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What do you do when you are bored?

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12 years ago
Jan 4, 2013, 2:35:58 PM
I dont get bored, I have the internet smiley: stickouttongue Always find something to do, programming, maths, random wikis, watch lectures, talks, tv shows, documentaries, whatever. The possibilities are endless smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Dec 27, 2014, 1:00:41 PM
Bored...heh enjoy eroge mostly storybased novels, other than that idk gaming seems all i care about when not tired. Considering can not or yet to learn any additional languages nor, have picked up translated copies in book stores... Rather not sure if im ever bored anymore. Always mind is racing with heck maybe im bored right now and this is something i do to stay optomistic.
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10 years ago
Dec 12, 2014, 12:05:25 AM
When I'm bored I usually combine it with feeling restless and indecisive.

so basically I have a whole lot of things I could do,

not a whole lot of things I'd feel like doing

and an urge to do anything.

Not much gets done in these moods I'm afraid. most often I find a fanfic to read somewhere on the web,

or if I can manage to decide on a game to play.

very rarely do I clean or something useful like it while I'm feeling bored - but it has been happening with increasing frequency at least.
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10 years ago
Dec 11, 2014, 4:54:20 PM
I just like to listen to music of Bandcamp or play one of my 100 video game or watch one of my 150 movies... so I never get bored smiley: smile

(literally not joking I have lots of movies... an entire bookcase full!)
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10 years ago
Nov 24, 2014, 10:18:25 AM
When bored I watch other people work. For example spambots hard at work:

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10 years ago
Nov 21, 2014, 5:09:16 PM
ManojCh wrote:
There are amazing things to do when your bored, Here is the list of productive things -

1. Lets Clean our wardrobe

2. Sell all the unwanted things from home

3. Grow your Vegetables and water your plants

4. Create your own blog/websites

5. Walk for sometime for your Body

6. Learn different languages

7. Play online games

8. Check your E-statement of credit card

9. Surf Internet to gain some knowledge

10. Go for Long Drive

11. Watch latest Movie

12. Go for bike ride

13 Go for shopping (Clothes, sandals, shoes, Belt, Handbags, purses)

14. Make a To-Do List for weak

15. Donate your old clothes to charity

16. Clean Computer / Laptop

17. Try to learn recipe from Television

18. Make album of your mobile photos

19 call your friends and loved one's

20. Time to clean terrace garden or yard

Ugh, your boredom fighting activities look tiring. When I'm bored (which is hardly ever) I go for a drive.
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10 years ago
Nov 21, 2014, 8:41:05 AM
There are amazing things to do when your bored, Here is the list of productive things -

1. Lets Clean our wardrobe

2. Sell all the unwanted things from home

3. Grow your Vegetables and water your plants

4. Create your own blog/websites

5. Walk for sometime for your Body

6. Learn different languages

7. Play online games

8. Check your E-statement of credit card

9. Surf Internet to gain some knowledge

10. Go for Long Drive

11. Watch latest Movie

12. Go for bike ride

13 Go for shopping (Clothes, sandals, shoes, Belt, Handbags, purses)

14. Make a To-Do List for weak

15. Donate your old clothes to charity

16. Clean Computer / Laptop

17. Try to learn recipe from Television

18. Make album of your mobile photos

19 call your friends and loved one's

20. Time to clean terrace garden or yard
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12 years ago
Jan 21, 2013, 6:34:05 PM
endlesspaste wrote:
When I'm bored, I browse forums looking for people that will tell me how I can make money from home. I haven't seen anyone here with any offers yet.

The posts have been deleted smiley: smile There certainly has been some
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12 years ago
Jan 21, 2013, 2:55:36 AM
When I'm bored, I browse forums looking for people that will tell me how I can make money from home. I haven't seen anyone here with any offers yet.
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12 years ago
Jan 16, 2013, 10:12:14 AM
Internet stuff: reading and music. I'm still looking for a gaming related hobby but I have no idea what I could do in my spare time.
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12 years ago
Jan 16, 2013, 8:47:45 AM
Usually end up down some rabbit hole on the internet acquiring useless knowledge on some topic ...
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12 years ago
Jan 5, 2013, 3:45:14 PM
I get bored at times, as I sometimes get into moods where I want to do something.. but can't find anything that I want to do that I have available..

But generally, I'm a movie buff and I have lots of movies to watch; and I get on ventrilo with my gaming community buddies and play Civ V or other games. smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Jan 4, 2013, 11:54:34 PM
I'm too lazy to even get bored and there's always something to do no matter how pointless.smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Dec 10, 2012, 2:58:36 PM
Everyone gets bored at some point, wether you are waiting on something or you are just really bored with nothing to do. The way I like to spend my time when I am not playing video games is: Drawing, starting a conversation with a stranger(Its because of where I live, the people are reletively friendly), look up completely irrelevent information on wikipedia, clean, groom my cat, or just aimlessly browse the internet.

What about you? What do you do in your bored time?
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12 years ago
Dec 14, 2012, 7:38:22 PM
In the order of preference:

-read a book... or more likely getting back to the book I was reading the yesterday evening.

-playing a game or looking for a new game to play

-looking for a new book series to read... I waste a lot of time doing this... It's hard to find a good series that I would enjoy.

-look for some info on wikipedia and the getting lost there... happens a lot lately

-surfing the web in general or some forums or communties that I am member off.

I think that's mostly it.
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12 years ago
Dec 11, 2012, 11:12:42 AM
I watch funny movies/series or listen good music.

and of course I'm playing ES :P
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