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Endless + Oregon Trail

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9 years ago
Nov 24, 2015, 7:18:42 AM
I know I just recently made (another) suggestion for an RPG type game, but hear me out on this one, I think it could have a good amount of meat on it.

Dungeon of the Endless was released in close proximity to Endless legend, and one of its key features is being a highly unique game for combining aspects of rouge like and TD and adventure RPG and etc game... Which all resulted in a GREAT standalone title that also helped draw in crowds to all of their other titles.

Now, EL ends with and ES2 begins with a ship filled with colonists heading out into the great unknown to find a new home...

What if Amplitude took that basic premise and used it to create a unique take on the Oregon Trail-like games? Maybe combine it with bullet hell games and/or some qualities on spaceship management/survival games like FTL? Maybe throw in some moral dilemmas that affect the crew psychologically like in This War of Mine or just strait up create some branching paths that borrow both from Oregon Trail and choose your own adventure games?

Maybe add in some good ol diversity by having different heroes/settler compositions with different perks/draw backs?

Eh? EH? Cmon, this here's a pretty tantalizing concept. A pseudo narrative driven, pixel art game that focuses on resource management vs risk/reward could be a pretty nice addition to Amplitude's belt and further add to the collection of Endless games.... Just saying, If they made something like this I'd buy it... smiley: lol.png" alt="smiley: smiley: lol" title="smiley: lol" />

Of course, realistically I'd probably buy anything Amplitude made given their proven quality. Still, here's a concept...
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