Firstly, I understand that Lucy Opendev is pretty much alpha or maybe pre-aplha build. So it is possible that some or all of the things I am going to mention are on a to-do list or have been considered already. Having no way of knowing that, I'm just living some of the issues that I personally found as having room for improvement.
Unit movement range indication. With various movement cost modifiers and terrain features that might block movement (which, especially at high zoom out, are not always immediately popping out) it would be nice to have an indication of where the unit can move. Maybe a line around the whole area that is within movement range, as is often used in titles with hex based movement.
Identification of the event. This one was especially noticable for me when it came to earning era stars and World Deeds. When clicking on the more details icon (the magnifying glass one) it opened the correct window, but did not highlight the specific reason for notification in any way. It'd be nice to knew what exactly earned me the star or which deed was claimed.
Scrolling speed. Ability to adjust scrolling speed with WASD would be nice.
Some kind of in game encyclopedia. Now this one is obviously something that is not expected to be implemented at this stage of developement, but I don't recall similar feature in Endless series (that might be on me and my faulty memory). It's pretty useful for a complex game like 4x strategy to have a single place where various systems and mechanics can be looked up.
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Gigau, Imperator Orbis Universi Computerised Systems Enigneer Game Beta Tester Modder (MEIOU of EUIII, M&T for EUIV)
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