Ambitious. Nothing super novel, given that Europa Unversalis and Civilization exist, but that's not nessecarily a bad thing. Many good games have their foundation and key concepts in well threaded waters. I mean, take Klei for example, none of their titles appear to bring something to the table that didn't already exist in some form. But all their games I played were well-designed and super polished, and (therefore?) fun to play. With ambition there is of course the risk of not delivering the promise. Will Amplitude deliver? For now I will only remark that their ambition is backed by solid experience, and that the general theme is strong and catchy.
Looks pretty. But a game should do more than looking pretty.
Nice. The region system is one of the things that made Endless Legend stand out. I like that it starts out "defined by nature", but ends up being shaped by human culture.
Ok, this is really cool. The 'cultures across the ages' reminds me of Dominions, somehow. Maybe it's the Rome - Ermor connection. No skeletons here tough, thank Pantokrator.
60 cultures. 10 solo artists. 8 hours of tradional music. An additional 90 minutes of orchestral music. Even if the game flops, there will be music I would want.
"In a video game, what you hear is just as important as you see" yes. "If the player is approaching the coastline, they will gradually hear the sounds of crashing waves and seagulls come nearer" Yes. "So we recorded in Scotland and the Grand Canyon" YES "I had to record at an active volcano at the top of the Stromboli and the Etna" Wait what? I often find that the music and sound of a good game oozes with the game's theme, likely because music and sound has less practical constraints than other parts of a game (it is of course possible to have the theme very strongly in the game's visual style, such as in Persona 5, but this must be balanced against usability and is very difficult to pull off). The main thing I'm hearing in the music so far is that gradually, the sounds of nature will be replaced by sounds of hammers and anvils, swords and ploughshares as culture conquers nature. Will humankind be merciful to the conquered? Vae victis...
Very nice. Build your culture through choices in events, rather than ticking boxes and moving sliders.
Overall I'm hyped. My current feeling of this game is a bit like Dominions, but more ehh, accessible, say. Now I have to figure out whether I'll play Dominions 5 or Endless Legend again while I wait for Humankind.
Newcomer Lord
Here I stand with all my lore, no more wiser than before...
Newcomer Lord
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