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Profiler badges riddle

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8 years ago
Aug 26, 2016, 3:21:34 PM

Hi guys, this is my first post and probably not the most pertinent.
Like lot of people, I've unlock many things in the reward section.

But, I've seen that after the "connected to steam" reward for the platinium profiler badge, the others bullet points are not showed.
I've look at the top profiles of the leaderboard but they are blocked at the same step.

So I wonder if anybody know what is the other things to do to unlock these ones ? 

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8 years ago
Aug 31, 2016, 12:51:23 PM

The last three haven't been added, yet. If you check mine, and you'll see that I have unlocked most, you'll see that it's missing, too. :)

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8 years ago
Aug 31, 2016, 7:44:58 PM
Frogsquadron wrote:

The last three haven't been added, yet. If you check mine, and you'll see that I have unlocked most, you'll see that it's missing, too. :)

How many of those badges do developers get automatically?

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8 years ago
Aug 31, 2016, 10:55:36 PM
Alien@System wrote:
Frogsquadron wrote:

The last three haven't been added, yet. If you check mine, and you'll see that I have unlocked most, you'll see that it's missing, too. :)

How many of those badges do developers get automatically?

They would get most of them automatically just from owning the game s and all the related dlc as well as how often they have to test features before handing them over to the beta testers.

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8 years ago
Sep 1, 2016, 9:21:43 AM
BlackBird1696 wrote:

They would get most of them automatically just from owning the game s and all the related dlc as well as how often they have to test features before handing them over to the beta testers.

Not really. Programmers rarely actually play the games during development, except to test if the feature works. The most exposure get the QA people, whose job it is to test as much as possible, but even they don't often get a full experience. And even then, since they're working with the production copy that isn't connected to steam, they don't get the achievements.

Developers are far too busy making awesome games to play them.

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