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Awful forum design

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8 years ago
Nov 27, 2016, 3:29:17 AM

useless headers fill up almost half of the screen! who the hell think this is a good idea ? 

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8 years ago
Jan 6, 2017, 11:28:58 AM

It's called design, and some people on the forums here actually like it ^^

It's also never a good idea to bloat every bit of space with buttons and whatnot.

What exactly are you searching for on the forums, which is hard to find?

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8 years ago
Jan 6, 2017, 1:10:46 PM
icarus86 wrote:

It's called design, and some people on the forums here actually like it ^^

It's also never a good idea to bloat every bit of space with buttons and whatnot.

What exactly are you searching for on the forums, which is hard to find?

He's searching for Vaulter fan-fic. Trust me on this one. 

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8 years ago
Jan 6, 2017, 3:04:15 PM
zukenft wrote:

useless headers fill up almost half of the screen! who the hell think this is a good idea ? 

If you had used this forum, then you would notice, that the both sides are actually used, and i quit like it. Also this "wasted space" gives it a kind of clear, overlookable feeling, that i find laking in other forums. I want to spend time on this webside and not to feel the need to click it away as fast as possible, as it with its blinking adds, its tons of buttons, that could be hidden easily as when you need them its obvious where to find them, and only halfshown background, that in the end just look kind of ugly and are unstatifing, is irritating as f***. 

Please, look at the games of this studio,  then look at the forum and you will find, it follows the sense of style that is Amplitude. 

Greetings, and sorry (not sorry) for the rant,


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8 years ago
Jan 26, 2017, 9:28:55 PM

I literally just posted this: Best Website And Forum I've Ever Seen and then stumbled on this post. 

the first 20% of the top, the left and right corners and the very bottom of the screen is the hot-space for design. 

It would only be wasted if it did not have any elements that serve a purpose. 

In the case of this forum, I find it well laid out and using that space effectively.

Just though I should share.

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8 years ago
Jan 30, 2017, 10:27:21 AM

Hi guys,

We're alaways in search of feedbacks, good or bad, and I really want to thank you guys for these words of encouragement!

This website is still not perfect, but our team is growing in number and hard at work to deliver a beta version soon (maybe a few weeks), wich should improve the ergonomy and usability a lot.

However, if you have any suggestions, any ideas to make the G2G better than ever, we're eager to read you, and keep in mind that the Ideas section is also here for this :)

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