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Aurora 4X Forum Game

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9 years ago
Jan 28, 2016, 4:55:54 PM
I'm sure some people here have already heard of Aurora 4X. For those that haven't: Aurora 4X is a free sci-fi 4X game that goes into great detail in its different aspects, such as ship and weapon designs, resource management, or its solar systems (hundreds of asteroids and dozens of moons are not uncommon). However, if you expect pretty graphics in your space 4X, this is not the game for you. It's all about the numbers and the simulation.

I've been interested in it fur a long time, but never dragged up the motivation to scale the steep learning curve.

However, with its recent rise in popularity thanks to various youtubers, I figured a fun way to finally try the game would be to forego the traditional Earth-based start and create an empire modeled on one of the factions of Endless Space, with the forum acting as my advisers, hivemind, voices in Horatio Prime's head, or whatever other justification you prefer.

Of course, leaders, colonies, ship classes, or individual ships could be names after characters from the Endless games, forum users, or devs, as strikes our fancy.

The big question is: Would anybody be interested in such an ongoing, hopefully interactive, written LP, and if yes, what faction should we model our empire on?

Since I would likely need a number of different polls over the course of this, I'll be handling them through Strawpoll.

First, the Faction Poll
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9 years ago
Jan 29, 2016, 10:44:44 AM
Do you want to tell us laymen a little more about the game's context, so we can make an educated choice? smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Jan 29, 2016, 4:52:29 PM
I'm hardly an expert myself. ^^ However, as far as I can tell, there really isn't much context to the game other than "We've discovered these elements that let us break Newtonian physics. Let's go colonize the galaxy/universe." Pretty sure there's not even a defined victory condition, either.

  • I could say it is known as "the Dwarf Fortress of 4x games,! but that probably still doesn't man anything to anybody, so I'll try to say a few words about how the game works:
  • Within a system, ships accelerate to their maximum speed instantly, but travel between systems works through jump points (via jump drive on a ship or a jump gate), similar to the strings of ES.
  • Unlike most 4X games, you need to actually mine resources to be used in your factories and refineries, and they are decidedly finite.
  • Colonies, fleets, ships, and even research projects can be given leaders, which could be analogous to ES heroes (and the forumites and the Amplitude staff smiley: biggrin There is even a minister of community manageme... I mean, of public relations.)
  • Though there are no fixed hulls, all ships can be designed by putting components on them: Engines, sensors, damage control modules, colony modules, mining tools and fuel harvesters, cloaking devices, armor, shields, anti-missile systems and CIWS point defense, Railguns and Gausscannons, lasers and particle beams, (potentially multi-stage) missiles, and fighters... (How fortunate that the three weapon types match up)
  • Many of these modules are designed by the player from sub-components as well.
  • Civilian shipping companies create their own ships and their own mining operations, and you can let them handle a lot of your transport tasks.
  • Planets with somewhat suitable gravity can be terraformed by adding or removing the appropriate gases to the atmosphere to make it breathable and adjust the temperature.
  • Depending on game options, you can come across precursor ships, extra-dimensional aliens that wiped out the precursors (which would make a fine stand-in for the Virtuals), or a ravenous hive fleet (Cravers!).

That's about all I can recall off the top of my head.

I could recommend some LPs on youtube, but all of them take quite a while to get going.
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9 years ago
Feb 5, 2016, 6:26:47 PM
Voted for Hissho, now to actually do some reasearch and see what you are talking about in detail xD
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9 years ago
Mar 6, 2016, 1:43:50 PM
I've been gone for a little over a month, and still almost no votes?

Given that the game also throws an error every time I try to start it, I figure this idea is now officially abandoned.
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9 years ago
Mar 7, 2016, 9:10:03 AM
Hey don't look at me, I did vote! smiley: biggrin
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9 years ago
Mar 7, 2016, 11:57:28 AM
And for what it's worth, you were a fine Minister of Public Affairs while it lasted.

But the first game I created suffered some error that set the ideal gravity of the species to 0, so the maximum gravity we could tolerate was 0+0*40%=0, which meant a complete inability to colonize anything.

And the second game is throwing a similar error message. It works for now, but I don't trust it.

If not for that, I might have continued for the three people that voted.
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9 years ago
Mar 7, 2016, 1:06:17 PM
That gravity requirement does not sound optimal indeed...
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8 years ago
Sep 4, 2016, 12:15:11 PM

As soon as I can get it working properly. I still have some trouble with the custom start throwing error messages, and we don't want to start in the Sol System, do we?

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