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Feedback: Game performance

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3 years ago
Jun 14, 2021, 6:35:42 AM

I don't see a thread on this, so I hope this issue is fixed before 17th Aug. 

At "Good" setting, every button click takes 2-3 seconds to do anything, and every time I alt-tab in and out of the game, the game just froze.

I run the game on old GeForce GTX980M, and it is really laggy on "Good" video setting at 1920x1080. I have to turn it down to "Fastest" to be anything remotely playable - and it has a few bugs like Units not showing on map when another unit retreated near it, and the motion of each units in combat is just pixelated blur.

Now, my laptop is old, but I don't think this game should suffer this badly on a laptop that can play more graphic intensive games like Far Cry 5 or Cyberpunk without such heavy lag.

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3 years ago
Jun 14, 2021, 6:43:39 AM

I was also encountering the same issue. I have an 11-year0old GTX 650 Ti, but I could run previous open devs fine on the "fastest" setting. Now, it's hardly playable on "fastest". maybe I just need to upgrade, but it is weird that this latest version is so much slower than the previous versions. Perhaps a new feature was introduced that's causing this. It would be nice to know if I'll need to upgrade for the game to be playable on release or if there was just an optimization issue with this version that will be fixed by release. 

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3 years ago
Jun 14, 2021, 7:11:18 AM

Actually, after playing for a while longer, my performance issues seem to have went away. Maybe it's just really slow loading in but gets better after playing for a few minutes

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