Overall I really enjoyed playing this game and look forward to playing a lot more of the finished version.  However, there were a number of nits to pick, largely concerning interface items.  The first two I list are really frustrating, the rest merely annoying:

1.  City Production panel:  in my game it showed one row of 4 items I can build and I had to scroll like crazy to look at my options.  Yes I know there's a list option, but I don't know what things do yet.  Reducing the interface size in the options didn't increase the viewable area of the panel and let me see more rows.

2.  Left click de-selects units while right click de-selects everything else.  I can't count the number of accidental move commands I issued because of this.

3.  Keyboard scroll speed is painfully slow.  Give us an option to speed it up.

4.  Give us an option to return to our previous zoom level after leaving civic/trade/research/etc. screen

5.  In the "notifications" ui, when you hover "acknowledge" its hover info covers the message.

6.  We have to click an outpost to see how many turns left to build city, would be nice to have that on its banner or at least hover info.

7.  When I earn an era star and click through to the era star screen, highlight what I just earned.  Better yet, just tell me what it was in the notification so I don't have to think about what I had before and what I might have just done.

8.  When you "attach territories" by clicking on the city banner button you see a list of outposts with no way to tell which is which because they're all just called "outpost."

9.  The hover text on "parsimonious" talks about less enlightened citizens and money taken away from education, but it gives you +2 science?

10.  Civics screen, Legitimacy:  "Customary laws" choice applies "celebrating" without telling you what Celebrating does.

11.  "Build Outpost" hover info:  when I don't have enough influence it shows how much I need, but I'd also like it to show what resources the outpost would have if I were able to build it now for planning purposes.

12.  If I open the notification area, hitting "acknowledge" on the last new one should close it instead of making me click again.  Also, if I hit the button to click through to the appropriate screen it should clear the notification as if I had hit "acknowledge."

13.  When a decision modifies one of my ideological axes it should show me the affects of that change, similar to how it does when picking civics.  This is even worse when an event choice forces a civics choice you haven't unlocked yet, and have no idea what your choice will do.

14.  If you're not going to have a mini-map, increase the maximum distance we can zoom out and give us a button and/or keyboard command to toggle out to max zoom and back to our previous zoom rather than spinning the mouse wheel 50 times.

15.  Occasionally I got a scientific osmosis benefit of 0.  Either make it always non-zero or just don't bother mentioning (and making me click) on the 0 point ones.

16.  Retreat needs a major overhaul.  Having a single unit run away and disable 4 of my stacks for the turn is bonkers and stupidly frustrating.