Game too dark a year ago
Game seems to look almost pitch black on default settings. Turning the brightness slider all the way up barely improves things. I am constantly stumbling into crates and containers. Had to bump around for a solid minute or 2 just to get to Cartie (I love Cartie)
I have already done the following thing multiple times each:
--Verified game files
--Reinstalled graphics drivers
--Restarted Steam
--Restarted PC
--Fiddled with all kinds of video setting to no avail
My graphics card is NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680, from what I gathered online this should be enough to run the game at at least 30 fps(with respective settings).
But overall the game was running pretty smooth enough the whole 20+ hours that I played it, it's just too dark and ever since I found out that it's not supposed to be like that I find it harder and harder to try again.
I love Endless Dungeon and been looking forward to its release since the first announcement and hope that this issue can be resolved.
Finally I want to thank all the people involved with the creation of this gem of a game. I've already had lots of fun, and wish to recreate those feeling again but with friends and without bugs.
P.S. If I am too silly and it's my graphic cards inability to make it look normal, please tell me so. Much love XOXO