AmpliMath announced it two weeks ago, we showcased it last week during our livestream, now is time to delve a little more into the content brought by the Organic Matters update, available on November 24th for PC! This content is the result of


The new Organic pod expands and takes hold in rooms as they are powered. As a result, rooms cannot be unpowered. Due to its living nature, it slowly damages (digests?) modules built into powered rooms. However, it also generates food per each powered room, as well as reduces drastically mob defense in these rooms. Give it a try and tell us what you think!

Meet QV1819, also known as Rosetta, diplomatic robot on a mission. This adorable little critter seems weak at first, but hides a potential only unlocked when facing large groups of monsters.

These bad boys are actually quite harmless... until they're surrounded by other monsters. The smaller Vultu keeps modules busy without attacking. The larger one leeches stats off of your Heroes, and the largest, staying only temporarily before exploding, gives dust upon being destroyed... but you have to be quick about it! We expect these monsters to spice up your encounters quite a bit.
To keep in line with the living matter theme of the update, we're adding two minor modules that recycle destroyed enemies into industry and food!
We're proud of announcing that the game now supports Gamepad input! A standard X360 controller will do the trick, but fancier controllers should work too!
Finally, the game is now offering a long-awaited ending sequence, that ties in with the end screen. No more details on this, you'll have to exit the dungeon to see it!
That's all for today. Stay tuned for more on Dungeon of the Endless - Rescue Team!