?)
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13 years ago
Jun 4, 2012, 6:25:05 AM
I can't wait for multiplayer when all these strategies, which work great against AI, are turned on their heads by other players. It will be great watching how everyone adapts and evolves in game to each others plans, deceit, and strats.
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