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Deep Freeze DLC not registering from DotE's Founders Pack.

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8 years ago
Jul 21, 2016, 1:51:33 AM

Heya, pretty much what the title says. The odd thing is, this occured about 18 hours ago, I assume there was a site patch or something.
Anyway, I purchased the Founders pack of DotE, and so got the Deep Freeze content included. I can still buy the Deep Freeze DLC, but I've already got that content, so I don't really see why, aside from this achievement.
This is pertaining to the G2G achievement, if that wasn't clear already.
So, I'm wondering if it'll still give me the achievement on the badge again, or if I need to buy the DLC (basically again) through Stean in order to get it.

P.S. I also aparently have 250 referers... Only 250, not 1 or anything like that, my badge shows only 250.

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8 years ago
Jul 21, 2016, 7:48:42 AM

Thanks for the report, we're looking into it.

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