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Feedback on Closed beta by 1500 turns Victor OpenDev (and Lucy) player+Bugs i encountered(Update 1)

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3 years ago
Jun 15, 2021, 8:36:52 PM

(Post Updated 1 - 17.06.2021)

Thank You for making this amazing game! I`d like to share my feedback as the in game form is so limited in what info i can share


1. You can only see in the most zoomed in view what the city is building (building picture next to city name) and the “show primary type of Output generated by a Quarter” button (colored districts hexagons). In Victor you could see them also in the most zoomed out view until the zoom reaches "full colored territories zoom out view". Please add these features at least as a option in game so that players like me that enjoy playing in zoomed out view to see more of the map like in Endless Legend (until zoom reaches "full colored territories zoom out view") but without loosing important information on the map (districts color code and placement and what every city is building)

2. Add a option for the city to remember filters when switching to another city (like show just districts or show just units). For example i want to build a unit in each city and i have to all the time apply filer again and again as it resets to "all" every time. if you choose a filter let it stay until I choose otherwise


1. Save game does not load (you have to exit game and reload it to fix this, streamer Shenryyr also had this issue)

2. I had 10/10 Science leaving Neolithic and i got no trait dialogue = I had no Neolithic trait. Although i got the 10 Science curiosity like in Victor OpenDev

3. You can now propose 4 treaties in 1 turn with the same Civ, in Victor you had to wait to add new treaties and it makes sense to do so

4. If you add same building to the building queue multiple times at the end of the queue and than you drag them in the constructing now slot they are not visually moved there until after you move all the same type of buildings at the end of the queue to the constructing now slot and than the last before them. Only then UI refreshes and shows things correctly, before that it does not show that you moved the buildings from the end of the queue to the "now building" slot

5. I can`t see Agrarian meter (like in Victor) and the explanation how and why it fills (you have 0 info if it fills, when and how)

6. Game crashes to windows when starting a new game (this has not happened in Victor or Lucy)

7. I am getting notifications that i am winning or loosing war with green although i was never at war with him or anyone else in this playthrough (BUG detailed with pictures in a post below this post)

8. With agrarian Civ if i select a city and than i highlight the agrarian ability button it says how many pops i get and also that i will steal some from my neighbor`s pops but if i select another city and than get back to the first one now the agrarian ability button says how many pops i get but I AM NOT stealing anymore from the neighbors. Same turn same city! just select another city and go back to the 1st, game changes info and you don`t steal pops anymore (BUG detailed with pictures in a post below this post)


1. I merged 2 cities and I had 0 stability after that in the new city that resulted, so i built in it stability buildings and districts but the stability was still 0 and did not increase. I had to manually add and subtract 30 or so number info traits from the stability details to understand how negative my overall stability is and how much stability i have to add to get it positive (as it was not 0 but much below 0 and when i merged cities i had no warning about this!). Please calculate for us total stability and show it so we can easily add what is needed

2. Also there are a lot of places where info is incomplete in the game and totals are not calculated (like you get 1% per number of sciences researched (bonus from a wonder) , please tell me how many researched sciences i have now and show me the total bonus that i get, don`t make me count how many researched sciences i have. What does redistribute 50% food from a city to all other mean exactly (another bonus from another wonder) show me how it calculates and what it does and so on, there are many places where players have to guess how things work or calculate a lot of parameters, please don`t make players guess as this is not a good game experience

3. Allies from friendly become unfriendly “alarmed from my recent actions” although I gave them all that they wanted all game and renounced all my religious grievances towards them. Why is this happening and what does it mean? please add more info in game

4. Endgame is just every SINGLE turn i have to forgive allies (green and black) religious grievances (and to most other Civs also) = this is so bad and annoying, can`t i just set a policy for how many turns to forgive them? and they are my ally why do i get war score against them although i forgive grievances? How can i stop it from happening? I want to get along with my ally

5. Please don`t forget to add a planning screen (like in Civilization) where with the help of different kind of map pins and colors and other tools you can plan ahead for the future where to place districts and how to develop cities. That is something that is truly missing, a planning tool, and is hard to just remember what you are going to do and where to place buildings to add more adjacency bonuses and stuff

6. On the same machine load times are longer than Victor

Hope this helps. I will keep adding feedback as it rolls in

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 15, 2021, 11:18:14 PM
GlorySign wrote:

1. You can only see in the most zoomed in view what the city is building (building picture next to city name) and the “show primary type of Output generated by a Quarter” button (colored districts hexagons). In Victor you could see them also in the most zoomed out view until the zoom reaches "full colored territories zoom out view". Please add these features at least as a option in game so that players like me that enjoy playing in zoomed out view to see more of the map like in Endless Legend (until zoom reaches "full colored territories zoom out view") but without loosing important information on the map (districts color code and placement and what every city is building)

I absolutely agree with this! I miss being able to see what all my cities were building when I was zoomed out to look at them.

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3 years ago
Jun 16, 2021, 10:00:22 AM

Another BUG i had: I keep having this message that i am about to win or loose a war with green although i was never at war with him in this playthrough and he is also my ally, in fact in this run i made 0 wars so this is so weird and this problem was not in Victor. I am attaching a screenshot

Updated 2 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jun 17, 2021, 5:10:04 AM

Playing with an agrarian Civ if i select a city and than i highlight the agrarian ability button it says how many pops i get and also that i will steal some from my neighbor`s pops (from what neighboring cities and how many pops i steal) but if i select another city and than get back to the first one now the agrarian ability button says how many pops i get but I AM NOT stealing anymore from the neighbors. Same turn, same city! just select another city and go back to the 1st, game changes info and you don`t steal pops anymore

Picture 1 : I steal pops from 3 nearby cities

Picture 2 : Now i steal pops from just 1 nearby city (all i did is select another city than get back to this one and read again the agrarian button info)

Picture 3 : Now i do not steal pops from neighbors at all (all i did is select another city than get back to this one and read again the agrarian button info)

This problem was not in Victor.

Also there is no agrarian meter in this beta as it was on Victor although i get tooltip info about an agrarian meter that will fill

Updated 2 years ago.
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