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Is Humankind dead?

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a month ago
Aug 16, 2024, 12:18:27 AM

i guess dead is not game, but the marketing team (they got executed by developers for failing the selling rate). Thats why darkarrow  can’t get any info he could post about…

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Aug 22, 2024, 1:43:13 PM

Yesterday on the discord HK-news channel the devs released post about HK 3rd birthday they mention they are still working on the next update "but are not quite ready to go into details yet".

So it would appear there is a glimmer of life.  

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a month ago
Aug 24, 2024, 1:22:46 PM

We got a new update confirmed! Yuhu!
The game has yet to die and it will keep going for some time. I Can't wait for the new update

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23 days ago
Aug 27, 2024, 10:09:19 PM

peter79 wrote:

Yesterday on the discord HK-news channel the devs released post about HK 3rd birthday they mention they are still working on the next update "but are not quite ready to go into details yet".

So it would appear there is a glimmer of life.  

It better be a big one then.

EsoulBoy wrote:

As for me, I hope there will be not expansion but some rework again (especially infrastructure and district cost rework). As expansion leads to tons of new bugs and as showed TWR, vanilla is much more fun. But now vanilla is enough with mechanics, only need to rework them and add make multiplayer more balanced

Yeah, and it was pretty obvious that the job of the DLC, as it is with most games, was to flesh out barebones, underdeveloped features at launch like pollution and religion. If they can rework those with just updates that'll do as well. Personally what I'm hoping for, as always, is new cultures, and not just any cultures but those that were parts of the histories of the cultures already in the game. Not being able to fully retrace the history of any of the cultures in the game is still my biggest issue with it, and I still believe the Culture Shifting (have we found an official name for that yet?) represents and should represent the various regime changes that the nations of the world have faced through out their long histories.

Updated 22 days ago.
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22 days ago
Aug 28, 2024, 1:50:52 PM

@Fullscreen_Lurker I just recently got into Humankind, and I was also confused about the ability to Culture Shift in different eras.  But for my first game I tried to retrace the history of the Olmecs and just kept choosing them.  I built mostly buildings only they would make and tried to envision how they would exist in the modern era.  It was pretty fun!

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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 2:52:39 PM

Such a shame. The current buggy state of the game makes me not want to play it. Since they claim to still be working on it, I can't believe they haven't even dropped a small bug fix patch in 9 months. It's unprofessional.

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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 5:41:51 PM

I'm atill waiting. Haven't played since Mar 27. Don't intend to play again until I have solid proof there is something happening.

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3 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 7:28:06 AM

Timbre wrote:

I'm atill waiting. Haven't played since Mar 27. Don't intend to play again until I have solid proof there is something happening.

Moi aussi je veux avoir une confirmation que les choses bouge avant de relancer le jeu !!

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3 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 9:09:15 AM

Fhale wrote:

Such a shame. The current buggy state of the game makes me not want to play it. Since they claim to still be working on it, I can't believe they haven't even dropped a small bug fix patch in 9 months. It's unprofessional.

Are you encountering a particular bug? 

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3 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 5:59:30 PM

Daarkarrow wrote:

Fhale wrote:

Such a shame. The current buggy state of the game makes me not want to play it. Since they claim to still be working on it, I can't believe they haven't even dropped a small bug fix patch in 9 months. It's unprofessional.

Are you encountering a particular bug? 

Daarkarrow, can you please give us any news about the update? When can we expect something? Why it's taking so long?

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2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 7:52:56 AM

GediminasLM wrote:

Daarkarrow wrote:

Fhale wrote:

Such a shame. The current buggy state of the game makes me not want to play it. Since they claim to still be working on it, I can't believe they haven't even dropped a small bug fix patch in 9 months. It's unprofessional.

Are you encountering a particular bug? 

Daarkarrow, can you please give us any news about the update? When can we expect something? Why it's taking so long?

Unfortunately, I cannot share much news about it. We had a day in mind for a release but we needed to push it back due to certain things that happened (we are checking when it could be a good time). When possible we will be sharing more information about it. Really sorry about this.

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6 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 10:18:26 AM
I'm not encountering any bugs (that I can tell), so for me, it would be a nice update if it develops some core mechanics and does not nerf the powerful, but rather buff the weak.And yes, I'm very excited if a new paid culture pack can come out - we still need a "cultures of Southeast Asia" and "cultures of Europe" to allow some people to fully trace a culture if that's what they care about.
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