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Your first game parameters

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8 years ago
Sep 30, 2016, 1:49:45 PM

Hi everyone,

When I start a new game, especially if it's the first of an endless 4X, it always take me a huge amount of time to know what is a good first game.

I talk about the size of the map, the speed of resource collecting, the number of ennemies, etc.
Do you have some  idea of how you'll start to play to endless space 2 ?

And have you already any favorite to start with ?

Actually, I think a good start could be to use the sophons in a little-medium map, 1 or 2 ennemies and with standard speed.
What do you think.

More generally, I wonder if there is any parameters that you never change ?

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8 years ago
Oct 13, 2016, 6:24:57 PM

Since its early release and we don't have all tech eras I recommend you use the galaxy young setting, besides that, i like playing with 3 ai (with small map) or 5 ai (medium map), if you like starting isolated go for constellations and 4 arms galaxy, if you're all about enslaving or wiping out those goddamn aliens, go for 1 big constellation and a smaller map. Whats fun is to vary from gameplay to gameplay, maybe one game with sophons isolated, the other with a vodyani or craver close, just don't get stuck between 2 ai's for starting, it also depends on their difficulty level though.

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8 years ago
Oct 31, 2016, 1:39:56 PM

Honestly, no matter what the settings are, getting a decent galaxy is still a total crapshoot. I tried the Cravers for the first time yesterday in a young, large, Twin Elliptical galaxy because I wanted lots of hot planets, and I got my wish: there was virtually nothing but Ash, Lava, and Gas planets to colonize.

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