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Interview with a Water Elemental on how it manages to exist.

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8 years ago
Aug 24, 2016, 10:14:17 AM

“Very simple. As I am made of water most of my particles are composed of H2O molecules. However, in order for me to be sentient and alive, I need a few other things to live. I do not have RNA or DNA because I cannot contain it nor do I need protein particles. I have a Hydrogen Based Radio-Electromagnetic Cells (HBRE). The HBRE is the reason why I appear to be living moving water. As it is electromagnetic it can contain the H2O molecules inside of me. Notice that HBRE contains the word. Radio. Each of the cell transmit radio waves so every part of me move in unison or does not need me to in one form. This also mean that I can duplicate myself. Because of my HBRE cells I can exist as a living water creature. But I need something else to become sentient. This is where my only organ come into use.

The organ is known as a "Water Brain" according to human scientist. Similiar to a human brain, it contains memory and transmit information to other organs. However, unlike a human brain. There are many "Water Brain(s)" in my body. Each of them transmit information to other Water Brain and HBRE cells. This is how. I can divide into 2, 3, or more and act as one single entity. The Water Brains can stretch and enlarge by using the HBRE to act on the water brain. It enlarges by taking in large volume of air.”

Welp, so how was it? Re-reading it was very cringey. 

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8 years ago
Aug 24, 2016, 10:44:35 AM

Welp, so how was it? Re-reading it was very cringey. 

It was ok I guess. I need more context as to what is going on to really evaluate how good it is. Adding the questions would be nice too.

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8 years ago
Aug 24, 2016, 11:11:38 AM
BlackBird1696 wrote:

Welp, so how was it? Re-reading it was very cringey. 

It was ok I guess. I need more context as to what is going on to really evaluate how good it is. Adding the questions would be nice too.

Alright mate, glad to see constructive feedback. How was the accuracy of the post in your opinion? 

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8 years ago
Aug 24, 2016, 8:13:48 PM

Honestly sounds scientific enough, I don't know enough about chemistry to accurately tell you if that would comepletely work though. However on the other hand it sounds to me like the elemental is a living magnetic field that has used water to form a body. Especially since an EMP or major electrical shock would be absolutely devastating to the creature you describe as it would scramble their cells and brain into mush.

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8 years ago
Aug 25, 2016, 1:37:02 AM
BlackBird1696 wrote:

Honestly sounds scientific enough, I don't know enough about chemistry to accurately tell you if that would comepletely work though. However on the other hand it sounds to me like the elemental is a living magnetic field that has used water to form a body. Especially since an EMP or major electrical shock would be absolutely devastating to the creature you describe as it would scramble their cells and brain into mush.

Heheh, that would explain why electricity does double damage to them. :3

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8 years ago
Aug 25, 2016, 4:24:33 PM
EndlessCrashes wrote:

Hmm, maybe you are interviewing a WeatherKin?  

Now that I thought of it, it cannot possibly be a weatherkin since the molecules aren't too far apart. 

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