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Stucked units after war ended

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4 years ago
Apr 23, 2021, 10:28:29 AM

1) Summary: After making peace and units on the players teritory who you peaced they cant move anywhere.

2) Description: After you make peace with another player (ai) and your units in their teritory, you cant move them cause it would be generate war, but you can't declare war cause you don't have enough war desire. The bad thing is units will lose HP each turn so they will die, the other bad thing you know they will die, but cant remove them instantly not to pay the upkeep.

3) Reproduce:

- Declare war

- Conquer a teritory ( one or more, in my example was about 5 )

- Leave your armies in the middle of the province ( my armies was in cities and in outpost ), without a neighbour friendly or neutral tile

- Make sure your war desire is under 50 ( i had about 10, and the enemy war desire was 0 so i could force him to surrender )

- Make your enemy to surrender, but in the peace offer you don't get the occupied teritories

- The enemy player then get back the occupied cities

- End turn

- Next turn your armies can't go anywhere, and can't do any action only skip turn.

4) Reproducibility: 1 / 1

5) Expected behavior: I dont know what is the expected behavior but for sure not this :D, maybe the armies teleport to the nearest friendly or neutral tile. 

If logs needed i think i can send it (but didn't do it yet)

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Apr 23, 2021, 10:39:57 AM

So you can't march them out towards your own territory?

I've had cases where my ships were caught in the enemy land after peace. If I tried to move then onwards, it would force me to declare war. But I was able to sail out to the ocean freely (towards my land).

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4 years ago
Apr 23, 2021, 10:44:54 AM

Actually I don't remember i tried to give them direct order to my land or not. They were so far from my land ~15-20 tile.

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4 years ago
Apr 23, 2021, 2:56:19 PM

Something similar happened to me. I entered a civ's territory and only after i've taken a few steps i actually discovered the civ (the diplomacy tab opened up). Then, my unit was stuck inside enemy territory (because it was already a city), and i couldn't move without declaring war.

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3 years ago
Jun 20, 2021, 10:54:23 AM

Confirmed I had the same issue in the June 2021 Closed Beta... Armies then started suffering attrition but I couldn't do anything other than reload and take the territories.

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3 years ago
Jun 20, 2021, 12:35:42 PM
You will be able to move them if you give them an order to move directly to your territory. You must click on a hex in your territory (right click in normal unit mode, left click in move mode) and not at any intermediate point.

If you still can't move, then please file a proper bug report with a save and steps to reproduce.
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3 years ago
Sep 10, 2021, 3:11:34 PM

After encountering a civ, my ship unit was forced to leave their territory, I moved to the nearest space that was allowed. This space had no other exits and only two hexes of movement allowed. I can no longer move this unit except back and forth in the 2 hexes. I also can't disband the unit since this isn't friendly territory. So I've got a unit I can't use, can't delete, that's costing me gold every turn.

The game doesn't let me move through enemy territory to get to friendly territory either (even if I plan a move to the friendly territory directly)

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