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A minor setback.

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10 years ago
Dec 15, 2014, 11:47:56 PM
So I was quite happy my little laptop could handle the games I liked to play to a somewhat satisfactory degree...

Sure it got a bit heated if the graphics were too good, and it might have shut itself down a few times because of overheating.

IO might even have had to borrow my brothers computer for my more demanding games.

That's okey. And the it stopped working. It turns on, the power is running and then nothing. I hear the fans start running and that's it.

It might not be that good in itself, but it is an excellent reason to buy a new computer.

something stationary that can handle my games.

And wouldn't this be easier if I actually knew anything about computers...

do you people have any suggestions for a fellow player in need of guidance?

I'm rather devoid of millions of moneys, but I could potentially buy it overtimes so price is...

low but somewhat open - the main point is... what do you need in terms of hardware?

I don't play any mmo nor any FPS games, if that is of any interests.

But games I do like is well, think Endless legend, the sims 3 or 4, Skyrim ect.

As well as less demanding games, but that's somehow incorporated I hope.

hm... what else?
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10 years ago
Dec 17, 2014, 12:28:31 AM
Well, I guess it might have been a bit much to ask. none the less, I've ordered something. a bit of google and some reviews and now I'll hopefully have something to play on at the end of the year.

if I can get myself a screen by then, I didn't order that. bad Rancor, bad.
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10 years ago
Dec 17, 2014, 3:32:47 AM
Hope the setup you ordered works perfectly smiley: smile I have no wisdom to share on these matters though...
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