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Hectic Combat

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11 years ago
Dec 9, 2013, 11:24:58 PM
Yea, that's great idea and very nice testing you've done. I'll probably set HP to 150% of current values for the next update.

What were the ships designs for each side for the SR laser test? I thought I modeled it correctly but it sounds like something is off with my model.

I'm also surprise LRB is working that much better than MRB. SRB being weak isn't surprising to me because of the HP issue.

I'm going to attach the worksheet that I used to balance everything in case anyone wants to look. Its a lot of inter-connected cells but once you get the hang of it its pretty intuitive, I think. This might also help pinpoint what may be wrong with the balance where and so on.
HC balance v1.1.2.0.xlsx.zip
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11 years ago
Dec 10, 2013, 12:27:17 AM
Antera wrote:
@Banzailizard, I just did a quick test with custom Hissho, I was able to upgrade the level of my fighter/bomber from 1 to 2 without issue. Did you have the necessary strat res? It could be a bug that I can't replicate on my machine.

Oddly on reloading my save I can't seem to get it to replicate either, not sure what went wrong.
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11 years ago
Dec 10, 2013, 2:55:43 AM
I'll re-run the SR laser tests and check full ship values - I only recorded the results

It's possible they apply shield defense rating first, then absorption

I'll run a few different scenarios and see what I come up with
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11 years ago
Dec 10, 2013, 5:31:54 AM
I've been trying to install the newest version of your mod but it didnt work, it wouldnt show up as installed even though it was and so I coudnt load it. It was the only mod that didnt work for me the older one does (and others). Anyways I think I fixed it and you simply made a small error in your index file. When I changed your release date to 2013-12-07 instead of 2013-12-7 in the index.xml it started showing up. Maybe its just my computer as no one else has said anything smiley: smile Thanks for the great mod!
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