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Feedback: User Interface and User Experience

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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 3:27:10 AM

Finished a game and currently I feel it takes a bit to long to advance to the next age. also the AI likes to spam the same demand over and over. An AI decided to spam the convert to my religion demand for the last 20 turns of the game. I feel something can be done like limit the ability to make the same demand after it was rejected before. like make it to where you cant demand that demand for a while after it is rejected. 

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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 5:30:44 AM

Inspired by Jarke's post, I made some mock ups of some UI changes. My version of scrolling over the diplomacy bar at the top of the screen.

-I think the Culture Adoption announcements should tie into the "Avatar Empire" role play system better. My example: first pic is the announcements as the game currently shows, the second is taken from the culture page that turn, it currently shows exactly what avatar icon/color that announcement applied to, but its on an out of the way screen.

Third pic is my combination of the two.

This example might make it easier to better understand which of the seven opponents is changing culture at a glance, instead of the player being spammed by less helpful messages.

-Here's an example of when a known an AI avatar/empire upgrades cultures. The first pic is as the game currently displays it. (7 of these popping up starts to lose meaning) The second pic is my change.

I think stating the old culture is not as necessary as stating the Avatar's name. Then continuing to enforce their new culture with their icon and green color.

-Also, units gaining the ability to embark needs to be on the tech tree. The in-game embark icon is enough, after two games I think trade expeditions is the correct tech:

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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 6:02:59 AM

I've just spent some time playing with a focus on trying to explore the world. My overwhelming impression is that the game is designed to entrap the player in one place. To begin with, AIs surround the player and refuse to share open borders. If you try to slip past them early on, they hunt your units down and kill them. Trying to go over water is a non-starter as deep water research occurs so late on the science tree. All of this is compounded by two features of terrain.  The first is the back and forth nature of any movement over land that's caused by terrain features that block forward motion that are not really detectable until your troop actually encounters them (many areas where you'll have to backtrack aren't visually apparent). The second is the fact that any given island or continent is edged by tiles that won't allow embarkment or disembarkment. Again, these tiles are not clearly visually defined as too cliff-like to move onto or off of. Instead, many, if not most, look like beach tiles at sea level. These features make trying to explore the map, let alone circumnavigate by the Industrial era, an exercise in frustration. Exploring the map is one of my favorite parts of civ games. I'm disappointed this game is so hostile to exploration.

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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 8:43:24 AM

CristataC wrote:

Inspired by Jarke's post, I made some mock ups of some UI changes. My version of scrolling over the diplomacy bar at the top of the screen.

That would be much much better. Though I'd also add the current attitude and strength in the tooltip as well. And color code the "at war" frame in red, so that it's more obvious.

Also agree with your other suggestions to use the color coded player names everywhere.

Also, on the end statistics screen, I'd like to see a summary of which cultures were picked by which player. Doesn't need to take up a lot of space or be fancy, just be there.

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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 11:10:15 AM

I am unable to change the Settings -> Gameplay -> Max # Autosaves value. I managed to modify it once and now it is set to 36, but I am unable to change it back via either the slider or the text box.

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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 12:44:08 PM
There was no real indicator on when a culture ability is ready/recharged (that might be because of the bug that displayed devtext on mouse over)
Your Research income should be visible somewhere on the main HUD imo
There was a weird turn counter (just like the research one) below the civics bubble which seemed to do nothing and disappeared later
Ending your turn is blocked when a unit has not enough movement left to embark. You have to skip the unit for the turn and then requeue the movement the next turn.
Armies keep showing up as idle and block turn ending even when they are doing their queued moves.
I kept a "Close to a War Victory" notification every couple turns starting at around Turn 150 even though I was never in a single war all game
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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 2:29:45 PM
I have a lot of trouble seeing / reading the Faith color; it's a kind of yellow that goes to white too quickly, at least for me
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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 2:33:37 PM

Not sure where to put this, but I had this reoccurring bug, where things would stop being visible. This mostly happened to units after combat and would resolve after reloading the game, but there was also that one instance where my city centres were invisible or maybe even non-existent. I think that was a result of me building those outposts on the ruins of other outposts, but I'm not sure that was the case with every invisible city centre.

Most of the issues I had with the interface were already mentioned by other people here, like that lack of information on other empires in the base UI, or the many unnecessary notifications that often give little information on what actually just happened. I'd appreciate the ability to control what notifications are shown or what pop-up windows appear. Generally I think it would be nice if the notifications stayed minimized, even with the notification area extended, until I click on them.

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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 2:39:17 PM
CristataC wrote:

-Also, units gaining the ability to embark needs to be on the tech tree. The in-game embark icon is enough, after two games I think trade expeditions is the correct tech:

It is there, kind of--mouseover "Transport Galley", and you'll discover that it is what units turn into when they embark, thus it makes sense that that is where you gain the ability to embark. It could be worded better or made more clear, however.

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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 3:39:36 PM

I still think that it is hard to see how much science I am generating empire-wide and how much faith each city and the empire is generating.

That should be added to the top right or next to the science / region circle on the bottom to make it easier to see how my decisions impact my science and where to build faith-based wonders.

I also think that I want to zoom out more while still keeping the terrain view and seeing what my cities are working on. Maybe having a slider for the threshold when this is happening in the settings would be great. Now I zoom out to see where I want to send my units and then I need to zoom back in to see what they are working on and what terrain is there. That is really annoying and makes the experience so much more tiresome because I am zooming in and out because I never have the information on the screen that I need to make my decisions.

I also still think that for some wonder descriptions it is harder to understand what part of the bonus is impacting all cities and what part only impacts the city in which it is built. Maybe make the phrasing more explicit there and say "on all cities" and "on this city" for each part of each bonus. 

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 4:50:49 PM
CristataC wrote:

Inspired by Jarke's post, I made some mock ups of some UI changes. My version of scrolling over the diplomacy bar at the top of the screen.

I just quoted the one, but these are all great! I think it would really help with keeping track of who is who, since that's what the consistent avatar, player name, and color are for, after all :D

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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 6:02:57 PM

Trying to give in game feedback after a session brings up a blank white box (blank except for the close button, thankfully), rather than anything... feedback-y.

In general on the map you can left click to select/deselect a unit or drag the map, with right click telling a unit to move somewhere/attack something. However, when you click on one of the icons to issue a command, such as move, these are reversed; right click now cancels and left click commands.

After you get a proposal, I've found the map is zoomed way out, rather than at the level it was at before the diplomacy screen came up.

Finally, I can barely read any text in the colour faith's assigned when against a white background.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 6:40:59 PM

I can't turn on the tile yields. When I click the button, yields flicker on some tiles but they never stay in place and I can't tell what I'm doing well enough to get past the neolithic age. 

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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 7:19:17 PM

There are lots of notifications that tell you very little. "Your city has been converted to a new religion" should specify which religion it was converted to so I don't have to click the religion tab and then find the city. Also, the grievance notification could tell you which grievance you got and the relationship change notification could tell you what their new attitude is towards you.

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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 7:37:36 PM
rararasputin wrote:

There are lots of notifications that tell you very little. "Your city has been converted to a new religion" should specify which religion it was converted to so I don't have to click the religion tab and then find the city. Also, the grievance notification could tell you which grievance you got and the relationship change notification could tell you what their new attitude is towards you.

Very much agree with this, especially the relationship change notification. It could say simple like "(Avatar name) is now (new relationship) with you."

Something I just noticed in my new playthrough: When a player has an outpost on a territory, the border is marked by separated/banded lines to show the border are not fully closed. However if that outpost territory touches the territory of any other player that border will look closed wherever the zones touch.

 My opponents territory here is controlled only by an outpost, but along our shared borders it seems like its controlled by a city (or possibly administrative center). So in this example, purples border that touches mine should still be banded. While mine is from a city and should remain solid.

@magilzeal Thanks, I can see that now. It looks like you unlock a new naval unjit, but that boat is just the animation/ability the embarked units will use. I agree the wording could be improved there.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 7:43:44 PM

One niche thing that I found annoying is with stability, the game keeps the value non-negative by increasing the base value (which is normally 20) to whatever it has to be to sum to 0. It took me a good while wondering why some of my cities had different base values for stability, and wondering how I could increase the base stability value, to realize this. Its highly unintuitive and  whenever you want to figure out how much stability your cities actually have when its bellow 0, you have to hover over it, look at the base in the tooltip and subtract it from 20. This feels like an artifact of preliminary programming, find some more natural way of displaying this information, maybe just as %0 and then in parenthesis (%whatever the real negative value is). 

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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 8:06:39 PM

Loving the game so far, but not even having game open, my biggest gripe and most annoying takeaway is I keep accidentally moving units, or accidentally committing to some event/action. I press what I think is the cancel/back key but it turns out it was an accept action.Please, I have terrible memory and worse ADHD, I constantly forget what keys I'm supposed to be pressing.

List of suggestions (in no order):

  • Dedicated BACK/CANCEL Button for ALL screens
    • Make it show on the tooltips, ex: [A] Attack [M] Move
    • Toggle-able 
  • Assigned key always visible in the ToolTips
    • Toggle
  • Minimap / Map
    • Toggle in settings
    • Allow [M] or Assigned Key to display the map even when on diplomacy screens. This will allow me to make quicker decisions, and avoids accidentally canceling/accepting things.
  • Animated UI Text/data/info changes
    • Maybe whenever you hover a potential choice, make the text "pop" either with color, size, or movement.
    • This will make it quicker for the player to see how their decision is affecting the city/empire
    • Just any general action should pop more, I feel like a lot of data gets missed because of the gorgeous GUI
  • Add QuickSave / sounds text on screen

I think I have more suggestions but this forum's text box is starting to lag my PC so i'll add more later.
Have a good day, really like the game so far.

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 3:18:29 AM

UI - Cities

1. Allow changing the name of outposts;

2. Allow characters from other languages, like korean/japanese/russian;

3. After changing my city name, the game still kept showing notifications with the previous (original) city name instead of the new one.

UI - Other

1. Add a minimap to the game. It may not be enabled by default, but we need an option so we can use it. The map is quite large, so it would be great to have it;

2. Add a clock to the top bar so we can see the time (system clock).

UI - Player badges and colors

1. Every player has a badge and a color attached to them, but it would be great to change the color and the badge if we so choose. I don't want to play using a static blue color forever. The badge looks great, but if we are choosing a new culture, it would be great to use their flag/badge or something instead of that horse badge.

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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 3:37:48 AM

Could use a toggle on the login to show/hide password.

Panning around the map is super slow.

Updated 3 years ago.
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