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What is the best game main theme?

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10 years ago
Jan 7, 2015, 5:48:29 PM
Oh - Derp. I forgot to link something.

Here's the Crusader Kings 2 theme - Which you'll hear A LOT of you ever play this game. It takes a while to find out who you want to play as, where and when. Skip to about a minute into it and you'll see why it gets on my nerves after a while smiley: biggrin

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10 years ago
Jan 7, 2015, 11:33:26 AM
Not a fan of the game but I love the main menu theme :3

It's generally pretty tough for me to separate main menu from its music. Some games had awesome main menu *cough*C&C3*cough* but not-that-amazing-music, while others were the other way around.

Close(ish) pretenders for me would be:

Baldur's Gate (nostalgia!)

Heroes of Might and Magic V (smiley: biggrin)

C&C3: The Forgotten (best mod main theme)

Analogue: A Hate Story (gonna be honest, just cos it's from Analogue: A Hate Story but I like the ambient feel)

Generally speaking I agree with Mansen. Most main menu themes for me get really obnoxious after a while. I used to love EL's main theme. Now I'm kinda sick of it cos I hear it all the time :3
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10 years ago
Jan 6, 2015, 6:04:29 PM
I generally don't like main themes because they always play on game start - Those are the tracks that I get oh so tired of. Like the AoEII theme in OP. But I absolutely love the soundtrack as a whole. smiley: wink
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10 years ago
Jan 5, 2015, 7:14:16 PM
I'd go with

And I see we have a Planescape Torment lover here ! You're a goog guy
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10 years ago
Dec 24, 2014, 1:57:25 PM
BioShock has an amazing OST but I am torn between Legend of Zelda, Chrono Trigger, Age of Empire 2 (Because it took up all of my Childhood), Half Life 2, Bioshock, Terraria and Civilization 4 (Because it also took up my Childhood).

I think I will Choose Legend of Zelda for my favorite theme

Oh I Forgot Tetris

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10 years ago
Dec 23, 2014, 10:02:05 AM
Age of Wonders (original and Age of Wonders 3) had amazing soundtracks as well.
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