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[Idea] More Meaningful City Statuses with more Percentages

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2 years ago
Sep 13, 2022, 1:33:57 PM

At the end of a City Event, cities usually receive a "City Status" for 10 turns on normal speed, and while some of these statuses noticeably affect the city's behaviour and feel, most of them don't, especially in the later eras where their static bonus/penalty is miniscule compared to the city's outputs.  +5 to +15 on a single city's FIMS isn't super noticeable beyond the medieval age.  Sacrificing and Patriotic, on the other hand, with unit production cost discounts of 20-35%, are noticeable at any era and great to take advantage of.

Endless Legend was full of city infrastructures that provided a useful and size-appropriate boost to a small city and which scaled to have value as a larger city, too.  For example, Mill Foundry provided +6 Industry and +15% Industry, and the Empire Mint provided +5 and +15% Dust(Money).  The static bonus felt good on a city that might only be producing 30 industry or 10 dust per turn, and it scaled into the future.

Using those infrastructures as inspiration, what if City Statuses provided a static bonus and a small percentage bonus.  For example:

  • Bountiful (+5-35 food) could become [+5 and +10% Food]
  • Diseased (-15-30 food) could actually become [-20% Food], actually killing some population over time
  • Flooded (-2 FIMSS in early eras, scaling up to -5 in later eras?) could be a general -15% on all FIMSS
  • Force-Labored's +5 industry could become +5+10%

Stability is already a "bounded" value from 0-100 (not counting surpluses) so wouldn't need to change with this.

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2 years ago
Dec 10, 2022, 4:10:08 AM

Stability doesn't need to be switched to percent, but still the 10-20 stability from events is unnoticeable by mid-late-game. The 50pt from refusing osmosis does have an effect, so raising the stability gain/loss to 50-100 would be impactful. Note that stability doesn't change right away, so even a huge decline won't necessarily have a material impact.

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